sl1200 Power Supply...
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makabim    posted on 01-02-2006 09:16
Hi boyz n girlz...

I got me a pair of 1200s, US versions. They have Power cord as to fit America outlets (110v), and they worked there.
Now, WhereI am, I have 220v outlets and i really need to know if they can take it or do i need to get a convertor...?

any help?

Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 18:57 (1%)

What do you think about sl1200 Power Supply... ??

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Ramon72    posted on 01-02-2006 09:54
You definitely can not plug them in to the 220v outlets!
I suggest you contact Technics and ask them?
Lead    posted on 01-02-2006 10:37
European versions of the SL have a universal Power supply. When you remove your slipmat and watch through the holes, you'll notice a clearly marked switch on the left side of the turntable.

With a screwdriver you can switch between 220V and 110 V, I never tried this, but it should work Winking my eye

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makabim    posted on 01-02-2006 11:59
thanks you so much...
Mine has a black cover instead of the switch though.. and i don't think the switch is under it, do you?

Lead    posted on 01-02-2006 17:32
Perhaps this switch is hidden underneath the black dust cover below the platter at this position. But I'm afraid that the american model might not have this selector.
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