Has anyone noticed American Audio Copying?
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teddyaakre    posted on 04-04-2006 00:22
Its amazing how much copying American Audio does.. Just look at this!!!

These are basically the Hdj-1000s!!!

The Stanton st-150

The Technics 1200's

The Numark turntable (cant remember the name)

What do you think about Has anyone noticed American Audio Copying? ??

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teddyaakre    posted on 04-04-2006 00:25
Just click the Links...

Its a disgrace!

Camino    posted on 04-04-2006 00:26
American Audio is a OEM company - a group that collectively funds R&D - thats why a lot of them are lookalikes. Stanton is also in this group to a certain extent. the one you labled as 1200 was actually originally a JB systems (Hi-Q20 or something i beleive); also a OEM device then. There are a lot of HDJ 1000 lookalikes - american audio, akiyama, and macmah but to name a few - again - OEM....
teddyaakre    posted on 04-04-2006 00:31
Well that makes more sense.. thanks deafdj!

I was wondering how they get away with this! Without getting sued etc.

Lead    posted on 04-04-2006 11:29
They buy a pre-fab piece of equipment en only design the color and printing on the housing. Nearly no research is done, they are totaly reliant of their EOM suppliers for new features.

At Frankfurt they also showed some of their 'new'  products, basically only MP3 support was added. Checkout these images :

OEM--American-Audio-CDi-300MP3 EOM--American-Audio-CDi-500MP3 American-Audio-HTQ-4.5

Let the BASS be louder
Mod edit by Lead on 04-04-2006 11:30 (1%)
DJ_Inspiration    posted on 04-04-2006 11:31
Let's start a OEM-company with DJ-Resource :D

That would be cool

sjtoffelaer    posted on 22-10-2008 14:11
old forum, but let's reply for once:
The American Audio HTD 4.5 has different specs from the stanton, only the housing is OEM and was used by DAP, JB-Systems etc. The turntable is however a unique American Audio Product. The cd-players in the CDI series and the headphones (hp700, 500 and 200) are real OEM products, as is the turntable you compare with Numark.Smile having fun
steve-wilson    posted on 10-11-2008 22:19
what is an OEM company.. n theres is alot of cheaper comanys "copying" i have noticed.. probably this OEM thing you talk about :P
Reind    posted on 10-11-2008 23:48
Poster: sjtoffelaer
The turntable is however a unique American Audio Product.
It's not an unique product, it's 100% the same turntable as Synq, Reloop, Akiyama etc has. AM-Audio doesnt have an turntable that's not OEM, all the turntables are!
Marrabas    posted on 13-11-2008 10:52
but this stuff haven't the same quality... we can call that "imitations"?
Victor    posted on 13-11-2008 11:23
The OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) is the manufacturer -often in China- that actually makes the stuff. American Audio and others buy the OEM-equipment from the OEM and have their label printed on it so they can sell it as an American Audio/Stanton/Citronic/Synq product. Except for the label and sometimes the color, these OEM products are usually identical to each other.

However, large "OEM shoppers" like American Audio and Stanton can also ask the OEM to change the product to their needs. So sometimes, not all OEM-products that look the same are equal. For instance, Stanton has a version of the high torque "super OEM" turntable with a different tonearm. Other OEM shoppers may ask for software modifications, different faders, extra option etc.

American Audio is not only an OEM-shopper. It also has some products that are not sold by other brands.
Reind    posted on 13-11-2008 14:31
Poster: Marrabas
but this stuff haven't the same quality... we can call that "imitations"?
It has the same quality, the print circuit board, faders, tonearm etc they are all the same. The only thing an "manufacturer" (because AM-Audio, Reloop, Synq and all the others aren't realy the manufacturers of these turntables and cd players) can change are the color, the logo and the options like an line output like synq has, the key correction like the Stanton ST-150. All the extra's are options (opt-in), it's all notified in the list i have from the original manufacturer in China.

When let's say AM-Audio orders the turntables at the original manufacturer the only thing they have to do is fill in an list with the opt-in items they want to have, send logo and color information and the container can be shipped within six weeks from china to europe.
User edit by Reind on 13-11-2008 @ 14:33:56 (45%)
Marrabas    posted on 15-11-2008 10:03
so...why the price is not the sameConfused

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