Kontrol DJ - DJ hardware controller
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SonicWalker    posted on 13-09-2005 01:12
Not really new but since I din't find it in the forum archive, maybe not known yet:

The Kontrol Dj is a professional dj hardware controller designed especially for control dj's applications.


Roel mixing on his new Kontrol-DJ console:

User edit by SonicWalker on 13-09-2005 @ 01:13:08 (1%)
Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 19:02 (13%)

What do you think about Kontrol DJ - DJ hardware controller ??

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TheSupercrab    posted on 13-09-2005 07:57
heeft niet echt veel knopjes ? of zie k dat nou fout.. hij is wel lekker overzichtelijk.

SonicWalker    posted on 13-09-2005 08:37
Seems to have enough to use Traktor DJ. If the xone:3d wouldn't be coming, I would go ahead and order this controler from Spain.
Lead    posted on 13-09-2005 09:17
Seems like a reasonable good piece of equipment. I've never seen it here in Holland su I'm curious if anybody is allready using it..... If so : How is it Confused
Let the BASS be louder
rule    posted on 13-09-2005 17:36
Hey Happy, laughing I am the maker of the video SonicWalker links to. I recieved my KontrolDJ a month ago and it's a really good piece of equipment. It indeed has a really clean layout with not too many buttons. But as you can see in the video, buttons can have multiple tasks. While pressing the shift button, or one of the select buttons you give the buttons, jogs or knobs another function. This sounds confusing but is in fact quite simple.
Lead    posted on 13-09-2005 18:13
It seems that the knobs of the EQ are very close to the chanel fader, does it bother you ? I'm also kinda curious to the latency when you use the Cue stutter function, any idea how much ?
Let the BASS be louder
rule    posted on 13-09-2005 19:51
yeah they're pretty close so you have to be a little carefull. but it's not so that you always touch the fader when you turn one of the eq knobs.

there's absolutely no noticable latency when pressing the cue buttons or any other knob/button/jog.

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