Should I get the CDJ-400
  English Topics, DO NOT reply in other languages than English !  

darrylip    posted on 23-12-2010 07:51
hey im a DJ i am just starting and i dont know if i should get the CDJ-400 or not? is it worth is can anyone tell me?

What do you think about Should I get the CDJ-400 ??

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Torque    posted on 23-12-2010 08:18
For the beginning DJ it is a perfect device. You can play youre music from several devices and you will have the quality from pioneer.
I should do it Winking my eye
Daens_    posted on 23-12-2010 09:18
Poster: Torque
For the beginning DJ it is a perfect device. You can play youre music from several devices and you will have the quality from pioneer.

I should do it Winking my eye

Or just buy the new set of CDJ 350's and DJM 350 !
You can also buy other gear like numark or denon, if you don't know you will like DJ'n.... that's also good quality ......
zee-eend    posted on 23-12-2010 09:43
Buying the CDJ 400 is not a bad idea.
You can find it for a nice price at serveral website's.

Okay, it's not new stuff, but it's good.
It's well built, and has a good sound output.

I should do it.


When you think it's too expensive, I should look at a Denon or something.
Just as Daens_ said.

I hope I've helped you well, and succes.

If there are any questions I hear it from you Cool
Tekhead    posted on 23-12-2010 10:00
If you can buy them for a good price,than do it, it isn't cheap (nothing from pioneer is cheap) buth it's good gear.
Floated on the waves of Fantasy, see my dream come true
Bvanleeuwen    posted on 23-12-2010 13:25
If you're a starter it doesnt matter what you buy. If you're not sure wether you're gonna like deejaying or not, buying Pioneer isnt a bad idea compared to other products. If you decided to stop deejaying after a few months they are still worth hardly loose any money!!
RoelBlankers    posted on 23-12-2010 15:53
The CDJ 400 is good, don?t buy the CDJ 350. But that is my opinion.
zee-eend    posted on 23-12-2010 16:32
Poster: RoelBlankers
The CDJ 400 is good, don?t buy the CDJ 350. But that is my opinion.

Please, explain why you shouldn't buy the CDJ 350.
Because it's easy to say,
but it has no meaning when you don't explain..

BennoRevelli    posted on 24-12-2010 16:00
If you want to be able to play from usb devices as well, and you want more accuracy and more(improved) features, go for the 350s

They are pretty okay, especially when you start djing and offer more options
|| CDJ-2000 - DJM-2000 - CDJ-2000 - HDJ-2000 ||
tek-zotic    posted on 24-12-2010 18:23
i traded my CDJ1000MKIII for CDJ400 cause i had a bit of a spacing problem,
and in my opinion u get more for your money with the 400, i'm actually more pleased with them like with the 1000MKIII i had ( some people here will say i'm nuts :D )
Ywe    posted on 24-12-2010 18:49
inkopperje: You're nuts
User edit by Ywe on 24-12-2010 @ 18:49:40 (9%)
W.i.M    posted on 08-01-2011 15:36
Topic moved to the english section
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