Reloop RMP-3 with IQ2+ or RMX-40
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Amarillo    posted on 26-11-2009 13:57
I'm thinking about buying the RMP-3 from Reloop, in combination with a mixer also from Reloop. I wan't to choose between these mixers:
1. Reloop IQ2+
2. Reloop RMX-40

I know, big diffrence, 2 or 4 channel mixer... For now, i don't need 4 channels, but maybe later i wan't to buy a third player.

My question to you is; what are you experience on these mixers and what do you think about the quality?!

Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 15:15 (1%)

What do you think about Reloop RMP-3 with IQ2+ or RMX-40 ??

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Snaad    posted on 26-11-2009 14:19
Ik heb een Reloop RMX 40, ik vind het een verschrikkelijk lekker apparaat. Werkt prima, goeie faders, effecten werken prima, natuurlijk net iets minder dan de djm 700, maar daar betaal je ook minder voorHappy, laughing Wat prijs/kwaliteit verhouding betreft vind ik Reloop sowieso al veel beter dan de Pioneer, maar dat is een ander onderwerp. Mijn ervaring is dus bijzonder positiefHappy, laughing
b-shock    posted on 26-11-2009 14:58
I have the Reloop IQ-2 USB. one of the best 2-channel mixer.It's even better than the DJM 400 of Pioneer. I have tested Both , And i bought the iQ-2 because i like the crossfader effects en some other stuff the RMX-40 doesn't own.

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