Timecoded system Please help Best one
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erty    posted on 23-08-2009 23:25
Hello everyone,
I have 2xCdj 1000mk3, 2xtechnics sl1200mk5 and one djm600 apple macbook, I want to buy an timecoded system which system is the best
I think serato SL3 or SL2 (Scratch Live), Stanton final scratch, or other stuff from m-audio and others...
I need information about this topic please help me?
Also please explain your answerHappy, laughing
Thank you all

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Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 15:18 (6%)

What do you think about Timecoded system Please help Best one ??

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Dj_Fantasy    posted on 23-08-2009 23:51
The big discussion is, Serato Scratch Live with the new SL3 or Traktor Scratch Pro.
They cost about the same.
But you have Traktor Scratch Duo, it's a striped version of Scratch Pro, with only 2 decks, and less effects.

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