what beginner gear to buy
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dan13lw    posted on 12-08-2009 12:46
ive been mixing on comp 4 bout a year now, and am looking to buy some dj gear.
what cdj's and mixer to buy
i dont want to go over $1000 aud preferably
100 aud = about 50 gbp
thinking bout geting cdj 200s and a crappy mixer, then upgrade later
need good recomendations for cdjs because as before, ill get some crap mixer and upgrade later, well atleast thats what i heard i should do.


What do you think about what beginner gear to buy ??

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dan13lw    posted on 12-08-2009 13:21
btw, mainly mix electro
Esmee    posted on 12-08-2009 13:35
maybe you can look for second hand cdj-400's
reloop rmp-1 is also (or was it also is....Cool) a good player to start with.
I prefer reloop rmx-40, but it's to expensive in combination with 2 cdj's.
Maybe you can buy a cheap mixer from numark with it? like the DM950?


and eh... sorry for my english... CoolCool

oh btw
you can edit your post with the edit button, so you don't have post 2 messages

User edit by Esmee on 12-08-2009 @ 13:37:27 (45%)
Snaad    posted on 12-08-2009 13:46
We can give you some advice, but that depends on the prices of dj gear down under. For example as Esmee said, a reloop rmx 40, costs about $700 aud. What's the price over there? So if $1000 is your budget limit, it will get pretty hard to find some decent gear mate.
Helixon    posted on 12-08-2009 23:50
Go for the Reloop RMX 40 DSP BlackFire
TuningTwentyfive    posted on 12-09-2009 02:58
buy 2 used cdj200 and a behringer ddm4000
hoppie    posted on 12-09-2009 16:37
Look for second hand
Question everything
Ilja    posted on 12-09-2009 17:47
Mixer: ?Pioneer DJM-400 ?is a perfect start
Players: s for CDJ's: ?DN-S1200's or if you are lucky Technics SL-DZ1200.
Headphones: ?Sony is good and not Pricy.
main    posted on 12-09-2009 18:15
use the search button Winking my eye
FML    posted on 13-09-2009 16:10
agree with main , to lot of this i know i made a topic for rookie till pro booths , diffrent chooses from other dj's search that one.

edit budget mixer , behinger VMX 200
# fckMyLlF3/ fmlsound.tumblr.com /myspace.com/fckmylif3
User edit by FML on 13-09-2009 @ 16:11:30 (30%)

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