The djm-800 or xone 92 (3/6)
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Poll : Djm 800 or xone 92

-Pioneer Djm-800
-Allen and heath xone-92

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teddyaakre    posted on 27-03-2006 11:28
PLEASE help me... i really need to know which one to buy... i cant make up my mind... and once i buy one of them there is no turning back, because of all the money that were talking about...

anyways, have any of you tried both of these mixers?
Is the xones sound a lot better? if you add a efx-1000 to the xone will it be able to do most of the things that the djm 800 does...

help anyone?

What do you think about The djm-800 or xone 92 ??

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Gilles    posted on 26-04-2006 08:21
I agree with Lead. do NOT turn on the power anymore.

As for the tech support, Xone does supply a step by step plan in it's manual for opening the xone to set dip switches. I am not sure if this voids warranty.

I opened my xone about 3 weeks ago and it was easy to do. But there aren't that much things that can get loose in there.

MauriceForge    posted on 26-04-2006 11:21
no you can't open the xone itself, it does have internal switches and jumpers but this may only be done by specified personel.

the only option is to send it back to the store or the importer.

Allen & Heath is proud of its costumers, and they will help you the best they can, so don''t worry about that!

teddyaakre    posted on 26-04-2006 14:54
DAMN IT!!!! just when i waited at least a month.. i have to send it back Unhappy

Ill try to roll the piece out of the air stripes Happy, laughing Since something from outside probably somehow got in!

the-melody    posted on 26-04-2006 15:13
that's sucks for you teddyaakre finelly you ghot him and now he's broken:s
teddyaakre    posted on 27-04-2006 21:41
YEEEESSSS!!!!!! You cant imagine how amazingly happy I am!!

I used a stone-age technique, I put the Xone on its side until i could see the object.. Then got it to lie where the "air holes" are.. and then i took a wire and looped it around and pulled it out..

It was similar to a screw, I will post a picture later, so that you who have allready opened it before can have a look.. and see if its important.. All the channels work.. and I am mezmerized by the miksers amazingness.. thanks for all the comments and recommendations.. GO XONE!

MauriceForge    posted on 27-04-2006 22:25
mmmz, if i was you i should have send it back, to let specified personel have a look at it what the object was, maybe its something that should be in there! so the mixer might work now, but maybe in a week or so, something doesn't work properly and then you still have to send it back!

but good for you it works, experience XONE!

Gilles    posted on 28-04-2006 09:14
Well lets see those pictures Teddy. I will post some pictures of the inside of the xone when i have the time.

There are not that many screws inside the xone. Only for each channel plate that connects to the mainboard there is a fix screw. Ok, just took a look, 9 channel plates and in total 10 screws. These screws however are part of the ground connection so quality wise important.

There are some black screws holding the power source in place.

Arggg, just post that picture, i'll work on mine.

Gilles    posted on 28-04-2006 14:08
after some bitching with the picture, you moderators are crazy you know that. You want quality but you only give 100kb?

User edit by Gilles on 28-04-2006 @ 14:09:13 (39%)
Gilles    posted on 28-04-2006 14:13

go find your screw now. hahahahaha.
teddyaakre    posted on 29-04-2006 12:10
Its not exactly a screw.. is more of a bolt.. like the thing that you put on a screw if it is too long... i dont know how to explain.. i will send in a pic as soon as i can

This is the closest pic i could find on the internet right now..

It is the small thing on the pic.. not the screw itself
User edit by teddyaakre on 29-04-2006 @ 12:15:06 (100%)
Gilles    posted on 29-04-2006 18:13
That, my friend, would be a nut. The only place i can think of for those to be fixed is the side of the bottom part. To fix the side plates (ears) there are nuts welded inside. See if you can attach those ears and fix every screw. If one doesn't grip then you know that's it's that nut missing.

teddyaakre    posted on 29-04-2006 20:13
Ok.. well that means that i dont have to send it in to the shop! Because i am never going to rack mount it anyways

Gilles    posted on 29-04-2006 22:25
just check it to be sure Teddy.
teddyaakre    posted on 03-05-2006 11:50
Ill check it.. once i have time..
Junaid    posted on 04-05-2006 07:35

I very recently got the x one 92 , after a lot of research , i switched from a pioneer 600 . I also tried out the 800 ,

in my opinion x one 92 is just another level , the feel to the mixer is mind blowing , further the 4 band eq is some thing that really helps me ,   the options are good

and i am glad i spen it on the x one , it costed me a fortune consdering where i live   but its all worth it

Can some tell me how to register my allen & heath


teddyaakre    posted on 04-05-2006 21:34
I agree junaid.. its just one of those un-explainable phenomenons of dj'ing
denricco    posted on 05-05-2006 18:49
Poster: Junaid
Can some tell me how to register my allen & heath

go to the allen & heath website or visit this link:

Junaid    posted on 06-05-2006 09:07
thanks done

Camino    posted on 06-05-2006 16:51
the ideal combination would actually be a DJM800 with a A&H filter connected to the send/return... i like the DJM800 a lot more than the A&H - regardless of soundquality - as you don't even hear the difference usually unless you have an amazing set of monitors (at home) or a high-end soundsystem (in the club). But, on the other hand, i am absolutely in love with the endless flexibilty, control, and sound of the xone's filter units... I'm missing the control parameters on the DJM800.... you can't even control dry/wet! Too bad it all has to be so expensive!

gethigh    posted on 30-05-2006 21:34
you should really ask this in a pioneer forum, not a surprise the djm 800 is most rated here
but if you ask me, there is nothing better to get than the xone92, because of the filters and faders, it doesnt have an effect unit but you can better buy a efx 1000
soundcollector    posted on 30-05-2006 21:45
yeah I think get high is right but what I dont get is this: is the xone 92 realy worth that filters? cause if you pay 2/3 of the price you can buy like the ecler nuo 5 wich has also got good faders good filters and a effect processor, is the xone realy worth 500 euros more? for only the filtersConfused

gethigh    posted on 30-05-2006 22:05
Poster: soundcollector
yeah I think get high is right but what I dont get is this: is the xone 92 realy worth that filters? cause if you pay 2/3 of the price you can buy like the ecler nuo 5 wich has also got good faders good filters and a effect processor, is the xone realy worth 500 euros more? for only the filtersConfused

the moto behind all this is, get rich or die trying

its mostly used in fancy clubs and big partys, by famous dj's, like speedy j en chris liebling, they use 3 of em

if you compare the xone92 with the ecler nuo5, you can say the xone is 1500 euro more expensive because if you want a effector, you will need to buy a efx 1000 or something
Jorrit    posted on 30-05-2006 22:08
Speedy J uses his own :464 right...
soundcollector    posted on 30-05-2006 22:58
then i dont get it why poeple that are not rich buy this thingConfused? or how about all the things you hear about the djm 800 what is so special about thisConfused
gethigh    posted on 01-06-2006 18:03
Poster: soundcollector
then i dont get it why poeple that are not rich buy this thingConfused? or how about all the things you hear about the djm 800 what is so special about thisConfused
its pioneer, thats why its so popular

but if the quality is the same as the djm600 its defenately not a bad mixer, but still very expensive
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