What digital gear would be better
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JayStone    posted on 03-03-2010 17:50
Hi all.... im a bit confused of what equipment to chose! Im stuck between picking up a Allen & Heath Xone DX or Denon DN-X1600 + two Traktor Kontrol X1's!
Here's some aspects!

1. Denon is a real mixer and i can add cd players as well, i could do that with Xone, but i still would need to run Itch on my pc!
2. I already have Ableton Live and as the Xone comes with Serato Itch, I will be able to use The Bridge plugin for my productions!
3. I never worked with Itch before, but i wont use the Xone with Traktor because of the possibility that The Bridge gives!
4. Kontrol X1 can be changed to Xone 2D or Eks Otus RAW in a later update!
5. I believe i wont need a Audio 4 card to use Denon with Traktor, because it will be certificated soon!
6. Xone is more portable, but that's not that important for me!
7. I cant afford to buy the Xone 4D or Denon DN-X1700.Cool about 1200/1400 Euro's is my limit!
8. Maybe there's more opinions you can give!?
Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 15:12 (1%)

What do you think about What digital gear would be better ??

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Estacy    posted on 03-03-2010 18:05
This is difficult really. Itch is a cool program, and with the new Bridge coming up, its going to be even more awesome! On the other hand, you've got a lot more expansion options with the Denon, and if its traktor certified, I'd choose for the Denon option.
'George Clinton meeting Kraftwerk in an elevator'
JayStone    posted on 03-03-2010 18:16
Its not yet, but will be soon. There's already Traktor Pro premaps available for download in denon site!
Exactly! If id spent like 700 euros, id get a VCI 300 for sure! But now its getting harder to chose!?
One thing tho... that V-link feature that works with Roland! They say you can control edirol v4/v8! I have a Roland workstation synthesizer (I dont use pc for producing, but i consider it with The Bridge) that has V-link, but would that give some control!?
And other, for pc i need the ASIO driver, there's no info for windows 7 yet!
JayStone    posted on 03-03-2010 18:25
aw yea.... denon already works with Traktor on it's own internal sound interface!
BennoRevelli    posted on 10-03-2010 13:57
Just something about itch, With ITCH?you could encounter some problems
Itch a nice program, but still got some problems (I use itch almost?everyday)
Wrong bpm calculation,freezing,etc. are still some serious problems that they will fix in the future versions,

It has already been improved over the couple of versions released earlier, but it's still not stable and reliable enough to rely on? if you ask me

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User edit by BennoRevelli on 10-03-2010 @ 13:58:07 (1%)
W.i.M    posted on 08-01-2011 15:41
Topic moved to the english section
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