technics 1200 blue led
  Dutch Topics, DO NOT reply in other languages than Dutch !  LOCKED 

lonniep    posted on 06-11-2009 16:58
Hello all.

I wanted to show off my decks after modding them with kits i found on ebay.? They look sooo dope now!

?I bought them from a seller [mod edit] for only $40 for 2 tables!? It only?took?an hour to do both tables
and didn't have to solder a thing. Really easy and they have a install guide here:?

Highly cool stuff and I?want to support this company's really great kit that saved my tables.? I had tried to solder leds before myself from another kit that I bought from the UK and paid almost the same price just for a few stupid leds, spent 4 hours and tore up my pcbs.
If it wasn't for this kit that was new pcbs already made up.? I'd be SOL righta bout nows!

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Mod edit by Lead on 07-11-2009 15:03 (14%)

What do you think about technics 1200 blue led ??

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Stagiar    posted on 06-11-2009 18:36
Lijkt me spam.
main    posted on 06-11-2009 18:40
idd spam.
Mixt-Ape    posted on 06-11-2009 19:24
Jep heel leuk. Ga nu maar weg.
Dolivieira    posted on 06-11-2009 19:27
mijn lampjes van mijn SL12xx blijven zoals ze zijn.
CDJ2000Nexus DDJFLX10 DDJ-XP1 RMX1000 SL1200MK2s
Tekhead    posted on 06-11-2009 20:26
de mijn ook
Floated on the waves of Fantasy, see my dream come true
tairip    posted on 06-11-2009 21:40


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