What i think is that a dj right now has to ask himself: what role midi will play in the future? The big advantage of traktor in my opinion is its ability to sync based on midi, and to use beatgrids. This really makes the space between a dj and a producer a lot smaller. So the question is, will a modern dj be a composer that will compose a new song based on bits and peaces? (then digital is your choice, traktor added with ableton live is the winner combo to do so).?
Poster: Vassilli
Dude. Since the Cdj's dj'ing is to easy.
And who said they wanted to be Richie Hawtin? I sure didn't.
And if you only use traktor because you don't wanna burn any cd's. Dj'ing doesn't change.
Oh and about the bedroom dj stuff. I am a resident in a Club and i organize party's in the big city's in the Netherlands. So
Poster: gobsheeetsontis
Its not difficult to use the sync button your talking through your arse mate..
i installed the software opened it up and was running 4 deck mixes within about 5 minutes.. any retard can mix on this shite..
Basically its for hawton wannabes like yourself since your licking his arse.. because hawton uses tracktor i want to jump on the bandwagon.. go ahead jump on the bandwagon al your 12 year olds will follow like little gremlins you can do a teenage mutant hero turtle mashup with them..
Your not ritchie hawton lad your a wannabe truck driver or a supermarket or chip shop worker that wants to be him.
I never said the cdjs had effects? did I? the wanna be hawton is also dillusional must be all the fumes off the chips his a cookin in work.
Resident tracktor pro - and probably the only place your resident on some gay internet site you get your thrills from this i bet..
Tracktor scratch pro makes life far too easy..
A phrase comes to mind also less is more
the effects are crap and sound shite to a trained ear there is no comparison i know my ears better than anyone does.. i have a few sets of high end monitors and ive listened through em they sound poor Really cheapy hence why i was talking about price.
if you have as much experience as you say you have youd know this is not djing or mixing its cheating generally any decent dj uses a small amount of effects and im there to hear them mixing - 'THEM MIXING' not tracktor .. i dont want to hear tomka toy effects from some shitty software .. i want to hear a nice clean mix with effects to a minimal and if they use effects id expect decent quality effects and not tomka sounding effects.. i dont want to hear tracktor mixing i want to hear the person mixing.. Tracktor screams cheap and for kids you can say what you like i dont really care about your opinion either. 300 as apposed to about 5g for a djm2000 and cdj2000s says somethign also for a controller your talking 200 or something so 500 versus 5k. Its an
you obviously dont have the cash for cdj2000s..? so you defend tracktor with your time code with your life..
Not a nice feeling when you cant afford the best and you think you have the best but you really dont ..
Cheap for cheap fanboys that mix in there room and never go anywhere - youve accomplished life havent you your a pro+ on a djresource forum which should be a joke.. when you clearly cant see that effects on any decent mixer or external effects unit - djm800, efx1000 - havent yet tried djm2000 but will own tsp aswell.. are far superior and better sounding than the effects on tracktor and all vst ive heard tbh
Next thing NI will be releasing is tracktor scratch nursery..
Poster: Tomazos
i dont like that Traktor scratch dont works fine with CDJ in CDJ modus, it only works fine in Vinyl modus
Poster: Tomazos
i dont like that Traktor scratch dont works fine with CDJ in CDJ modus, it only works fine in Vinyl modus
Poster: Dolivieira
The sound of the Audio4/8DJ is beyond better then any CDJ?I her yet. I am DJing for 24 years now. And i have done that with TTs, CDplayers, Timecoded systems and Midi. Don`t come and talk about experience!!!?
Poster: Tomazos
i dont like that Traktor scratch dont works fine with CDJ in CDJ modus, it only works fine in Vinyl modus
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