Poster: DeafDJ
OEM... give me one good reason to spend extra money on a turntable that has less functions and a less powerfull engine...
Poster: djlibertyhoe weet je dat dan? de OEM bestaat nog niet lang genoeg om daarover te oordelen
Technics:d Vind'k meer vertrouwd maar oem is ook goe maartoch technics gaat langer mee
Poster: MauriceForgeTechnics is the nr 1 turntable 4 ever! they could make things better, or put in a heavier torque, but why reinvend the wheel once again?the technics does its job excellent, so why would pro's want something else? technics has got the feeling,the build, there could be better stronger tt's out there, but what's the piont? they do exactly the same, and those bend,key and other xtra's are nice, but 9 out of ten that you don't use them.....and the technics quality is supreme
this al doesn't make sense.if you look at a synq ant work with it you will see that this is a far more better tt than the technics, it even handels better.and a synq is far more sollit than a technics.about the quality... why is technics supreme because the last longer? you don't know that for i call this myth busted..think about this: why does the new oems have better and stonger motors? mabey because the perform better and mabey last longer?
Poster: ASDStyleLicht eraan wat je ermee doet.Met een Technics kan je beter scratchen, met OEM beter mixen...
Sorry.. dit slaat nergens opJe kan Met Bijde wat je maar wilen soms op een OEM wel beter scratchen (omdat de Torgeu iets hoger ligd als de technics)Ik ga voor Technics..Die Hebben zich al Jaren bewezen gewoon de beste te zijn
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