Which color would u want 2 spray ur Technics?
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Pellegrino    posted on 22-04-2012 21:03
My facecovers get another color because they where very dirty and I don't know what color I want! I have to tell my friend which color I want before 22:00u...

Here my old facecovers

and here is the rest of my Technics :P

So my question to you guys is:
Which color would you pick for you Technics? Cool
Waarom draait iedereen voor zijn muur?

What do you think about Which color would u want 2 spray ur Technics? ??

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djmstr223    posted on 22-04-2012 21:05
BLACK!!!!! with alot of shine Happy, laughing
Pellegrino    posted on 22-04-2012 21:10
Yeah but then I have the color SL1210 with a shine Happy, laughing
Waarom draait iedereen voor zijn muur?
tek-zotic    posted on 22-04-2012 21:10
1 member likes this  pearl white
User edit by tek-zotic on 22-04-2012 @ 21:11:01 (18%)
Pellegrino    posted on 22-04-2012 21:12
That's one of the colors I consider about... Cool But then I have to change my Dateq XTC with a Pioneer white edition!
Waarom draait iedereen voor zijn muur?
Estacy    posted on 22-04-2012 21:14
dark blue looks great. or pearl white.?
here are some examples (from Works1200)

'George Clinton meeting Kraftwerk in an elevator'
djmstr223    posted on 22-04-2012 21:19
Poster: Estacy
dark blue looks great. or pearl white.?
here are some examples (from Works1200)

That dark blue is NICE!!!!! Like a boss
Pellegrino    posted on 22-04-2012 21:21
I think, and please tell me if I'm wrong, that if I choose black that you will always see different colors black under and above...
Waarom draait iedereen voor zijn muur?
Pellegrino    posted on 22-04-2012 21:25
Look at these costum pearl white http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QHxfilIt9Q
Or the gold http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guzv5qfX6d8
Or check out these cirkut http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVkGlDfFSuw

Waarom draait iedereen voor zijn muur?
Lead    posted on 23-04-2012 11:48
I've put a stone-feel coating on my decks so it feels and looks like granite.

Let the BASS be louder
Estacy    posted on 23-04-2012 15:22
Poster: Pellegrino
I think, and please tell me if I'm wrong, that if I choose black that you will always see different colors black under and above...

yes, the bottom part is rubber, it'll always be black, but that really isnt a problem.
'George Clinton meeting Kraftwerk in an elevator'
Ynnck    posted on 24-04-2012 00:57

Or if you want to go even more custom ..?http://youtu.be/6tEEBlKZcPU
Pellegrino    posted on 24-04-2012 16:58
Here is the finishing touch!

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Is this is before Cool
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Waarom draait iedereen voor zijn muur?
User edit by Pellegrino on 24-04-2012 @ 16:59:37 (90%)
Estacy    posted on 24-04-2012 17:28
what a bit of paint can do! looks amazing!
'George Clinton meeting Kraftwerk in an elevator'
tek-zotic    posted on 24-04-2012 17:46
looks very nice
Tekhead    posted on 24-04-2012 23:10
Piece of Art hiha
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