Technics or OEM (4/4)
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Poll : Decks: Technics or Oem ???


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M-Plex    posted on 12-12-2005 01:02
Because I seen a lot of discussions about which deck is better,
here's is a poll for you!

Which one of these decks are better do 'YOU' think!

Opinion Please!

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Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 18:54 (15%)

What do you think about Technics or OEM ??

Vote :   

djmamo    posted on 06-04-2006 12:36
Poster: Laidback_robert
Thats Cause For a Good DJ it doesnt matter If He Has To Play with Oems... Or Original Technics..

but i bet he prefers. Technics Winking my eye

and i think that .. thats what he gets on every party..

wel except for this Madhouse EroTiXX then Happy, laughing


you don't know that, are you dj jean?
Laidback    posted on 06-04-2006 12:44
Poster: djmamo
you don't know that, are you dj jean?

You know what..

Im not even going to give YOU an answer On that Mamo.. read my post back >



Enough about this.. On topic Happy, laughing Winking my eye

User edit by Laidback on 06-04-2006 @ 12:49:36 (24%)
Mod edit by W.i.M on 06-04-2006 12:49 (6%)
djmamo    posted on 06-04-2006 12:59
Poster: Laidback_robert

You know what..

Im not even going to give YOU an answer On that Mamo.. read my post back >



Enough about this.. On topic Happy, laughing Winking my eye


so you know by betting that jean whants that tt's ?, and you can think that but doesn't know that for sure. oke myth busted.

not evry pro dj plays on technics.... look at carl cox, so why cant jean whant to play on synq's?
jordy    posted on 06-04-2006 13:17
if jean uses synqs @ madhouse... he wont prefer technics... last time i checked : jean = madhouse... so...

i bet that if he would wanted technics rather then oem... there wouldn't be an oem Winking my eye
Laidback    posted on 06-04-2006 13:27
its the Dj His Choice.. Not Mine..

I just Think that He Might Prefer Technics Happy, laughing

djmamo    posted on 06-04-2006 15:26
Poster: Laidback_robert
its the Dj His Choice.. Not Mine..

I just Think that He Might Prefer Technics Happy, laughing


je geeft het zelf aan aan het is de dj zijn keuze, en maddhouse is van dj jean dus zal hij het zelf wel georganiseerd hebben, en dus bewust voor de synq's hebben gekozen.

dj jean draait dus liever op oems dan op technics, dus hoe kom je er nu nog bij dat hij liever op technics draait?

(PS. off topic waar blijf trouwens je formidabele dj booth? bouwen van dj booth )
User edit by djmamo on 06-04-2006 @ 15:40:55 (20%)
Nvie    posted on 06-04-2006 15:38
I think that Technics has proven itself a thousand times, either the OEMS got to prove them selves.
jordy    posted on 06-04-2006 16:54
at some places and in ppl's minds... it wont even GET a chance :S
Laidback    posted on 06-04-2006 18:57
Poster: djmamo

(PS. off topic waar blijf trouwens je formidabele dj booth? bouwen van dj booth )

Off topic.. Die is onderweg Winking my eye.. call me stupid.. maar heb geen digi cam Unhappy Happy, laughing

On topic.. English >

Just Let Him Pick what he uses..

Camino    posted on 06-04-2006 19:00
exctly... if we'd be basing what we buy on what DJ's spin on pictures then we had all better get behringer mixers (see Armin video clip that was posted a few days ago) and Stanton headphones (tiesto)
djmamo    posted on 06-04-2006 19:01
Poster: Laidback_robert

Off topic.. Die is onderweg Winking my eye.. call me stupid.. maar heb geen digi cam Unhappy Happy, laughing


en wel 2 dvj's ?
Laidback    posted on 06-04-2006 19:11
Poster: djmamo

en wel 2 dvj's ?

Heb geen DVJs meer sorry Happy, laughing..   die heb ik al een aantal maanden niet meer Winking my eye

wacht nu op me nieuwe setje..

die zal er volgende week !!HOPELIJK!!..  wel zijn.. alsie eris.. staat me booth meteen in de Dj Booth Section!!!..

maar als je dit soort dingen wil vragen mag je dat doen in > De Late Leeuw <

laten we dit topic even over de Oems en de Technics Houden Winking my eye

ON-Topic >


Camino    posted on 07-04-2006 15:47
nou, zijn er nog mensen die technics komen verdedigen of niet? heb wel ff zin in wat technics bashing
BillyArd    posted on 07-04-2006 16:07
TeChniCSSS isthe Best Deaf DJ .....LOL!
teddyaakre    posted on 09-04-2006 19:12
I believe that the technics are better because then you are used to using that torque, so that you feel more comfortable when dj'ing in clubs, because then you are allready used to it....

Camino    posted on 09-04-2006 19:15
I must say, having used both OEM and Technics, that i don't think the transition from one to another is all that difficult; although the arguement you just came up with might be the strongest one i've heard in favor of technics so far :p
teddyaakre    posted on 09-04-2006 20:51
I have never used OEM before.. But there is quite a transition between technics and stanton st-150's... Because of the torque.. Its physically harder to slow down the platter... so you cant rely on your sense of touch, if that makes sense..

Its not a big adjustment, but it can run on your confidence while mixing which is not a good thing :D
Camino    posted on 09-04-2006 20:53
ST-150 is a modified OEM Winking my eye same engine in any case.
teddyaakre    posted on 09-04-2006 20:57
Oh, ok.. anyways, thats my opinion..
Bastian    posted on 09-04-2006 21:43
I bought saturday the akiyama dj-4000 acura and it's a fantastic thin!!
(sorry for my bad english)
User edit by Bastian on 09-04-2006 @ 21:44:20 (40%)
Camino    posted on 09-04-2006 21:47
nice! upload a new booth pic as well sometime
Bastian    posted on 09-04-2006 22:14
Poster: DeafDJ
nice! upload a new booth pic as well sometime

I will do it soon as possible Winking my eye!!!

Zuur    posted on 10-04-2006 00:02
Poster: teddyaakre
I have never used OEM before.. But there is quite a transition between technics and stanton st-150's... Because of the torque.. Its physically harder to slow down the platter... so you cant rely on your sense of touch, if that makes sense.. 

It isn't harder to slow down the platter of the OEM, why?

Because the OEM will let you make a correction and go directly after the correction back to it's original speed.

The technics will fight to hold it's original speed and after you corrected will overshoot a little bit.

I think the OEM is a better TT, but it isn't THE standard.

Laidback    posted on 10-04-2006 01:26
Im staying with the Technics Happy, laughing..

There are Really Nice OEMs on the market Today.. but nothing Beats the Look of
an SL-12** In Your Booth  The Look doesnt Have An Age on a Technics...

Equals Playing: You can give me an OEM and then i wil still be able to work on em..
But i dont know if they are going To place OEMs in allot of clubs..
Sindce that an SL look allot Sturdier (and Probely is!!)
and An SL wil Work YEARS & YEARS without Failures..
so they dont even get to the Point of replacing em..
I dont know how OEMS react when Played / Scratched with in clubs for Years & Years.. Maybe Good.. but i think that When you place 1 OEM and 1 Technics In an CLUB Test Setup and Really Work em OUT.. to the MAX.. Sratching Backspins.. Long CEU holds.. (without hittin the stop Button) Etc.. etc.. Really Givin em an Hard time...
(except for the COLA/BEER  Test Winking my eye :P...
(for i dunno how long... Couple Years maybe..)
The Technics wil Be The one Who Wins The Reliebility Test..
And The Technics wil quite Possible Be the One that Lasts Longer..
But Thats Only A Thought..  It Could be Esle way..

User edit by Laidback on 10-04-2006 @ 01:28:19 (10%)
jordy    posted on 10-04-2006 12:59
The Technics wil Be The one Who Wins The Reliebility Test..

again.. Time will tell Winking my eye

i tried them both and didn't had a feeling the one was better or worser then the other...

i don't have to take the OEM's for the money... looks are the same to me (like them both)

my real reason for OEM was that it has 10% pitch range vs Technics 6%/8%
and the CDJ1000mK2 has 10% asswell... Winking my eye

but there the same... and durability:

if a technics can take 10 years... and an OEM 7.5
then it's the same for the money Happy, laughing

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