DJM800 Overclipping issue
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leehodge    posted on 04-03-2010 15:44
Hi, just a quickie.
I recently changed from an Allen and Heath Xone 92 to a DJM 800 for the features and better connectivity to my CDJ 2000s.
The problem i'm having is controlling the sound accurately. On my Xone 92 setting up the volume worked by letting it flicker onto the light beneath the over clipping, when in the mix it always stayed under the overkill.
On the DJM 800 I find if I let the light flicker onto the 1st red....I say flicker, it's just on or of on the DJM 800, when in the the mix it always goes into overkill.
What am I doing wrong.
Regards Lee

What do you think about DJM800 Overclipping issue ??

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Victor    posted on 04-03-2010 15:57
If the channel led meters stay in the green zone (after adjusting the channel gain controls) you should be fine. The master output should then be in the green too under normal circumstances. If you open more than one channel at the same time the overall (master) output could end up somewhere in the red zone, but that's not a real issue since it's temporary.

Besides, the DJM-800's sound is still ok in these circumstances.?
leehodge    posted on 04-03-2010 16:00
I did find the sound levels easier to tweak on the 92 though, but I do love the 800 for the effects, digital in etc. six of one half, a dozen of the other I suppose!!!
main    posted on 04-03-2010 16:08
because 2 songs playing at the same time puts out more db than 1.

correct me if i'm wrong.
leehodge    posted on 04-03-2010 16:16
I get what you are saying but when only using 1 set of bass eq and then swapping the bass it never seemed to do it.
main    posted on 04-03-2010 16:18
to do what? you just need to lower your master or put the gain's of your channels some lower.

i also use the technique of swapping bass but i never get problems with that.
Lucalicious    posted on 04-03-2010 17:29
just keep your volume's at 0 db, than your safe
W.i.M    posted on 08-01-2011 15:41
Topic moved to the english section
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