traktor scratch pro vs traktor scratch duo
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steve-wilson    posted on 06-04-2009 19:00
whats the main differences here? is it only that duo can only suport two decks?

whats your views?

What do you think about traktor scratch pro vs traktor scratch duo ??

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Winston    posted on 06-04-2009 19:16
Native Instruments has announced a new version of its Traktor DJ software, Traktor Duo. The title is based on the high-level Traktor Pro suite, but scales down from four decks to two.

Duo also provides two effects sections with only six effects each, such as filter, delay, flanger and reverb. Likewise missing are some streaming, recording, MIDI and sync options.
The software otherwise retains many of the features of Traktor Pro, such as loops, filters, beat-grids, auto-sync and sync lock, as well as the more recent Crate Flick browsing system that mimics Cover Flow.
Tic Toc
DJArtixa    posted on 08-07-2009 16:38
its kwaliteit i think

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