Poster: gethigh
sorry didnt know the djm has the midi controller to, i know the xone was the first ever mixer that had it
and i dont use cd players so i need good analog sound, i will not use any effects because the **** up the song, atleast the style i play
Ok, Jorrit Let me break it to you hard.. The effects of the Xone:92 are so delicate that you can easily mix it in sounding like it should be there
Why are you speaking in plural? The only thing the Xone has is his (superb) filterbank.the possibilities are endless, this is a question of quantity vs. quality..If the possibilities would be endless, you would have gone voor quantity, because with filters only the possibilities are not endless.
If you compare this to the DJM-800 on the other hand, those possibilities are endless!
4 different color-filter effects, per fader, plus one effect panel with 14 effects! And this is a perfect exsample that quantity doesn't alway have effect ond quality, try the DJM and you will feel what I mean.
I do feel your opinion, but don't come with arguments like: with the xone the possibilities are andless. The Xone had less functions effectwise, so that isn't an argument.So everytime someone breaks out the echo/delay/flanger i feel like i have gone back in time... because the effect is to predictable.. and its so noticable... so whenever someone uses an echo in a club everyone will know that he is..Or they just don't have any DJ's who know how to use echo's in Norway
No serious, i've got my methods to let the echo sound goed. You can't just put it in, you wait until the next break, wait until the climax comes, and right before the climax you start with and echo from 1/1 building up tot 1/4, witch give you the teasing stutter effect wich most house tracks have, ít sounds great! It's also of good use when mixing out, in a fast fade, it just doesn't sound right to cut it of, but if you let one beat echo down, it sounds great!
Mod Edit: 3 posts combined, watch your double posts. |
Poster: gethighthe effector isnt endless, if you really want a good effector you would buy a efx1000 or a korg kaospadd because it has more functions than the djm onboard effector, and if you have one of these, the onboard djm effector becomes useless
thought I didn't have to explain what i mean by endless in this topic...
Ah well, here goes: By endless I mean the DJM-800 has a lot more possibillity's to combine filters and effects because it has two differend 'modules' for effects.
laidback luke mixin` is possible on every mixer with intern fx or with outboard fxWe are talking about the mixers on his own, if we start this way: what about a DJM-800 with the Xone filterbank (don't know it's excact name)...
that is not make dependable !
They both have a very basic midi implementation,
Xone 3d is has better specs for the midi domain
Mod Edit: 2nd time: DON'T reply to your own posts, EDIT your previous! |
Mod Edit: 3th time: DON'T reply to your own posts, EDIT them! |
Poster: BillyArd
Pfffffffff jorrit try to remember your own words please , cause iam only reacting to what you are saying:
Your first comment:Well, i've made my point and it's clear: it's just a personal matter. I like the 'laidback luke mixing style', witch cannot be accieved witch a xone, simple as that.
My comment to that :2 jorrit :laidback luke mixin` is possible on every mixer with intern fx or with outboard fx
that is not make dependable !
and then this from your mouth :I don't get what your saying here, we aren't talking about what is possible and what isn't, but we're talking about 800 vs 92 here!
Billyou see , contradictions again!
I just gave a reply on your statement
Please try to understand your own english !
maybe it's time to close this topic because it's becoming an endless discussion of 2 mixers that are obviously a world on their own.
Stop comparing specs and shit, mixing and music is about feel ...........
and your mixer should work for you, for your feel.