The djm-800 or xone 92 (6/6)
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Poll : Djm 800 or xone 92

-Pioneer Djm-800
-Allen and heath xone-92

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teddyaakre    posted on 27-03-2006 11:28
PLEASE help me... i really need to know which one to buy... i cant make up my mind... and once i buy one of them there is no turning back, because of all the money that were talking about...

anyways, have any of you tried both of these mixers?
Is the xones sound a lot better? if you add a efx-1000 to the xone will it be able to do most of the things that the djm 800 does...

help anyone?

What do you think about The djm-800 or xone 92 ??

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gethigh    posted on 19-07-2006 23:15
sorry didnt know the djm has the midi controller to, i know the xone was the first ever mixer that had it

and i dont use cd players so i need good analog sound, i will not use any effects because the **** up the song, atleast the style i play
Jorrit    posted on 19-07-2006 23:21
Poster: gethigh
sorry didnt know the djm has the midi controller to, i know the xone was the first ever mixer that had it
Maybe it was the first, but if you count the amount of midi channels of both mixers you see how big the difference is in that point... I don't know the numbers right now, but I know the DJM-800 has A LOT! :D

and i dont use cd players so i need good analog sound, i will not use any effects because the **** up the song, atleast the style i play
What style do you play?
gethigh    posted on 19-07-2006 23:23
I play progressive
Jorrit    posted on 19-07-2006 23:26
If efx suit progressive is another discussion, imo the echo/delay/flanger efx are nice additions to progressive, but that's a personal matter... Back on topic Winking my eye

gethigh    posted on 19-07-2006 23:30
the thing i like about progressive is that you can mix it sublime and still give it tha one special thing when you mix another record in
because of the rhythm, the drums that you add to the other song
the mixing in part (couldnt find a better way to describe) can be much longer and can sometimes make the songs more lifefull, energetic and the still sound good and the sounds fit together, it doesnt sound busy

well, this is super off topic but i wanted to say this :p

teddyaakre    posted on 20-07-2006 01:25
Ok, Jorrit Let me break it to you hard.. The effects of the Xone:92 are so delicate that you can easily mix it in sounding like it should be there :D (im not sure how to explain :D)... the possibilities are endless, this is a question of quantity vs. quality.. and in my case i choose quality because my whole setup is quality from my McIntosh amp to my infinity kappa 9.2i speakers, and what i especially like is all the different knobs to change the deph and wildness etc..

So everytime someone breaks out the echo/delay/flanger i feel like i have gone back in time... because the effect is to predictable.. and its so noticable... so whenever someone uses an echo in a club everyone will know that he is.. if someone uses a low deph low pass on 20k Hz on beat.. no one will know that he is doing it, it is so much better (in my opinion) when you can listen to a dj and think how the hell did he do that, than thinking OH, there goes the PAN, or and now he is bustin' out the ECHO again...

Please note by that this is all my opinion :D and that i still think that the DJM-800 is a great mixer, but it just doesn't fit MY dj needs :D (i still envy the bit crusher Winking my eye )

Jorrit    posted on 20-07-2006 11:00
Ok, Jorrit Let me break it to you hard.. The effects of the Xone:92 are so delicate that you can easily mix it in sounding like it should be there


Why are you speaking in plural? The only thing the Xone has is his (superb) filterbank.

the possibilities are endless, this is a question of quantity vs. quality..


If the possibilities would be endless, you would have gone voor quantity, because with filters only the possibilities are not endless.

If you compare this to the DJM-800 on the other hand, those possibilities are endless!
4 different color-filter effects, per fader, plus one effect panel with 14 effects! And this is a perfect exsample that quantity doesn't alway have effect ond quality, try the DJM and you will feel what I mean.

I do feel your opinion, but don't come with arguments like: with the xone the possibilities are andless. The Xone had less functions effectwise, so that isn't an argument.

So everytime someone breaks out the echo/delay/flanger i feel like i have gone back in time... because the effect is to predictable.. and its so noticable... so whenever someone uses an echo in a club everyone will know that he is..


Or they just don't have any DJ's who know how to use echo's in Norway Winking my eye

No serious, i've got my methods to let the echo sound goed. You can't just put it in, you wait until the next break, wait until the climax comes, and right before the climax you start with and echo from 1/1 building up tot 1/4, witch give you the teasing stutter effect wich most house tracks have, ít sounds great! It's also of good use when mixing out, in a fast fade, it just doesn't sound right to cut it of, but if you let one beat echo down, it sounds great!


BillyArd    posted on 20-07-2006 11:13
But the effects are SOOOO recognizable as pioneer FX.
It has been done to much, it has been abused in the scene for to long.

And never underestimate the powers of a 4 band with analog filters.
with such you can also create a phasing movement for instance.
endless is a big word in almost every ocassion.
but you can better have one quality analog sounding mixer with analog filters then that digital one.
the nuances you can make with the xone are a lot more expressive and by all means purely sophisticated It,s sound is like a big A&H GL desk.
It,s sound is tremendous, its the shit ,no doubt !
but it is and will be a personal choise so ..........resistance is futile !

quote jorrit:If you compare this to the DJM-800 on the other hand, those possibilities are endless!

Billy:endless,......far from endless i would say, cause it lacks a few very important things.

Mod Edit:
3 posts combined, watch your double posts.
Mod edit by Jorrit on 20-07-2006 11:36 (42%)
Jorrit    posted on 20-07-2006 11:40
I thought I didn't have to explain what i mean by endless in this topic...
Ah well, here goes: By endless I mean the DJM-800 has a lot more possibillity's to combine filters and effects because it has two differend 'modules' for effects.

Well, i've made my point and it's clear: it's just a personal matter. I like the 'laidback luke mixing style', witch cannot be accieved witch a xone, simple as that.
gethigh    posted on 20-07-2006 12:31
the effector isnt endless, if you really want a good effector you would buy a efx1000 or a korg kaospadd because it has more functions than the djm onboard effector, and if you have one of these, the onboard djm effector becomes useless

BillyArd    posted on 20-07-2006 12:55
2 gethigh :indeed !

2 jorrit :laidback luke mixin` is possible on every mixer with intern fx or with outboard fx
that is not make dependable !
There is a lot more gear on the market then just for Djs
for example ;the electroharmonix2480 looper is capable of total freakyness.
It can combine up to for loops , loops can be stored via MMC
the machine will set you back about 400 euro,s
and if you want to use this kind of gear your not going to hook it up on an djm 800.

Cause it simply cant deliver you that sonic shivers
I made my point too .
User edit by BillyArd on 20-07-2006 @ 12:56:30 (2%)
gethigh    posted on 20-07-2006 13:12
lots of dj's using ableton or using more channels as usual use the xone

think about richie hawtin, sasha & john digweed, speedy j & chris liebing and much more

because of the filters it becomes possible to play together more tunes and add nice effects this way (what speedy j & chris liebing do, but thy also use lots of effects that are anoying), also many use an ableton live midi controller in combination with the xone

this might be possible with the djm to? if it has the midi controller as well
BillyArd    posted on 20-07-2006 13:18
yes its possible with the djm
qua midi the xone is almost identical to the djm
They both have a very basic midi implementation,
Xone 3d is has better specs for the midi domain
Happy, laughing
gethigh    posted on 20-07-2006 13:59
or the xone:92 ctrl :p
User edit by gethigh on 20-07-2006 @ 13:59:11 (4%)
Jorrit    posted on 21-07-2006 01:06
Poster: gethigh
the effector isnt endless, if you really want a good effector you would buy a efx1000 or a korg kaospadd because it has more functions than the djm onboard effector, and if you have one of these, the onboard djm effector becomes useless


 thought I didn't have to explain what i mean by endless in this topic...
Ah well, here goes: By endless I mean the DJM-800 has a lot more possibillity's to combine filters and effects because it has two differend 'modules' for effects.
I thought my second explanation was clear enough. DJM-800 + EFX-1000 i overdone, DJM-800 on his own had more than enough combinations and effect options!

laidback luke mixin` is possible on every mixer with intern fx or with outboard fx
that is not make dependable !
  We are talking about the mixers on his own, if we start this way: what about a DJM-800 with the Xone filterbank (don't know it's excact name)...
I don't get what your saying here, we aren't talking about what is possible and what isn't, but we're talking about 800 vs 92 here!

They both have a very basic midi implementation,
Xone 3d is has better specs for the midi domain
Same story, offtopic!
Gilles    posted on 21-07-2006 09:05
maybe it's time to close this topic because it's becoming an endless discussion of 2 mixers that are obviously a world on their own.

Stop comparing specs and shit, mixing and music is about feel ...........

and your mixer should work for you, for your feel.
BillyArd    posted on 21-07-2006 11:25
Pfffffffff jorrit try to remember your own words please , cause iam only reacting to what you are saying:

Your first comment:Well, i've made my point and it's clear: it's just a personal matter. I like the 'laidback luke mixing style', witch cannot be accieved witch a xone, simple as that.

My comment to that :2 jorrit :laidback luke mixin` is possible on every mixer with intern fx or with outboard fx
that is not make dependable !

and then this from your mouth :I don't get what your saying here, we aren't talking about what is possible and what isn't, but we're talking about 800 vs 92 here!

Billy Oh YESou see , contradictions again!
I just gave a reply on your statement

Please try to understand your own english !
Happy, laughing
MauriceForge    posted on 21-07-2006 11:42
well, jorrit is also a little bit right, mixing a la dave clarke wouldn't be possible on a xone. even without the effects.
in theory it is possible but everybody, (including me) who uses a 92 mixes in another way, much smoother, no faderthrowing or whats so ever. it is possible sure, but you try it, and you see what i mean. it just ain't the mixer to do that kind of stuff. thats why i am going back to pio, to ruff my mixes up a little, make em nasty. i''l keep my xone however, cause a xone and a laptop is the perfect combination of digital sound and analog warmth.
BillyArd    posted on 21-07-2006 12:43
Well maybe you might feel this way , but for me it really isnt a big issue !
i,ll blast a nice set even without Eq, without fadercurves , without FX.
it all depends on who,s behind the mixer(this might sound a bit over the top , but it isn,t)
there,s only one mixer in this world for me that isn,t fast enough, and that will be the dateq Xtc .
everything is possible as long as you believe it is!
Why not faderthrowing with a xone, because of the lenght??
you just have to throw a little harder thats all.
Happy, laughing
In the early days we all had mixers without Eq and with crapy faders,......nevertheless there was some severe scratching and juggling going on !
Happy, laughing
User edit by BillyArd on 21-07-2006 @ 12:44:36 (1%)
MauriceForge    posted on 21-07-2006 12:58
no it isn't about faderlenght, and what you are saying that it al depends on who's behind the mixer isn't true, compare new (harder)sets from adam beyer for example from the time that he used a djm untill now when he is using a 92.
Same goes for lot of other dj's. the mixing is just different.
Why do you think that a lot of dj's have stuck to the 600? while the 92 is a far more better sounding mixer? its not about functionality or quality, its about the personal mixing styles of the dj's that sets the choice for the mixer.
BillyArd    posted on 21-07-2006 14:50
the djm 600,........because they are horny on cheapo FX

It realy doesnt make a difference .
You can mix smooth on the xone , but you can also mix agressive and punchy(if yourè skills allow you !)
You can mix agressive and punchy on the 600/800 but you can also mix smooth (If you`re skills allow you ).
It really does depend on who,s the operator.(do you really think a tablist cant scratch on the Xone/DJM/ECler, a good dj can do his tricks on a whatever mixer
I can mix really smooth trance progressive(for instance) sets on a vestax pmc too, while it,s a scratch mixer with sharp cuts .
You have ears dont you !
mixers are just gear, it,s your mind that allows you to do or don,t do !
Everything is possible .
And i agree with you that for example for band EQ is a step ahead in dj mixers , but that is no ``other mixingstyle`` but an addition to an already existing style
Offcourse you will hear the differende between three  and four band .
But that is an exception in this topic because 4 band EQ stands out at the moment and the xone is the only mixer that has like !
So the difference between the xone and djm are recognizable,in favour of the xone , thats why it is  also a better mixer sonicly of course Winking my eye
I promise i won`t reply in this topic anymore from now on......LOL!

Mod Edit:
2nd time: DON'T reply to your own posts, EDIT your previous!
User edit by BillyArd on 21-07-2006 @ 14:57:46 (21%)
Mod edit by Jorrit on 21-07-2006 22:09 (6%)
MauriceForge    posted on 21-07-2006 16:02
do you own x92?

BillyArd    posted on 21-07-2006 16:27
do i have to ?

Dont worry i made my mixes on 02/32/64/464/92
Happy, laughing
My motivations are always relying on my own experience with the gear.
otherwise it wouldn,`be usefull to post replies
Its just that i,m mixing for over 15 years now , and nothing is strange to me , i mixed on really everything , even 2 seperate amps with 2 volume knops and their own sources because there really even wasn`t  a mixer.

also did a lot of mixes on double swept studio consoles with param Eq
I guess i have an other motto then most of you :dont fear your gear, everything is possible !

Xone/DJM/Skytec the end its just a mixer ! with or without swepts/Fx/filters
Like i said it really doesn`t make a difference to me
Maybe it,s like :when you drive a bugatti vernon , a porsche wouldn`t be very hard to drive, but when you start driving a sports car you have to be very carefull and inventing .

I think thats the issue for me at least:When you made mixes on almost every dj mixer and more important on A&H GL desks/SSl desks/Soundtracs/etc .
Probably when you did that ,......a xone or djm or vestax dont make a difference ....really.
I think its just a matter of what you are used to do with gear, what you had in your hands  and what you did with it !
that sets the level of operations performed on other gear and it wipes boundaries 2 the infinite within the capabillities of an audiomixer

I broke my earlier promise!!!!!!!

So now i promise again!

Have a nice weekend all of you , enjoy !

Mod Edit:
3th time: DON'T reply to your own posts, EDIT them!

User edit by BillyArd on 21-07-2006 @ 17:19:05 (100%)
Mod edit by Jorrit on 21-07-2006 22:10 (7%)
Jorrit    posted on 21-07-2006 22:07
Poster: BillyArd
Pfffffffff jorrit try to remember your own words please , cause iam only reacting to what you are saying:

Your first comment:Well, i've made my point and it's clear: it's just a personal matter. I like the 'laidback luke mixing style', witch cannot be accieved witch a xone, simple as that.

My comment to that :2 jorrit :laidback luke mixin` is possible on every mixer with intern fx or with outboard fx
that is not make dependable !

and then this from your mouth :I don't get what your saying here, we aren't talking about what is possible and what isn't, but we're talking about 800 vs 92 here!
Billy Oh YESou see , contradictions again!
I just gave a reply on your statement

Please try to understand your own english !
Happy, laughing
No your making contradictions of it. We are comparing two mixers, with both mixer you can 'imagine' a other style, that's the point i'm making. My english is just fine.

This is my last post in this topic, it isn't getting anywhere, and when your going to talk me into contradictions, in stead of trying to understand the statement I am making, there can't be any kind of serious discussion. (I don't even get the feeling you are willing to make a serious discussion out of this, you are just looking for little points of wich you think are contradicting, but should be read in a complete other way)

maybe it's time to close this topic because it's becoming an endless discussion of 2 mixers that are obviously a world on their own.

Stop comparing specs and shit, mixing and music is about feel ...........

and your mixer should work for you, for your feel.

Agreed, i'm not locking it right now though (wating for opinion of other mods Winking my eye), we aren't getting anywere.
(and PLEASE stop the double posting!)
Mod edit by Jorrit on 21-07-2006 22:18 (57%)
greup    posted on 21-07-2006 22:45
I'm verry sorry but this topic will get closed.

I think that there has been said enough about the two mixers.

If there is any one who think that this disision is wrong than he can PM me..

Mod edit by greup on 21-07-2006 22:48 (20%)

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