Who else did this happen to??????????
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Henry    posted on 13-10-2005 11:58
I am experiencing some trouble with my CDJ800 at the moment which i've never experienced before. When i insert a CD in the player while the VINYL mode is ON, it cues itself and refused to play unless i switch off the JOG MODE b4 the cd starts playing.....what do i do or do i av to return it to the shop?

Pls help with ideas if u've got. To make matter worse i av a gig on Saturday.
User edit by Henry on 13-10-2005 @ 12:57:14 (28%)
Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 19:01 (1%)

What do you think about Who else did this happen to?????????? ??

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TheSupercrab    posted on 13-10-2005 16:34
did u put it on auto cue? :S?

(if u did u can take it of Auto cue again by holding in the autocue button next to the display)
User edit by TheSupercrab on 13-10-2005 @ 16:35:05 (100%)
Lead    posted on 13-10-2005 16:38
It sure sounds like a AutoCue thing... if not, I guess taking it back to the shop is the only thing to do. Most good shops have the service that they can provide you with a loan player during your reparation. But this strongly depands on the store where the machine is bought.
Let the BASS be louder
bkdj    posted on 23-10-2005 23:07
sounds like a problem with the touch pad, it always thinks its held down, thus only working on CDJ mode?
I think ive read about similar problesm on the pioneer forums, should still be usable if you can use CDJ mode,
I use vinyl mode but mainly just use the play/cue buttons anyway

the thing that worries me with the CDJ800 is if the cd is scratched or dirty it just STOPS playing

my mate learnt that the hard way in a back to back gig yesterday, it was my fault really because i had just mixed into the bad track, and then he took-over.

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