Battles for mixing?
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Scalarburn    posted on 04-12-2005 14:28
I'm just curious how many of you use 2 channel 'battle' mixers for standard mixing.? I myself use one and have never really had any complaints or desire to have 1 to 3 extra channels.? Can anyone really give me a good reason why they prefer those extra channels for simple table on table action?

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Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 18:57 (10%)

What do you think about Battles for mixing? ??

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rebounce    posted on 04-12-2005 14:36
i have already done with ecler   a HAk to be exact. But some channels additional can't hurt. Lets suppose that you have a 2 channels battle mixer where you can attach 2 turntables and 2 cd-player on of
User edit by rebounce on 04-12-2005 @ 14:38:20 (100%)
Camino    posted on 04-12-2005 15:15
the problem i have with battle mixers is that often the faders are too short and too agressive. Also, as rebounce said, most battle mixers only have 2 channels which you can flip between phono and line, but if you want to add an aditional layer to your mix (ie samples, a break, etc), then this is impossible with a battle mixer. It's definitely doable if its just for table on table action, but it cant get all too much more complicated. Which mixer do you use?
Lukaz    posted on 04-12-2005 15:29
i've got the same question.. i'm using also a battle mixer with 3 channels..
I don't have any problems with my mixer
MadSteven    posted on 04-12-2005 17:49
I use <-- a battle mixer. I like mixers which have 'loose' faders, so to say. It's also an ideal back-up for when you've got yourself two turntables or table-like cd-players and wanna go scratching.

But what has been said, can be taken even broader: on the Denon DN-X1500 for example, you can route the same source to different channels and apply different options per channel. I.e. you can play the bass and treble through channel 1, but only hear the middle with echo on channel 2. Pretty neat, trick, don't ya think?

So, yeah, I'm thinking about upgrading or plain buying a DN-X1500 for 'normal' mixing and radio/shoutcast/podcasting. When I get my CDX-1's, I can route my DN-X300 into the X1500 or the other way around and connect my double cd-player and Axis 9's or something to the X1500. That's six channels, with two of them dedicated to scratching. Wicked!

Camino    posted on 04-12-2005 20:11
from what i understand the x1500's xfader is also quite apt for scratching...
mrtnt    posted on 04-12-2005 23:59
i don't scratch that often so i'm using a synq smx 1.
i have heard a lot of great things about the hak series
i like having 4 channels cause i have a double cd player 1 turntable and a laptop

[edit: i'm sure you never heard of a 'edit button']
Mod edit by Nvie on 05-12-2005 07:31 (100%)
[MOD Edit] knippen plakken
MadSteven    posted on 05-12-2005 10:08
Well, you can scratch with the crossfader of the X1500, but...

You can't reverse channels, don't have a hamster switch, no easy kills (though that's definately not the biggest problem) and too little workspace.

There's a reason why a battle mixer is build that way Happy, laughing
Camino    posted on 05-12-2005 17:41
haha yeah i totally agree... if your main goal is to scratch then get a battle mixer... but i'm saying that if its just for scrowing some turntablism skills in a set here or there that i would not waste money/space in my booth on a second (battle) mixer. And although the x1500 is clearly not a battle mixer, try scratch with an XTC sometime
Mimoza    posted on 15-12-2005 23:49
I'm currently using a Pioneer djm707 and no complaints about that one for smooth house mixing, due the fully adjustable cross and upfaders, everything is possible, absolutely no probem with something.
Allthough, i would like to try a rotary in the near future.
I don't miss a third or fourth chanel yet, buth i'm thinking 'bout getting a cdj and i've allready having two tt's...

kiss the future
M-Plex    posted on 16-12-2005 06:05
I don't even like scratching!! It's nice if you can scratch,
because it's an art!

I don't like in because it's the same kind of sound over and over again,
and you can create that sound with every vinyl you grab!

That's my opinion, but I have respect for those who likes it!
DJ_SEVEN_7_    posted on 23-01-2006 05:50
I have both a DJM 600 & a DJM 909, and i must say that the 909 kicks ass bigtime , the small footprint and fx module, it's just golden.

You can kill for the CF *lol*, there's nothing to compare with this!, nâda!

Winston    posted on 23-01-2006 16:16
Poster: Scalarburn
give me a good reason why they prefer those extra channels

In the DJ segment of the mixer market you got scratch/battle mixers, dance mixers and clubmixers.

For just plain back to back mixing or scratching 2 channels is perfect.

A third channel becomes necessary when you're into fast/battle mixing and/or live remixing.

In clubs you even want more channels for greater flexibility, eq. DJ's who work with vinyl, CD's and DVD's and for external effects.
Tic Toc
User edit by Winston on 23-01-2006 @ 16:53:07 (6%)

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