What do you think of behringer ddm4000
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_marc_    posted on 06-08-2009 20:04
im buying a new dj mixer im thinking of the behringer ddm4000 what do people think of it is it any good is there any other good mixers with 4 channels around that price ?


What do you think about What do you think of behringer ddm4000 ??

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tek-zotic    posted on 07-08-2009 02:28
i heard good things about this mixer, but i'm not a behringer fan. What you hear from most behringer users is that the faders start to have noise when you use them for a while. I could tell you this, you get alot of function for the money u pay but the quality?? i'm not sure about it
Dolivieira    posted on 07-08-2009 09:16
This one is one of the better Mixers of Berhinger.
CDJ2000Nexus DDJFLX10 DDJ-XP1 RMX1000 SL1200MK2s
diddy    posted on 07-08-2009 11:33
I have that mixer now for almost 2 years and i think... Damn this is a good mixer! The digital faders are superb and the efx are better as a pioneer EFX500, atleast that is what i think. I sold mine EFX500 because i only want only the good efx from my behringer.
_marc_    posted on 07-08-2009 12:29
i was just thinking its a good mixer like people have said but there are so many bloody buttons , are all them buttons needed lol ,?Behringer ddm4000Its a really good mixer for the money just the buttons im worried about
TranceXX    posted on 07-08-2009 13:44
To be honest, take the Pioneer DJM-700 instead, it costs a bit more but jou get a great 4 channel?mixer.
I?don't like the build quality of the Behringer stuff.
But that's my opinion.Cool
User edit by TranceXX on 07-08-2009 @ 13:44:40 (1%)
Dolivieira    posted on 07-08-2009 14:02
Poster: TranceXX
To be honest, take the Pioneer DJM-700 instead, it costs a bit more but jou get a great 4 channel?mixer.
I?don't like the build quality of the Behringer stuff.
But that's my opinion.Cool

I?Have the DJM 700 meself. But there are people?that can`t buy of want to buy a Pioneer because the say that pioneer stuff is?to expansive.?For those this kind af mixers are a perfect solution. And this Berhinger is one of the better berhinger you can get.? Only?I agree with??_marc_?that there is a lot of buttons on this mixer. But this one is much better than the DJX700/750. But i always said: Why you?spend 200 euro more and buy you self a Xone 42. Is a lot better built?quality than the Berhinger. Of buy you self a Denon DN1500X with effects.
CDJ2000Nexus DDJFLX10 DDJ-XP1 RMX1000 SL1200MK2s
_marc_    posted on 07-08-2009 17:10
what do i decide to buy now lol?behringer ddm4000 ?266Pioneer Djm 600- ?545?? ? ? ? ? ?Djm 700 ?798
and my limit is around 200 - 300 ?

see i like the behringer for the 2 mic input and talk over function
User edit by _marc_ on 07-08-2009 @ 17:14:05 (51%)
TranceXX    posted on 07-08-2009 17:53
Poster: _marc_
what do i decide to buy now lol?behringer ddm4000 ?266Pioneer Djm 600- ?545?? ? ? ? ? ?Djm 700 ?798
and my limit is around 200 - 300 ?

see i like the behringer for the 2 mic input and talk over function

Ok, then?the DJM-700 is a bit to expencive.Cool
User edit by TranceXX on 07-08-2009 @ 17:54:58 (4%)
Dolivieira    posted on 07-08-2009 23:21
Go and see the Denon DN1500X
CDJ2000Nexus DDJFLX10 DDJ-XP1 RMX1000 SL1200MK2s
vh    posted on 12-08-2009 20:49
i once used a ddm4000 for a party and i must say that i was pleased because for that little money it is a very good mixer and a couple weeks ago i was in lloret del mar and i went to a club and even there they were using a ddm4000

its a good mixer and have very good effects
Helixon    posted on 12-08-2009 22:17
Poster: TranceXX
To be honest, take the Pioneer DJM-700 instead, it costs a bit more but jou get a great 4 channel?mixer.
I?don't like the build quality of the Behringer stuff.
But that's my opinion.Cool

"it costs a bit more" are you sure? Because the DDM4000 costs in holland ? 369,- The DJM-700 costs in holland ? 939,- we aint talking about a "bit" more, but a lot more then the DDM4000, the DJM costs 530 euro more then the DDM4000

The Behringer DDM4000 looks like a good mixer. and its a lot better then the Behriner DJX 700/750
I would say GO and check it out in the store, see it for your self about the choice of the Mixer.
I would suggest the Reloop RMX 40 DSP BlackFire because its the same price class

Good luck with findig the right mixerCool


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