Om de Pioneer/Denon topics een beetje in balans te houden: Denon heeft sinds 13 januari een software update voor de Denon DN-S3500 beschikbaar gesteld. Voor de paar DN-S3500 bezitters op djresource die het nog niet wisten:
Latest Plug In’s: (as of 01/13/2006) -Resolved an infrequent loop back to Cue issue also causing the time display to freeze
-Resolved going into PLAY mode from heavy Cue Stutter operation
-Resolved time display issue during simultaneous scratch and pitch slider operation
-Added the ability to turn on/off the Effects while scratching
-Added the ability to use Brake/Dump/Rvs effects while recording a sample
-Added the ability to automatically copy the disc pitch and key information during disc sampling or Hot Copy
-Current version numbers: SYS 095 DSP 0A26