Traktor Scratch Pro vs CDJ2000 (1/3)
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dogg5306    posted on 21-12-2009 12:22
Hi guys,

Currently I'm building a brand new setup... I've been heading to 2*CDJ2000+1*turntable+mixer+... but getting Traktor could also be very nice... so the setup would be 2*turntables+mixer+laptop+traktor...
Quality wise, I don't think that you're loosing something... and the amount of available features makes both solutions equivalent...

I just love that vinyl touch Cool

What do you think about the idea?
Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 15:10 (1%)

What do you think about Traktor Scratch Pro vs CDJ2000 ??

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t-age    posted on 21-12-2009 12:29
I personally should go for the 2000 Because I think that you can do much more with it.

Twello    posted on 21-12-2009 12:38
Buy the CDJ-2000 and also buy Traktor Duo, then you can also use traktor via HID Winking my eye
dogg5306    posted on 21-12-2009 13:26
Poster: t-age
I personally should go for the 2000 Because I think that you can do much more with it

I'm not sure about that... I can't see a thing that is done by the CDJ2000 that can't be done with Traktor...

But it is true that DJing with a laptop looks ackward to me...
Dolivieira    posted on 21-12-2009 14:20
I want to buy both. But don`t have the money yet.
CDJ2000Nexus DDJFLX10 DDJ-XP1 RMX1000 SL1200MK2s
Winston    posted on 21-12-2009 22:31
If you love vinyl you should buy the 2 turntables with traktor.
Tic Toc
ceesietopc    posted on 21-12-2009 22:52
I would definitely go for the CDJ2000's, just because I love the technoly Pioneer put in it. If you do not care about the newest technology (the Pro link feature for example), and you LOVE the vinyl feeling, Traktor + turntables can be a better choice.
baath    posted on 21-12-2009 22:53
Poster: Twello
Buy the CDJ-2000 and also buy Traktor Duo, then you can also use traktor via HID Winking my eye

i can tell you that works nice :D

dogg5306    posted on 21-12-2009 23:51
Pro-Link feature?!?... well you've got that already within Traktor (4 decks sharing the same library) (SD card, USB drives... all that depends on your computer)... actually I think that Pioneer has tried to put most (but not all!!!) of Traktor (or other software) features within their CDJ2000... consequently you've got one single box, that is simple, reliable and will become the defacto standard.

But Traktor does offer more, true you've got the need of a computer, it seems less obvious to use (ergonomy)... but I would say that you've got tools for your creativity... and should you decide to keep your turntable... you can still perform some real "turntablism" which is really cool... (I'm convinced that scratching on a turntable the old fashion way isn't the same as scratching on a CDJ... as you don't feel the weight of the platter for instance...)
dogg5306    posted on 22-12-2009 01:41
Try to do that with a CDJ Cool?even a 2000 one!
(Please note that his scratching isn't perfect at all!)

and that's still digital... thanks to Traktor...
User edit by dogg5306 on 22-12-2009 @ 01:42:21 (44%)
Winston    posted on 22-12-2009 22:00
If you're only deejaying at home traktor is the best for you. But if you like to spin in the clubs you should have a CDJ-2000.
Tic Toc
dogg5306    posted on 23-12-2009 11:11
This is what I'm thinking too... that said you can get everything too?Cool?(way too expensive for me?Cool)
t-age    posted on 23-12-2009 11:32
Or use Traktor with a Midi Controller!
Maby you could go to a store and try some things out.
dogg5306    posted on 23-12-2009 11:46
Well vinyl touch is key for me (so turntable is a must)... adding a Midi controller for Traktor is also planned to avoid touching at the computer all the time...
User edit by dogg5306 on 23-12-2009 @ 12:22:47 (1%)
Gery    posted on 23-12-2009 12:16
If you like the vinyl feeling, you should not doubt and go for Traktor + 2 Technics. This used to be my setup, I loved it. ?I changed to CDJ since I'm mostly spinning at parties or clubs where CDJ is the standard equipment and although if asked I could get Technics, I find it on the road for live performances more reliable to work with CD's (timecoded). I lik eto power mix and where the continuous re-cue'ing with classic vinyl CDJ's can do this much faster. ?CDJ2000 are pretty expensive. If I Were you to save some money I'd buy 2 Technics and DJM800, will be cheaper then 2 CDJ2000 and standard mixer...
DJ - Producer
Winston    posted on 23-12-2009 13:00
If a setup with 2 CDJ-2000 is too expensive. What do you think about the CDJ-900?
Tic Toc
dogg5306    posted on 23-12-2009 15:51

I'm someone who's looking for perfection... I wouldn't be happy knowing that there's a better CDJ around?Cool

I've already started to acquire the booth... then we'll see how it goes... CDJs would be considered as a plus (something that isn't really required)... then I guess that I'll get robbed and I'll start all over again with the MkII (just kidding!)?Cool
User edit by dogg5306 on 23-12-2009 @ 15:53:42 (3%)
UTU    posted on 07-01-2010 23:59
Poster: dogg5306
Try to do that with a CDJ Cool?even a 2000 one!
(Please note that his scratching isn't perfect at all!)

and that's still digital... thanks to Traktor...

I might be missing something, but what exactly is in that video that would not be easily done with CDJ-2000, CDJ-1000 or even CDJ-800 for that matter? Ok, the platter doesn't revolve on itself, but if you're only going to be doing something like that with ahhh, it isn't really that much of a problem.
Cyspoz    posted on 08-01-2010 08:39
I don't see how a DVS system using turntables and without MIDI controller can be compared with 2 CDJ-2000. Playing with vinyl is completely different then CD players. I think that if you like the Vinyl thing you should go ahead with a good DVS setup. Make a setup that can be extended with MIDI controllers so you can later do tricks that you could have done with the CDJ-2000. Using the CDJ-2000 only as HID controller in Traktor makes it a very expensive MIDI controller.

I would suggest to start off with 2 Technics or Super OEM turntables, take Traktor Scratch Pro in combination with the Audio 8 MIDI interface and a 4 channel mixer. Maybe you could already go for a mixer with good MIDI support. Or just plan for a specific MIDI controller that would compliment your choice of mixer. Say you want to buy a Xone:2D as MIDI controller, then you might want a Xone:92 as mixer.
?Above is just a suggestion, but the comparison that was made sounded strange to me. Other stuff to think about is, do you want to use this also on the road or just at home. What is your actual budget and what are your future plans. What do you like to do within 2 years from now and maybe if you know 5 years.
Rhinofart    posted on 16-02-2010 18:34
I went for the best of both worlds. I got the CDJ-2000s as well as Traktor Scratch Pro. Plus, here is a Youtube link to a guy scratching on the CDJ-2000. ?I think he did a good job, but that's just me.
Roalin    posted on 16-02-2010 19:08
Dude, whyConfused Only Traktor Pro would be enough...?
The CDJ-2000 works great with midi?in HID-mode, that means it really works intuitive, the same as in the normal CD-mode.

So Traktor Scratch would is a waste of money in your case and my opinion Cool.

The best option is (and maybe you'll use it that way): Traktor Scratch Pro for your CDJ-1000's?and using midi with the CDJ-2000's.

That scratching vid sucks.. But for scratching?with?Pioneer cd-players it's quite good, cause the Pioneers really suck at scratching...
Rhinofart    posted on 16-02-2010 21:39
The reason I got Scratch Pro was so that it wasn't tied down to just the 1 system. I can have it run with my 2000s, or my 1000s with the timecode, or I can be doing 2 events at once. Have 1 DJ out with the 1000s and TSP, while the 2000s are utilized somewhere else. Plus, I think I may want to pick up a pair of nice TTs in the future. Just because I have that darn TSP Vinyl kicking around now doing nothing. I completely understand where you are coming from in questioning my sanity! LOL But there is always a reason!
gobsheeetsontis    posted on 20-07-2010 10:24
In my opinion tracktor sounds shit.. effects sound like tomka toys.. you pay for what you get and cdj 2000s and a decent mixer are not matched by this shitty software with any midi controller.. I have tracktor here and the effects and dire.. They are certainly not equivelent by no means.. if your into shite quality effects and auto beatmatching ... by all means auto beat match away. Because to be honest most people that are into tracktor cant beat match for there lives - Only the main part of mixing cheap effects ruin buzzes.. state of it in all honesty stick to cdj2000s and a djm800 or 2000 if your looking for effects .. tracktors are gank
Dolivieira    posted on 20-07-2010 14:18
Poster: gobsheeetsontis
In my opinion tracktor sounds shit.. effects sound like tomka toys.. you pay for what you get and cdj 2000s and a decent mixer are not matched by this shitty software with any midi controller.. I have tracktor here and the effects and dire.. They are certainly not equivelent by no means.. if your into shite quality effects and auto beatmatching ... by all means auto beat match away. Because to be honest most people that are into tracktor cant beat match for there lives - Only the main part of mixing cheap effects ruin buzzes.. state of it in all honesty stick to cdj2000s and a djm800 or 2000 if your looking for effects.. tracktors are gank

If is that so what your saying? Why DJs like Ritchie Hawtin, Carl Cox, Pete Tong, Chris Liebing, Sharam, Dennis Ferrer,?and much?more?DJs?is using Traktor. Its bullshit??what you are saying.
CDJ2000Nexus DDJFLX10 DDJ-XP1 RMX1000 SL1200MK2s
Vassilli    posted on 20-07-2010 14:23
Ehm the build in Traktor effects are great. I think the effects from the djm 800 suck...
Dolivieira    posted on 20-07-2010 14:35
Poster: Vassilli
Ehm the build in Traktor effects are great. I think the effects from the djm 800 suck...

Both are good. You can`t compare them with each other. Its what you prefer to use. I have here a Traktor Scatch Pro systeem what a DJM700,?3 x CDJ1000, and a EFX1000.?And I use effects from my Pioneer equipment and?I use effects from Traktor, Some effects are useless but a lot?of effects?is very useful. But if you come here on this forum without introducing yourself and come and say that Traktors is crap without a good explanation because some effects sound?shitty and you don`t like that some DJ?use the Sync bottom,?you're are totally wrong. ??
CDJ2000Nexus DDJFLX10 DDJ-XP1 RMX1000 SL1200MK2s
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