Xone 92 connection issues : ( Help
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pagie    posted on 08-06-2010 12:37
Im trying to connect up mu sound bit pro sampler to my xone 92.

i have my 2 cdj's running through channels 1 + 2.

I have a 1/4 ' jack running going from the aux 1 to the input of the soundbite pro. then the out put from the sound bite into the line in on channel 3.. when i play back the samples i just get a crappy distorted/fuzzy/crackling sound and only a faint murmour of the sample in the back ground.

have i got it connected up wrong/ are the cables not right??.. i no this isnt the way the sound bite manual staes but i have the spare channels and obviously want to use the filters and eq's etc.



What do you think about Xone 92 connection issues : ( Help ??

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Camino    posted on 08-06-2010 12:54
sounds like you're running the soundbyte into a phono channel on channel 3? if not, check your cables...
pagie    posted on 08-06-2010 13:55
ha can you believe it, i was running it through the phono socket...all my kit is built into a custom stand so the back ports arent very accessible and surley enough it was in the phono!...all sorted, just need to learn how to use the dam thing now.

Many thanks


User edit by pagie on 08-06-2010 @ 13:55:56 (3%)
W.i.M    posted on 08-01-2011 15:40
Topic moved to the english section
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