Technics 1210SLmk2 repair
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Raanan144    posted on 19-05-2009 13:51
Hi, I'm busy repairing a technics sl1210mk2 though for some reason i cant even get the platter off the thing, i've tried pushing and pulling the thing a number of times is there something I'm missing?

audio cables / lights and platter need replacing though I cant replace the platter without being able to remove it in the first place... the top part of the case is dented the damage is visible around the dust-cover hinges, does this have anything to do with it? ?

User edit by Raanan144 on 19-05-2009 @ 14:01:09 (39%)
Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 15:20 (1%)

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ThijsG    posted on 19-05-2009 15:13
I do not own a SL by myself but have a look at this topic. And for the cables, this one is for replacing the audio and the groundwire. So I think that's all you need.
defam    posted on 19-05-2009 20:35
You must stick your wisefinger in the holes of the platter and than push with your thumps on the centerpin of the SL...mostly will the platter come lose.
And move the platter a littlebit, and pull with a bit of power.
Lead    posted on 19-05-2009 20:43
There is a trick to do this... This is a known issue when the platter hasn't been removed for a long time...

You need a big screwdriver for this, at least one with a big handle.

Stick both forefingers through both holes of the platter and apply a little uplifting force so the platter moves just a few millimeters up. Now keep applying upwards force with one finger while giving a tab with the BACK of the screwfriver vertical to the axle of the platter...


I'll add this soon to my tutorial about the Technics maintenance. It need to be just on top of that page before the text about opening the black top cover.
Let the BASS be louder
Raanan144    posted on 20-05-2009 16:21
dankje wel maar niet heelaas ja ff terug na engles i've noticed by tapping the axis that the thing does let loose a little, though still no joy, hij komt niet los hij heeft inhibities no really i have this problem on both my sl1200 and sl1210, i'll keep trying, thanks for the links.Cool
Raanan144    posted on 20-05-2009 16:33
nee, haha net wel! jaaaaaaaaa!Cool
voltcontrol    posted on 20-05-2009 17:09
The platter can get VERY stuck indeed. You need to get the feeling of it per individual turntable, one's more stuck than the other.

I hope you haven't bought cables yet, look into this:

You say the platter needs replacing, you don't mean the spindle or engine?
User edit by voltcontrol on 20-05-2009 @ 17:10:02 (5%)
Raanan144    posted on 20-05-2009 17:30
the platter is an optional replacement its scratched up. The jump lamp and audiocable set need replacing, and there is also an issue with the tone-arm returning to its original place though i've managed to fix that with loosening the screw at the top of the arm...and the bottom part of the chassis is dented i reckon i'll take it to the car-mechanic for some panel-beating.
Raanan144    posted on 20-05-2009 17:45
Poster: voltcontrol
The platter can get VERY stuck indeed. You need to get the feeling of it per individual turntable, one's more stuck than the other.

I hope you haven't bought cables yet, look into this:

You say the platter needs replacing, you don't mean the spindle or engine?

that looks like a novel replacement kit, i haven't bought this kit yet, i'll check this one it seems easier, thanks voltcontrol.
User edit by Raanan144 on 20-05-2009 @ 17:46:36 (6%)

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