Cdj 1000 mk2 play-cue combi not working
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NakEksamartein    posted on 18-10-2010 21:42
Hello everyone,
Recently i bought 2 secondhanded cdjs 1000 mk2.and i need your help..
On Both cdjs the cue buttons works BUT you cant cue and hold it and next press play so that the track will continue...i dont know why is that happening because in the first time (around 1 month )it worked!
ps.recently i plugged in the control ?cables to my pioneer djm 400 mixer,but i think thats not aproblem..
Also,in the one cdj 1000 mk2 the pitch control starts from 0 to 10/16/100..but it doesnt ?goes like -10/-16/-100...i dont know why...if you set the pitch to the lowest it goes to start (0) and not to -10/-16/-100!!!i cant stand this..and last (i dont know if that is normally) but it goes around 6-7 seconds to read the cd when i load it to the cdj1000 mk2)
Thanks!!if someone could help it would be great!!
ps.sorry for my bad english!
Mod edit by Lead on 08-01-2011 18:23 (4%)

What do you think about Cdj 1000 mk2 play-cue combi not working ??

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Estacy    posted on 18-10-2010 22:00
CUE/PLAY function is not supported on the MK2's. maybe you tried out some MK3's, they have that option.
'George Clinton meeting Kraftwerk in an elevator'
NakEksamartein    posted on 18-10-2010 23:09
its SURE that it worked on mine mk2s..
and next day it doesnt worked,can that function works with a service/upgrade?ill get in touch with the pioneer service maybe..
REALLY ?weird
Lucalicious    posted on 18-10-2010 23:18
i had that problem with a mk2 as well, somewere in a club. anoying as hell!
BramVH    posted on 18-10-2010 23:23
As Estacy says: The MK2's don't support this function. That's one of the negative things about them.
Estacy    posted on 20-10-2010 22:08
Poster: NakEksamartein
its SURE that it worked on mine mk2s..

and next day it doesnt worked,can that function works with a service/upgrade?ill get in touch with the pioneer service maybe..

REALLY ?weird

still doesn't work. face it, it's not supported.
'George Clinton meeting Kraftwerk in an elevator'
Lead    posted on 20-10-2010 23:26
The Cue/Play continue features was introduced on the CDJ-200, which was launched after the CDJ-1000MK2.

This features is not supported on MK2's so it isn't suppose to work.
Let the BASS be louder
Lead    posted on 08-01-2011 18:27
Topic moved to the english section
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