which New 19 `Mixer
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Popeye    posted on 18-01-2011 15:56
yesterday my clubmixer behringer dx 1000 pro is defected,have now the eso plug at moment for mixing and the better PAM8040 but i must have a new good mixer(19 Clubmixer 4 line-in,PFL) maximal 400,-?
waiste not was is good in this category:
Stanton RM 416, Vestax VMC 004 XLU, Numark or Denon

someone have a good tip for me

for the time bis i have the money for a new Dateq Apollo or a Dynacord M1

greatings and thanks, Popeye
MDDT - DJ Popeye

What do you think about which New 19 `Mixer ??

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tek-zotic    posted on 18-01-2011 16:08
for a little bit more money ( bout 100 euro's ), you can buy an ecler mac40V

the vestax VMC 004XL is also a good choice i think. Vestax always makes quality products
User edit by tek-zotic on 18-01-2011 @ 16:08:44 (1%)
Seca    posted on 18-01-2011 19:22
Denon DNX-500.
Ecler MAC40V ( like tek-zotic said, only a little bit expensiver, but worh it )
Rodec BX9 ( Around ?550, but again, worth the money )

User edit by Seca on 18-01-2011 @ 19:22:30 (5%)
Popeye    posted on 20-01-2011 10:55
hello !
thanks for the tips,have not think on ecler that i become one for this price around +/- 500?
I like Italien mixer .
I Search for a long time the Italien Mixer LEM DM 81 or 82 to buy too for a good price

The Rodec and the Denon dnx 500 is a great tip to

is the Dateq Apollo a good clubmixer in sound and quality for a mobile disco?
he is not so expensive we a Dynacord M1

greatings and thanks for the tips

MDDT - DJ Popeye
tek-zotic    posted on 20-01-2011 11:14
Poster: Popeye

is the Dateq Apollo a good clubmixer in sound and quality for a mobile disco?


dateq are some of the best mixers for mobile use. They are very strong, have good sound quality and will survive a lifetime
Popeye    posted on 20-01-2011 13:52
hello tek-zotic!
ok thanks for the info over the dateq apollo,will buy me one later for my mobile disco,i love this mixer loks very great from picture.

is this dateq apollo in nederland better to buy we here in germany?
i live 40km from venlo/limburg? away

first i will buildt a dynacord m1 but is much expensive for me, 2000,-? new
the price of the dateq is 1300,-?
for the 700,-? i become a good single or double dj cd player

dj popeye
MDDT - DJ Popeye
Tekhead    posted on 20-01-2011 14:04
Better ? Dateq is a Dutch make, maybe, but a don't think so, because Dateq have a great service also in other countries
Floated on the waves of Fantasy, see my dream come true
tek-zotic    posted on 20-01-2011 14:14
in you buy in on b*xshop.nl u pay 1195 for it, so that's a bit cheaper

CD player for 700: Denon DN-D4500
Popeye    posted on 21-01-2011 12:20
hello tekhead and tek-zotic!
yes i waiste that dateq is a nederlandse firm,great stuff for dj`S
have hear yesterday of a Nederland firm d-R or so but have not found infos,this firm soll have very good mixer too
for radiostation and dj?s

gives many dutch firms for dj equipment?
I now dateq only

waiste only dateq ,but who i have seen first this firm i have lovely the apollo

the dateq products very looking great

greatings,dj Popeye
MDDT - DJ Popeye
sweebee    posted on 21-01-2011 12:45
I think dateq and D&R are the best mixers for on road.

At the club i'm working at, we've got a dateq GPM that is more than 20 years old and still functioning. Some rotary's are a bit stuck because of coke and beer :P
User edit by sweebee on 21-01-2011 @ 12:47:58 (2%)
tek-zotic    posted on 21-01-2011 13:17
Poster: sweebee
I think dateq and D&R are the best mixers for on road.

At the club i'm working at, we've got a dateq GPM that is more than 20 years old and still functioning. Some rotary's are a bit stuck because of coke and beer :P
sweebee    posted on 21-01-2011 13:34
edit: cocacola Cool coke is a short word for cocacola

http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coke (Dutch)
User edit by sweebee on 21-01-2011 @ 13:36:58 (100%)
Popeye    posted on 21-01-2011 14:28
hello sweebee !
ok thanks for the Information my next mixer is than a dateq apollo.
have hear of the good soundquality of this mixer.
iam very happy when i have them

Firm D&R i must look there

coke is my lovely drink

greatings and thanks,
MDDT - DJ Popeye
User edit by Popeye on 21-01-2011 @ 14:30:06 (78%)
tek-zotic    posted on 21-01-2011 14:50
Poster: sweebee
edit: cocacola Cool coke is a short word for cocacola

http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coke (Dutch)
i know :D maar vond het nogal dubbelzinnig en dus LOL :p
Tekhead    posted on 21-01-2011 16:46
Poster: Popeye
hello tekhead and tek-zotic!
yes i waiste that dateq is a nederlandse firm,great stuff for dj`S
have hear yesterday of a Nederland firm d-R or so but have not found infos,this firm soll have very good mixer too
for radiostation and dj?s

gives many dutch firms for dj equipment?
I now dateq only

waiste only dateq ,but who i have seen first this firm i have lovely the apollo

the dateq products very looking great

greatings,dj Popeye
Maybe time also to look to the website of Rodec, it's a Belgian cy (just like Tek-zotic & me, we are also) they build also mixers for drive in, and that's maybe a better mixer than the Dateq, but a little bit expensiver than Dateq
Floated on the waves of Fantasy, see my dream come true
User edit by Tekhead on 21-01-2011 @ 16:47:18 (2%)
Popeye    posted on 27-01-2011 12:28
hello Tekhead !
have hear over for a long time over the Rodec 180 mixer,that is very good but i think Rodec
and the Dynacord M1 are a little bit to expensive for me.

I love the Dynacord M1 (very great 80`S Disco Mixer,Soundquality very great) but its to expensive for me

i think my new Mixer was definelty a Dateq ApolloCool

greatings? and thanks , popeye
MDDT - DJ Popeye
Popeye    posted on 25-02-2011 13:52
have become a second hand italien
Eso Pro 6 Kanal/12 inputs ClubMixer,
good soundqualit?t and easy handling
i use theme now .

now i have time to look later for a
New 19` ClubMixer we dynacord M1 dateq Apollo or a rodec

greatings,DJ Popeye
MDDT - DJ Popeye
Lead    posted on 26-02-2011 14:02
The Eso Pro is a very nice mixer and very good build quality.

Be carefull with it though as to my onderstanding the brand no longer exists so spare parts might be hard to get.
Let the BASS be louder
DJSHAK3S    posted on 27-02-2011 00:01
I should just go to a shop and watch yourself
Btw i live in Venlo
djcanta    posted on 28-02-2011 11:41
For a great mixer, try a Dateq LPM7.4 !!! No EFX but great sound quality!! Even an refurbished LPM 7.3 might be good for you.
2 x SL1200 MK2 || Dateq XTC || Serato SL3 ||
Lead    posted on 06-03-2011 00:17
he doesn't know dateq because it is a dutch brand
Let the BASS be louder

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