Suggestions to digitize vinyls needed
  English Topics, DO NOT reply in other languages than English !  

dogg5306    posted on 11-12-2009 10:28
Hey guys,

Could you please help me to find a solution that would help me to digitize vynil records...
I've been thinking about using an Ortofon Arkiv cartridge on a Technics SL12xx turntable and a Tascam SS-R05 recorder (coupled with a mixer of course)...

Should you have a better solution... feel free to suggest other solutions...


What do you think about Suggestions to digitize vinyls needed ??

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tek-zotic    posted on 11-12-2009 11:17
download this:

step one: connect your turntable to your mixer
step two: connect your mixer master 2 to your computer with a cable like this if u have an onboard soundcard

or with a cable like this ( if u have that connection on your soundcard )

sort your settings out for good audio, and u can record your vinyls directly to your computer
User edit by tek-zotic on 11-12-2009 @ 11:17:59 (1%)
Mod edit by Lead on 11-12-2009 11:20 (1%)
Lead    posted on 11-12-2009 11:23
To record I would connect your mixer to your PC and use software to record your tracks. You can buy this cable in the DJResource Shop : Converter Cables

Read my topic in the DJ Topics : How to record a Mix on your PC

This should help you Thumbs Up
Let the BASS be louder
Cyspoz    posted on 11-12-2009 11:24
Make sure the needle is in good condition and the turntable is configured correctly (anti-skating, weight, height). Clean your Vinyl records before recording. You can use special liquids and brushers or just water (removes protection coating) if you don't plan on playing them any more later.
Make sure that your record level utilizes to full dynamic range. Record just below 0dB. Optionally use software afterwards to remove noise and/or pop-click sounds.
dogg5306    posted on 11-12-2009 12:48
Those cables won't be OK on my laptop... no stereo mini-jack on that one Cool
Moreover I don't fancy computer's usage...

(Yeah... I know I'm a pain in the xxx Cool)
tek-zotic    posted on 11-12-2009 13:29
aangezien ge nen belg bent zal je wel nl praten ook zeker,
elke laptop heeft een minijack in, genaamd microingang, dus plug u minijack in u ROZE gaatje naast het groene en voila
and if u don't speak dutch:
put the minijack in your micro input, the PINK hole next to the green hole
dogg5306    posted on 11-12-2009 13:34
Yeah... but is that jack a stereo one? (on my laptop I don't think so...)
tek-zotic    posted on 11-12-2009 14:40
what laptop u have??
dogg5306    posted on 11-12-2009 17:49
I've got an HP and it seems that the MIC jack is a stereo one Cool
dogg5306    posted on 15-12-2009 01:04
Well... I've been said... DON'T ever connect a LINE output to a MIC jack... NEVER...
But I've been suggested to get an external USB soundcard for my laptop which should do the trick...

TERRATEC is the brand...
tek-zotic    posted on 15-12-2009 16:35
and i tell you u CAN CONNECT LINE TO MIC
u just need to sort your output volume and input volume
a sound is a sound, don't mather if it's a mic or a line
dogg5306    posted on 16-12-2009 02:46
Correct... BUT...

LINE?jack is much more amplified than a MIC one... which means that in order to record through the MIC jack you would have to reduce a lot the output voltage (i.e. the level) of your signal... and that's WRONG for the dynamic of your signal.

To explain what I mean by dynamic, let me quote an example...
Let's suppose a?LINE jack voltage range that goes from 0 to 10v... let's suppose a very tiny sound that is at 0.1v level.
Now let's switch to MIC?jack where you've got a voltage range that is 10 times smaller... 0 to 1v... the tiny sound would then have a 0.01v level...
BUT are you sure that the electronic circuitry of your sound card can handle such a small level signalConfused (sound >< noise)
I don't think so... and that's the reason why there's a LINE jack with specifications that are different?from a MIC jack to avoid what is called DYNAMIC COMPRESSION.

(CDs have a greater dynamic than vynils, and that's the reason why you can differentiate much more easily a sound?from a noise that is coming from the electronic that you're using listening to a CD... and that's the reason why CDs are all over the place now...)
User edit by dogg5306 on 16-12-2009 @ 02:47:44 (1%)
tek-zotic    posted on 16-12-2009 11:58
i recorded for years like that
dogg5306    posted on 16-12-2009 12:25
Try the other way... you might see the light Cool
cross-over    posted on 16-12-2009 14:00
een stukje uit een ouder topic:

het is niet verstandigom?de mic-in te gebruiken.
Het gaat wel maar de kans op vervorming is erg groot. Koop gewoon een usb converter.

De meeste mixers geven? -14 dBV (200 mV) 50 k_/kOhm uit (line out naar line in van pc/laptop)
De ingang van de meeste pc/laptops MIC-in is:? Mic -54 dBV (2.0 mV) 2 k_/kOhm

Zoals je ziet is er al een verschil in gevoeligheid (de dBV) en in impedantie (kOhm).
Dit is de oorzaak van vervorming.

Verder zijn de mic ingangen ook nog op frequentie beperkt.
dus niet doen als je een goede opname wilt maken

there is a difference in sensitivity and impedancy between mic and line. This difference results in a bigger noise ratio if there are some quite parts in the recoding. The only was to make a good recording is to buy an USB soundcard and attach it to your mixer. just as dogg5306 mentioned.

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