I wanted to know if someone try to made an MK2 turntable like an M3D with change MK2's pitch slider for a M3D's pitch slider and adding PICTH RESET SWITCH P.C.B and the switch button ? I have look the Manual service of the two turntable and it's seeming possible.
What do you think about Transform SL1200 MK2 to M3D ??
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it is possible for the Pitch reset Button it would get a Bit tricky thouh .. Drilling a hole in a Technics would be the last thing i would do in my life.. lol
i have see your topic about Lead's Technics SL1210 LTD. But i don't want modify MK2 pitch slider as you made for your modification. i wanted to replace it by an M3D pitch slider i will understand that the switch add on the SL1210 LTD it's just for increased or decreased speed ?
Lead do you know if it was esay to add switch for reset speed as on M3D ? I supposed that you disable lock quartz on your SL1200 LTD how you do to keep the led light ?
The illumination stays in tact. The locking function is only disabled.
I haven't tried it myself so I haven't done any testing. But it seems to me that when you cut the orange wire (needed for the 0% mod) and you make a switch that connects it to the TT Ground this should do the trick.
I m looking the manual service for M3D i m suspected that the swtich reset also bypass pitch slider. I think if i switch only orange wire, i must have the pitch slider around the 0 click position. Perahph also on MK2 's pitch slider the cliks bypass in the same time the slider.
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