Im trying to connect up mu sound bit pro sampler to my xone 92.
i have my 2 cdj's running through channels 1 + 2.
I have a 1/4 ' jack running going from the aux 1 to the input of the soundbite pro. then the out put from the sound bite into the line in on channel 3.. when i play back the samples i just get a crappy distorted/fuzzy/crackling sound and only a faint murmour of the sample in the back ground.
have i got it connected up wrong/ are the cables not right??.. i no this isnt the way the sound bite manual staes but i have the spare channels and obviously want to use the filters and eq's etc.
What do you think about Xone 92 connection issues : ( Help ??
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ha can you believe it, i was running it through the phono socket...all my kit is built into a custom stand so the back ports arent very accessible and surley enough it was in the phono!...all sorted, just need to learn how to use the dam thing now.
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