DJ Dilemma: CDX of 1000MK2
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Nebula    posted on 01-01-2006 17:59
Ive just currently purchased a pair of numark cdx's and a stanton sa8 mixer, i got quite a good deal on them so i could sell them as profit. Basically ive always been interested in dj'ing and have always fancied having a go.

I get on okay with the cdx's but im not sure if there right for me. im not sure whether to change and try pick up some pioneer mk2's or whether its worth me switching to try vinyls and get some 1210's or stick with what i have?

Could anyone give me any advice, on which route they'd take. Cheers
Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 18:58 (4%)

What do you think about DJ Dilemma: CDX of 1000MK2 ??

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Avae    posted on 01-01-2006 18:32
Well, what makes you doubt the fact that the CDXs arent right for you? You cant get along with them? Too hard? too easy? Too fancy? Tell us more.
victorn    posted on 02-01-2006 10:55
It's all about personal preference. When it comes down to choosing between a CDX and a CDJ-1000, I think I would eventually prefer the Pioneer, specially for on-the road purposes.

First of all: I like the CDX. Sure, it's ugly and bulky, but the platter is nice, the beatkeeper is very nice (one of the best bpm-counters and intelligent looping on the market) and it has a few useful (not spectacular, but useful) effects. In general, it's much more fun than a cdj-1000, which is in fact just a basic player.

However, one thing I don't like (and don't trust) about the CDX is its cd-drive. Though it didn't give me any real problems so far (the few times I used this player) it has a cheap feel and there are relatively big amounts of complaints from its users. In other words: I don't trust this player as much as the CDJ-1000 when it comes down to reliability. For that reason, and for that reason alone, I would buy a CDJ-1000. It is more expensive and less fun, but also more "workhorse".
User edit by victorn on 02-01-2006 @ 10:55:59 (1%)
Nebula    posted on 02-01-2006 13:16
yeah ive had a lot of drive trouble, reading mp3s sometimes doesnt happen, sometimes when ejecting cd's it faffes about too. it can all be dealt with its just a little annoying. i might ebay my kit at the moment and look for some cdx1000's. how much do you reckon i could get for 2 numark cdxs and a stanton sa8 mixer ?
DJ_SEVEN_7_    posted on 23-01-2006 05:54
Sure, test the CDj 1000 MK II, or wait for MK III, then take a spin with the new DNS 3500's and u feel the difference!

They are much cheaper to!

Ramon72    posted on 23-01-2006 06:13
I agree on that one Seven, I had the same problem picking the right cdplayer. Should I go for that "vinyl touch" CDX or that "standard industry" Pioneer.
Then the Denon DN-S3500 came along! Great performance and excellent vynil touch for less. Easy choice...
User edit by Ramon72 on 23-01-2006 @ 06:14:19 (24%)

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