Which DJ CD-player is this?
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SonicWalker    posted on 15-08-2005 00:56
The photo shows DJ Richie Hawtin experimenting with the protoytpe Xone:3D and the new Xone VF-1 filter unit at the Frankfurt show in March this year, but which CD Player is visible on the photo? Not a Denon, not a Pioneer. Silver case, blue display,...

DJ Richie Hawtin experimenting with the protoytpe Xone:3D and the new Xone VF-1 filter unit at the Frankfurt show in March

What do you think about Which DJ CD-player is this? ??

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SonicWalker    posted on 15-08-2005 01:37
Found it myself : STANTON C.304 DJ CD PLAYER
MadSteven    posted on 15-08-2005 02:10
Yup, but if it's worth its money, we still don't know yet.
SonicWalker    posted on 15-08-2005 02:18
hope to see it and many of the other ones @ the DJExpo 2005 in Amsterdam later this month.
Lead    posted on 21-08-2005 23:35
This is the same booth (Frankfurt 2005) from a different angle :

Let the BASS be louder
Jorrit    posted on 21-08-2005 23:40
SonicWalker    posted on 22-08-2005 23:11
Poster: Lead
This is the same booth (Frankfurt 2005) from a different angle :


Yum!! Xone:3D

When will it be shipping? Actually a detailed feature list would also be nice to start with. Are they at the DJ Expo in Amsterdam next weekend? (I am too layz to check it now - we will see)

DJ_SEVEN_7_    posted on 16-09-2005 07:05
Stanton Cd = Copy of PIO, Denon and American Audio *lol*

What a piece of crap!

Dj_T.im    posted on 16-09-2005 15:28
many companies copys pioneers

Ves    posted on 18-09-2005 17:07
Like many compagies copied Technics
Basrose    posted on 18-09-2005 19:19
well what would you do if you start your own company... making a better turntable than technics is hard :P but its even harder to sell it cuz technics has a verry verry good name:D  (same for pioneer )

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