Technics or OEM (2/4)
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Poll : Decks: Technics or Oem ???


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M-Plex    posted on 12-12-2005 01:02
Because I seen a lot of discussions about which deck is better,
here's is a poll for you!

Which one of these decks are better do 'YOU' think!

Opinion Please!

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Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 18:54 (15%)

What do you think about Technics or OEM ??

Vote :   

the-melody    posted on 25-12-2005 15:11
Technics:d Vind'k meer vertrouwd maar oem is ook goe maartoch technics gaat langer mee
User edit by the-melody on 02-04-2006 @ 09:50:57 (100%)
djwillem    posted on 25-12-2005 15:44
voor technics...
oem is wel beter maar ik kijk meer naar de kwaliteti en de levensduur van een product:D
remixer    posted on 02-04-2006 09:35
always technics
jeansos2    posted on 02-04-2006 11:45
Technics: because of the feeling, the looks, real DD-engine,...

It's not for nothing the standard amongst dj's.

FrankyN    posted on 02-04-2006 12:00
Technics it is just the feeling
SonicWalker    posted on 02-04-2006 12:07
Poster: DeafDJ
OEM... give me one good reason to spend extra money on a turntable that has less functions and a less powerfull engine...

Camino    posted on 02-04-2006 12:21
in what way is OEM inferior to technics in quality would you say?
User edit by Camino on 02-04-2006 @ 12:21:47 (7%)
teddyaakre    posted on 04-04-2006 01:09
Well technics have proven themselves.. their turntables last for generations...

I dont know anything about the OEM's so i can't really say anything..

Decom    posted on 04-04-2006 01:48
Technics... voor in de club en technics ook liever voor thuis... maar dat is niet door iedereen te betalen en dan koop je gewoon een OEM bak... (moet je wel een btje een fatsoenlijke kopen)

Illusion    posted on 04-04-2006 10:28
Technics, Technics, Technics, Technics, Technics, Technics, Technics, Tecnics, Technics Tecnics.. super maar ook duuuur!!!!
22-12-2012: Kratoz @ Shock (Huize Maas Groningen)
Camino    posted on 04-04-2006 10:53
Poster: djliberty
Technics:d Vind'k meer vertrouwd maar oem is ook goe maartoch technics gaat langer mee
  hoe weet je dat dan? de OEM bestaat nog niet lang genoeg om daarover te oordelen
djmamo    posted on 04-04-2006 12:17
oem, because i whanted tt's and didn't whant to pay for a name, and now i have 2 synqs you don't find better.

and if you think you will find better, you didn't do your research.

the only thing technics is better in, is asking to much money and it is lasting very long.

but oems are new and you don't know how long the will be here.

so oem.......
MauriceForge    posted on 04-04-2006 17:27
Technics is the nr 1 turntable 4 ever! they could make things better, or put in a heavier torque, but why reinvend the wheel once again?

the technics does its job excellent, so why would pro's want something else? technics has got the feeling,the build, everything.........

so there could be better stronger tt's out there, but what's the piont? they do exactly the same, and those bend,key and other xtra's are nice, but 9 out of ten that you don't use them.....and the technics quality is supreme

Camino    posted on 04-04-2006 17:29
so basically most people just pay technics because of the name - which is no problem - i buy pioneer as well Winking my eye
Bastian    posted on 04-04-2006 17:31
Ik ga toch maar voor OEM vind de aandrijving iets beter lijken en meer functie's voor de prijs maar als ik zou moeten kiezen voor het echte grote werk kies ik toch maar voor de technics want die voelt gewoon veel steviger aanHappy, laughing
User edit by Bastian on 04-04-2006 @ 17:31:27 (7%)
MauriceForge    posted on 04-04-2006 17:52
2 deaf dj : it isn't the name, it could have been a sony or a jvc, or even a pioneer haha, but you buy it, because you know what youre gonna get
djmamo    posted on 04-04-2006 18:08
Poster: MauriceForge
Technics is the nr 1 turntable 4 ever! they could make things better, or put in a heavier torque, but why reinvend the wheel once again?

the technics does its job excellent, so why would pro's want something else? technics has got the feeling,the build, everything.........

so there could be better stronger tt's out there, but what's the piont? they do exactly the same, and those bend,key and other xtra's are nice, but 9 out of ten that you don't use them.....and the technics quality is supreme


this al doesn't make sense.

if you look at a synq ant work with it you will see that this is a far more better tt than the technics, it even handels better.

and a synq is far more sollit than a technics.

about the quality... why is technics supreme because the last longer? you don't know that for sure.

so i call this myth busted..

think about this: why does the new oems have better and stonger motors? mabey because the perform better and mabey last longer?
MauriceForge    posted on 04-04-2006 18:28
it doens't matter that those tt's maybe perform better.

Everyone is used to technics, so nobody wants different.

And if those tt where really so good, they would have been club standard by now don't you think?

They could last longer then a technics, but hey....we''l know that after 25 years, cause the technics is out that long and is still the most reliable turntable.

the technics does its job perfect, and al those xtra features on others won't be used by most people.

If they really perform better cause of the motors, don't you think that technics would have thought of it by now? is just as good as its gonna gets

antwan    posted on 04-04-2006 18:57
Technics... just because!!!
ASDStyle    posted on 04-04-2006 20:40
Licht eraan wat je ermee doet.

Met een Technics kan je beter scratchen, met OEM beter mixen...

dion    posted on 04-04-2006 20:43
technics is good
Laidback    posted on 04-04-2006 20:43
Poster: ASDStyle
Licht eraan wat je ermee doet.

Met een Technics kan je beter scratchen, met OEM beter mixen...


Sorry.. dit slaat nergens op Happy, laughing

Je kan Met Bijde wat je maar wil

en soms op een OEM wel beter scratchen (omdat de Torgeu iets hoger ligd als de technics)

Ik ga voor Technics.. 

Die Hebben zich al Jaren bewezen gewoon de beste te zijn Happy, laughing Winking my eye


Camino    posted on 04-04-2006 21:03
dat ze zich al jaren bewezen hebben vind ik toch ook geen argument... de OEMs zijn nog niet oud genoeg om zich (voor het goede of voor het slechte) bewezen te hebben, dus het is gewoon veel te vroeg om een vergelijking op basis van duurzaamheid te maken. En over die "industrie standard" heb ik ook mijn twijfels, stel je voor;

je kan een DJM800 krijgen voor 800 euro, of een DJM600 voor 1200 euro, allebij nieuw. Ga je dan voor de 600 omdat hij de industrie standaard is? al is de 800 BETER en GOEDKOPER?
Deetek    posted on 04-04-2006 21:20
OEM's ofcourse.... why should you pay for a technique that stands more than 15 years still. And the differnence in price is also a reason to choose for an OEM.
Camino    posted on 04-04-2006 21:25
oh shit just realized this was the english thread; quick translation of my previous post:

that technics have "proven themselves" over the year's i don't really see as a valid arguement... the OEM's aren't old enough to have proven themselves, for better or for worse, so in my oppinion its just much too early to make comparisons based on durability. And as for the remark that you should get Technics cuz its the industry standard;

Immagine you could get a DJM600 for 1200 euros or a DJM800 for 800 euros; would you still go for the 600 beause its the "industry standard" - despite the fact that the DJM800 is both better and cheaper?
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