which dj controller?
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dodig    posted on 20-11-2010 00:45
do you use dj controllers, and what's your experience with controllers?
Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 15:07 (1%)

What do you think about which dj controller? ??

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DJSHAK3S    posted on 20-11-2010 08:47
I use the hercules control mp3 e2.
Its very cheap and comes with a controller version of virtual dj.
It has scratch, effects, loops 1,2,4,8 beats, track and folder search, sync, cue, pitch control.
DjRepeat    posted on 20-11-2010 09:02
k got also hercules mobile mp3 its bad
DJSHAK3S    posted on 20-11-2010 09:15
Poster: DjRepeat
k got also hercules mobile mp3 its bad

i got mp3 e2 its different
Ywe    posted on 20-11-2010 09:16
I own the Hercules Steel RMX. Because its steel it feels a bit more firmer than plastic controllers, the buttons and faders respond well en I havent had any problem with them since I have it
Nood    posted on 20-11-2010 09:48
Are you planning on buying one?
I got two CDJ-400 but I don't use the controller option a lot.
I like the CD option much more because of it's handling.
DjRepeat    posted on 20-11-2010 10:04
i got also e2 but it must on a computer there arn't any plugins 4 headseat
T-to-the-J    posted on 20-11-2010 10:06
If you say what's your budget we can help you, now it's a bit difficult because there are so many controllers. From 100$ to $2000
Ik ben een DJ, geen fucking jukebox!
kobuz    posted on 20-11-2010 10:48
Also, what do you want to do with it? Do you want an all-in-one controller with mixer integrated in it? Or a controller just for deck control? Ik work with a Kontrol X1 from Traktor, very nice controller for controlling two decks and fx.
niiicola    posted on 20-11-2010 10:55
I use a BCD3000. I'm very satisfied with it.
The bcd3000 is a cheap controller, but you can do very much with it.
But I recommend to buy Traktor with it, because the concluded bcd3000 traktor is bad.
kobuz    posted on 20-11-2010 12:03
I'd say buy the Traktor S4 with complete software package included, but then you'll need a little more money than the behringer and hercules stuff mentioned before Happy, laughing
T-to-the-J    posted on 20-11-2010 12:19
Yeah, the Denon MC-6000 Is also a very nice controller in that price range.
Ik ben een DJ, geen fucking jukebox!
kobuz    posted on 20-11-2010 12:50
yup, especially when you wat an analog mixer integrated. It's all about your personal wishes.
Danekato    posted on 20-11-2010 16:10
I have the Reloop RDJ 2 IE.
Very usefull and good controller. Best thing when u might wanna start with digital djing.
Though i do have some problems with the play/pause buttons.
Think those have been replaced around 3 times now....
Next to that, i love it!
Mitchell2    posted on 20-11-2010 16:20
@T-to-the-J. Have you tried the Denon MC-6000?
Winston    posted on 20-11-2010 17:22
I recommend plug and play controllers like the Numark NS7. The advantage is that it works immediately, without a hassle for the right midi mapping and other computer related problems.


Try to find a studio grade laptop for the best sound quality.
Tic Toc
Awave    posted on 26-11-2010 18:04
I'm using the Vestax VCI 100 SE at the moment, the DJtechtools version (can't link you because I'm not allowed to).
It feels very good, and the effects section is very large!

I think that it's a great controller, and you should look up some Ean Golden videos of it.

I also recommend using the Audio 4 DJ for it, it's an external soundcard.
T-to-the-J    posted on 27-11-2010 11:31
Poster: Mitchell2
@T-to-the-J. Have you tried the Denon MC-6000?

No i didn't, but i think it is.
Ik ben een DJ, geen fucking jukebox!
-FLoriZ-    posted on 27-11-2010 11:43
I use the Reloop Digital Jockey 1 IE. I think it's a great controller, except from the fact that my microswitches are broken now. The jogs are really big and the controller feels really stable. The sound quality is also awesome. THe only con is that it has only 1 input.
RDJ 1IE-Ortofon O2-MacBook Pro 13''-Traktor Pro-EFX6:2
MrTomrubber    posted on 27-11-2010 18:16
i own a Hercules Rmx and i like it
I would go for the S4, numark mixdeck or ns7

If you like to use cd's as well i would go for numark mixdeck
If not go for the NS7 r the S4, depents on your budget and your preferences
IamTheDJ    posted on 22-12-2010 00:50
This set is the shit!! i tried it, but? a lil bit too expensive for me at the moment

Poster: Winston
I recommend plug and play controllers like the Numark NS7. The advantage is that it works immediately, without a hassle for the right midi mapping and other computer related problems.


Try to find a studio grade laptop for the best sound quality.
W.i.M    posted on 08-01-2011 15:37
Topic moved to the english section
Waarom lees je dit nu eigenlijk ?
beehaus    posted on 01-09-2011 13:52

I started out using the Behringher DDM4000 with ableton, worked really well but limited.
Mixer overall was great for the price. But sold it.

Then i jammed on a vestax typhoon running traktor, wasnt happy wit the faders but saying that the platters worked very well. Never had any problems but only a basic controller. sold it. I really should of went the top range model.

Pioneer DJM350 running ableton, flawless.? sold it as new products where released. Went for the flexability with this 1.

Then the DDJ T1 and the S4 come on the market, i went over these two machines 6 times before i decided and went with the T1. Very happy with the purchase. Especially with the traktor upgrades.

Since then S2 has been released. worth checking out. Also i see this hit FB today. check it out. Both i think are less exspensive than the ones above.


Another machine worth checking is the american audio controller and novation twitch.

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