Traktor Scratch Pro vs CDJ2000 (2/3)
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dogg5306    posted on 21-12-2009 12:22
Hi guys,

Currently I'm building a brand new setup... I've been heading to 2*CDJ2000+1*turntable+mixer+... but getting Traktor could also be very nice... so the setup would be 2*turntables+mixer+laptop+traktor...
Quality wise, I don't think that you're loosing something... and the amount of available features makes both solutions equivalent...

I just love that vinyl touch Cool

What do you think about the idea?
Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 15:10 (1%)

What do you think about Traktor Scratch Pro vs CDJ2000 ??

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remco87    posted on 20-07-2010 15:29
This is quite an interesting question.In my opinion this defines what will be the new industry standard, like the cdj 1000 before, and the SL-1200. Pioneer as well as native instruments are really focussing on this right now by making shure a lot of popular dj's use their equipment.

Technically both alternatives are actually more similar than they appear in the first place. It is possible to prepare sets with playlists, use mp3 on digital media, and have technical abilities like hotcues and hotloops and autosync based on your preparation of the set you play.

What i think is that a dj right now has to ask himself: what role midi will play in the future? The big advantage of traktor in my opinion is its ability to sync based on midi, and to use beatgrids. This really makes the space between a dj and a producer a lot smaller. So the question is, will a modern dj be a composer that will compose a new song based on bits and peaces? (then digital is your choice, traktor added with ableton live is the winner combo to do so). If you rather stick with the traditional approach that a dj is someone who entertains people by playing one record after the other, get the cdj. Combination? Get a CDJ800/1000 and hook it up with traktor scratch with timecode, or get a 2000 and hook it up by using midi.

kobuz    posted on 20-07-2010 15:50
What i think is that a dj right now has to ask himself: what role midi will play in the future? The big advantage of traktor in my opinion is its ability to sync based on midi, and to use beatgrids. This really makes the space between a dj and a producer a lot smaller. So the question is, will a modern dj be a composer that will compose a new song based on bits and peaces? (then digital is your choice, traktor added with ableton live is the winner combo to do so).?

If that would be the case I couldn't image a reason to go for time-code or for cdj2000's, besides wanting to keep the 'old skool touch'. For full midi I would recommend a good midicontroller like the NI X1 with a good mixer next to it. With one x1 you can go crazy with effects and loops for two decks. Combine this with a second controller for Ableton and the sky will be you limit.

If you rather keep the vinyl way of dj-ing you can go for two turntables and Traktor Scratch (maybe with a controller next to it for fx and loops). In my opinion this is just a middle-way for an easier transition to the digital world. A nice thing of this solution is that it is wayyyyy cheaper than any of the pioneer solutions and you can already explore digital dj-ing while having the good old turntables next to it.?

A lot of people think that the cdj2000 will be the next standard in the clubs, but I wouldn't be so sure of that, especially since the pro's are already adopting much cheaper and more functional controllers, which they can customize themselves completely.?

gobsheeetsontis    posted on 21-07-2010 12:11
Stop shitting on, Just because you cant beat match this is for kids at home wanna be djs. the effects sound crap compared to a djm800 very cheap and like toys.. There is no comparison the flanger is shite on the pioneer yeah ill admit that very synthetic.. but its ever worse on tracktor x 10 and a 7 year old could get 2 tracks hit that oh so handy sync button and think there eddie haliwelll.. no skills involved i dont care what anyone says the whole thing about mixing is that you actually mix and mix yourself. Hence why everyone is going for the cheap tracktor because 80-90% of them cant mix. you may not notice how shite the effects are but i do.. regardless of how usefull they are they sound absolutely shite.. How stupid would someone look sitting there mixing on that with the sync button.. even 4 decks with a sync button is easy.. Your getting pissed because you cant actually mix and because im taking the piss out of your pride and joy everyone knows the effects sound crap and its basically doing all the work for you.. what fun is that? bored after 5 minutes and when i heard some of the effects i was saying to myself...

Why did i waste that 20 minutes of my life downloading this shite...

Wheres the rewind life button they have everything else hahahahaha...

dogg5306 - if your getting cdjs i wouldnt even bother with tracktor .. get yourself a decent mixer in my opinion auto beat sync will do nothing but bad things for you when you hafta go and play on actual cdjs. my uncle was playing onmy cdjs and this guy is a vinyl junkie but he really liked the feel. tracktor sounds very cheap in my opinion the effects just put the butter on the bread i wont be touching it with a 25 foot pole.. it sounds how you say like a tomka toy haha.( all the cheapo fan bois that cant be match will have something to say i guarantee - i dont care about your tomka opinions - the price says it all TBH its cheap kids software for bedroom djs that cant beat match and want loads of shitty sounding effects to butch up a song in every way imagineable)

If you really have to have tracktor though for watever reason loops nd shit then use 2 channels of the 4 channel mixer with the kontrol x1 and the other 2 for the cdjs.. personally though the better way to go would be ableton and apc40. Much more possibilities with this.. a bit more effort required for this hence why they brought out a cheapy solution ie tracktor to cater to all the kids.. Once you learn how to warp youll be flying around..
User edit by gobsheeetsontis on 21-07-2010 @ 12:30:26 (100%)
Camino    posted on 21-07-2010 13:07
Before i even start, let me point out that i've been DJ'ing since before the time CDJ1000 mk1's came out, started with vinyl, moved on to CD, and now moved on to Traktor. Any long-time member of this forum can confirm that i can beatmatch 3 turntables seamlessly and quickly. Sure, there are many wannabe DJ's out there that use the sync button to 'mix' for them, there's no denying that. But, even using a sync button CORRECTLY is very difficult, in order to get your beatgrids 100% right to avoid phasing when you're mixing takes a well-trained ear. There are still many dinosaurs out there who are scared by syncing, but the fact of the matter is that in letting the computer do some of the work for you, you liberate more time to work effectively on 4 decks with loops, samples, drummachines, ableton, effects, and filters... I don't see what the problem is with syncing if you use the time you gain from it effectively to do things you would never be able to do in a traditional set up. I might also add that the CDJ2000 now also has sync capabilities....

As I understand, your main argument agains Traktor and in favor of CDJ 2000's are that the effects in Traktor are rubbish. I'm not even going to argue with you that Traktor effects are in fact not, I guess Richie Hawtin, Rafik, and many other well established DJ's across all genres must be totally mistaken. However, how do the Traktor effects compare to those on a CDJ 2000? Oh right, a 2000 doesn't have any Cool. If you don't like the way they sound, don't use them and rely entirely on an external effector or patch your sound through Ableton. I will however readily admit that the key lock on CDJ's is much better than on Traktor, however this is only noticeable if you go well beyond the 3% pitch range, which i personally never do.?

However, my favorite argument you have against Traktor is that its cheap. I don't quite catch your drift on how it being less than 1/6 the price of a pair of CDJ's (and you get 4 decks instead of 2!) is a bad thing, perhaps you could enlighten me?

So back to the opening poster's question: get CDJ's or Traktor? I'd say go for TSP, I too love the feel of vinyl and the fact that i can keep that feel without having to lug around kilos of vinyls to each gig and still being limited to about 200 LP's... But my main argument for Traktor is that it has implemented MIDI. I absolutely adore the fact that I can go out and buy a controller and program it to do exactly what I want, and expand my setup with MIDI instruments. Vinyl was for the first generation of DJ's, CD for the second, and now Timecode for the third - even Pioneer has understood this and is making their gear DVS-compatible.

Signing off, your resident Traktor Fanboy Cool
User edit by Camino on 21-07-2010 @ 13:15:04 (4%)
Vassilli    posted on 21-07-2010 13:47
So true!

Well beatsyncing with th Cdj 2000's is just as easy as sync'ing in Traktor.. And i love the effects in Traktor you can adjust 3 parameters, you try that with your Djm-800.. There is one effects i like on the Djm 800, the delay. The rest sucks.

Offcourse there are kids who think that they are dj's with Traktor. But there are also dude's with 2 Cdj 2000's and a Djm who think they are dj's and can't mix for SHIT. So your argument is irrelevant..
gobsheeetsontis    posted on 21-07-2010 14:05
Its not difficult to use the sync button your talking through your arse mate..

i installed the software opened it up and was running 4 deck mixes within about 5 minutes.. any retard can mix on this shite..

Basically its for hawton wannabes like yourself since your licking his arse.. because hawton uses tracktor i want to jump on the bandwagon.. go ahead jump on the bandwagon al your 12 year olds will follow like little gremlins you can do a teenage mutant hero turtle mashup with them..

Your not ritchie hawton lad your a wannabe truck driver or a supermarket or chip shop worker that wants to be him.

I never said the cdjs had effects? did I? the wanna be hawton is also dillusional must be all the fumes off the chips his a cookin in work.

Resident tracktor pro - and probably the only place your resident on some gay internet site you get your thrills from this i bet..

Tracktor scratch pro makes life far too easy..

A phrase comes to mind also less is more

the effects are crap and sound shite to a trained ear there is no comparison i know my ears better than anyone does.. i have a few sets of high end monitors and ive listened through em they sound poor Really cheapy hence why i was talking about price.

if you have as much experience as you say you have youd know this is not djing or mixing its cheating generally any decent dj uses a small amount of effects and im there to hear them mixing - 'THEM MIXING' not tracktor .. i dont want to hear tomka toy effects from some shitty software .. i want to hear a nice clean mix with effects to a minimal and if they use effects id expect decent quality effects and not tomka sounding effects.. i dont want to hear tracktor mixing i want to hear the person mixing.. Tracktor screams cheap and for kids you can say what you like i dont really care about your opinion either. 300 as apposed to about 5g for a djm2000 and cdj2000s says somethign also for a controller your talking 200 or something so 500 versus 5k. Its an

you obviously dont have the cash for cdj2000s..? so you defend tracktor with your time code with your life..
Not a nice feeling when you cant afford the best and you think you have the best but you really dont ..

Cheap for cheap fanboys that mix in there room and never go anywhere - youve accomplished life havent you your a pro+ on a djresource forum which should be a joke.. when you clearly cant see that effects on any decent mixer or external effects unit - djm800, efx1000 - havent yet tried djm2000 but will own tsp aswell.. are far superior and better sounding than the effects on tracktor and all vst ive heard tbh

Next thing NI will be releasing is tracktor scratch nursery..
Vassilli    posted on 21-07-2010 14:25
Dude. Since the Cdj's dj'ing is to easy.
And who said they wanted to be Richie Hawtin? I sure didn't.

And if you only use traktor because you don't wanna burn any cd's. Dj'ing doesn't change.

Oh and about the bedroom dj stuff. I am a resident in a Club and i organize party's in the big city's in the Netherlands. So Cool
User edit by Vassilli on 21-07-2010 @ 14:31:44 (71%)
Estacy    posted on 21-07-2010 14:37
hey, Irishguy, you do realize that DJing is not about the gear, but about the music? If you put a 12 year behind a pc with traktor, and a DJ that has been spinning for 20 years, I can tell you which one will blow the roof off. Feeling the crowd, thats something that Traktor NOR cdj's can do.
'George Clinton meeting Kraftwerk in an elevator'
T-to-the-J    posted on 21-07-2010 14:43
Poster: Vassilli
Dude. Since the Cdj's dj'ing is to easy.
And who said they wanted to be Richie Hawtin? I sure didn't.

And if you only use traktor because you don't wanna burn any cd's. Dj'ing doesn't change.

Oh and about the bedroom dj stuff. I am a resident in a Club and i organize party's in the big city's in the Netherlands. So Cool

Ik ben een DJ, geen fucking jukebox!
gobsheeetsontis    posted on 21-07-2010 14:49
I can mix on anything it doesnt matter what format..

I started on shitty gemini 100-150 euro cdjs with no bpm counter used them for about a year and a half to save up for cdj1000s. i borrowed my uncles 1210s also.

I personally thought tracktor would be great before i got around to checking it out and i must say the filter sounds very digital and cheap and the rest of the effects are the same.. I was gonna go 4 channels tracktor xone 92 but im thinking just 2 cdj2000s and the xone now

man this is not mixing its more of a virtual dj style software to me im not a hater of NI either i love kontakt and battery? and massive and some others.

its a good idea yeah it frees up hands for other stuff..

but the effects just sound too cheapy to me like a really cheap effects unit or effects that would be on a cheapy mixer..

The sync button just put the icing on the cake though i know you still have to adjust it and cue it up properly but whats a live set without a few mistakes or a bit of a slip when the beats go slightly out more of a real sorta sound to it obviously they're digital and the mixer more than like is digital but theres more of a real feel to it..

Camino brought it up that hawton uses tracktor - MYSELF I AND ME do not care if god came down and told everyone to use tracktor i still wouldnt use it as my main source of audio.. saying that it may be nice to have for loops and shit thats why i advised 2 channels dedicated to tracktor and 2 for the cdjs with the tracktor x1 controller if he really needs that.

I understand that you analyze all your files in recordbox now vassillini and you have your grid basically your bpm counter is gonna be accurtate now ( i never looked at it anywas) and your actual 'seamless loops' I could loop fine before anyways.

With the new cdjs all you need is your harddrive usb key or laptop even a memory card

I dunno what im trying to get at here.. but keep it real anyways..

And if your going for the cdjs id recommend to use the cdjs.

If the effects in tracktor sounded better i may have gone for it but as i said they sound crap in my opinion

im out anyways sorry for the rants but thats my opinion.
Vassilli    posted on 21-07-2010 14:54
I dont use de traktor auto loop. I use an Kontrol X1 to loop my tracks. And i must admit if im very busy with mixing i sometimes use the sync but most of the time i beatsync with my ears and pitch fader.

I als started dj'ing with a tape deck, an old Technics and a pa mixer. before i bought cdj 800's. So i also learnd it the 'hard' way.
Seca    posted on 21-07-2010 15:02
You can't compare cd players with a timecoded system i think.
You need too choose between the turntable feeling or the cd feeling first i think. If you really like the vinyl feeling i suggest that you should buy yourself 2 turntables and a timecoded system.
gobsheeetsontis    posted on 21-07-2010 15:06
vasilli your living in my favourite city in the world i will eventually have an apartment there :P or live there.. was over twice last year :D..

Vassilli in your opinion though what would you say about the effects compared to the effects on a djm800 or an efx1000 compared to those in tracktor - The quality of the sound im talking about here..

Talk to you again vassili off 2 gym

less is more :D

User edit by gobsheeetsontis on 21-07-2010 @ 15:07:32 (4%)
Tekhead    posted on 21-07-2010 15:13
Poster: gobsheeetsontis
Its not difficult to use the sync button your talking through your arse mate..

i installed the software opened it up and was running 4 deck mixes within about 5 minutes.. any retard can mix on this shite..

Basically its for hawton wannabes like yourself since your licking his arse.. because hawton uses tracktor i want to jump on the bandwagon.. go ahead jump on the bandwagon al your 12 year olds will follow like little gremlins you can do a teenage mutant hero turtle mashup with them..

Your not ritchie hawton lad your a wannabe truck driver or a supermarket or chip shop worker that wants to be him.

I never said the cdjs had effects? did I? the wanna be hawton is also dillusional must be all the fumes off the chips his a cookin in work.

Resident tracktor pro - and probably the only place your resident on some gay internet site you get your thrills from this i bet..

Tracktor scratch pro makes life far too easy..

A phrase comes to mind also less is more

the effects are crap and sound shite to a trained ear there is no comparison i know my ears better than anyone does.. i have a few sets of high end monitors and ive listened through em they sound poor Really cheapy hence why i was talking about price.

if you have as much experience as you say you have youd know this is not djing or mixing its cheating generally any decent dj uses a small amount of effects and im there to hear them mixing - 'THEM MIXING' not tracktor .. i dont want to hear tomka toy effects from some shitty software .. i want to hear a nice clean mix with effects to a minimal and if they use effects id expect decent quality effects and not tomka sounding effects.. i dont want to hear tracktor mixing i want to hear the person mixing.. Tracktor screams cheap and for kids you can say what you like i dont really care about your opinion either. 300 as apposed to about 5g for a djm2000 and cdj2000s says somethign also for a controller your talking 200 or something so 500 versus 5k. Its an

you obviously dont have the cash for cdj2000s..? so you defend tracktor with your time code with your life..
Not a nice feeling when you cant afford the best and you think you have the best but you really dont ..

Cheap for cheap fanboys that mix in there room and never go anywhere - youve accomplished life havent you your a pro+ on a djresource forum which should be a joke.. when you clearly cant see that effects on any decent mixer or external effects unit - djm800, efx1000 - havent yet tried djm2000 but will own tsp aswell.. are far superior and better sounding than the effects on tracktor and all vst ive heard tbh

Next thing NI will be releasing is tracktor scratch nursery..

Jesus, do you?wanna make us jalous with your?money on your?bankaccount ? Great job man, congratulations with all your money, try to be a dj in your bedroom.
Floated on the waves of Fantasy, see my dream come true
Vassilli    posted on 21-07-2010 15:15
Ive heard Traktor effects on a very big PA System (Martin Audio and Alcon Subs) I think they sound very good! You can adjust 3 parameters per effect i think thats really great. And in combination with the Audio 4/8 soundcard its just a very good system.
The only cons are: everytime you go and dj somewhere you have to connect the whole setup. :P

Haha maybe i'll see you in Amsterdam in a couple of years! :P
OneSixty    posted on 21-07-2010 16:25
Sounds like someone is going to get banned soon Cool
FML    posted on 21-07-2010 18:55
T? m? cinnte nach f?idir leis na cnaip? u measc?n fi? na m?lte sync. ag caint leat go m?r mar gheall ar d'?l ?lta ? fh?il do do mama?.

My 5 pence mate
# fckMyLlF3/ /
Tekhead    posted on 21-07-2010 19:00
Amai luni, gij schrijft goed Frans hahahaha Cool
Floated on the waves of Fantasy, see my dream come true
Tomazos    posted on 21-07-2010 19:10
i dont like that Traktor scratch dont works fine with CDJ in CDJ modus, it only works fine in Vinyl modus
turntablist,entertainer,allround dj, around the world
Dolivieira    posted on 21-07-2010 19:14
The sound of the Audio4/8DJ is beyond better then any CDJ?I her yet. I am DJing for 24 years now. And i have done that with TTs, CDplayers, Timecoded systems and Midi. Don`t come and talk about experience!!!?
CDJ2000Nexus DDJFLX10 DDJ-XP1 RMX1000 SL1200MK2s
kobuz    posted on 21-07-2010 21:45
Poster: Tomazos
i dont like that Traktor scratch dont works fine with CDJ in CDJ modus, it only works fine in Vinyl modus

That's because you shouldn't use CDJ's for controlling traktor in my opinion?Cool
Roalin    posted on 21-07-2010 21:54
Poster: Tomazos
i dont like that Traktor scratch dont works fine with CDJ in CDJ modus, it only works fine in Vinyl modus
You're right. It works well in CDJ-mode. And the link-feature is great! The option to 'tag' songs in a taglist is very good and also the needle strip works well to search for tracks (after some practice). The 2000 works very well (it got a few bugs, but every new product has got bugs.).
Camino    posted on 21-07-2010 22:29
Poster: Dolivieira
The sound of the Audio4/8DJ is beyond better then any CDJ?I her yet. I am DJing for 24 years now. And i have done that with TTs, CDplayers, Timecoded systems and Midi. Don`t come and talk about experience!!!?

To back this: a CDJ 2000 has a 24-bit/48 kHz sound card, whereas a NI Audio8 has a 24-bit/96kHz Cirrus Logic converter...
Dolivieira    posted on 21-07-2010 23:28
Poster: Tomazos
i dont like that Traktor scratch dont works fine with CDJ in CDJ modus, it only works fine in Vinyl modus

Sorry I saw it later that it mines in CDJ mode of de CDJ. Sorry Tankx Vassilli. Tomazos is right. dont use Traktor in CDJ modus.
CDJ2000Nexus DDJFLX10 DDJ-XP1 RMX1000 SL1200MK2s
User edit by Dolivieira on 21-07-2010 @ 23:34:20 (46%)
Vassilli    posted on 21-07-2010 23:31
He also says it works great. But not in de CDJ mode only in Vinyl.
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