Need a expert on Pioneer jogs !
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stalagmite    posted on 10-02-2009 22:54
I'm looking for answers from people who have tried every model cdjs from pioneer.? 200-400-800-1000
i have been seriously djing 3 years on a Tascam cdx1500 dual deck (0.1 pitch accuracy and cheap inaccurate pitch slider) I'm saving for a upgrade that i want to last a while and can't try all the pioneer models.
I'm a techno mixing Dj so no scratch.
Can someone that use both a cdj 200 and cdj 800 or 1000 give me an impression of both jog or it's impact on the ease of mixing.? Is there a big difference turning from one to another.
localy, in my scene, the psytrance djs use massively the cdj 200 and seem to be happy with them and the techno electro minimal guys swear buy a minimum of cdj 800.
How can pitch bending from one jog be so different from another ? simply because its bigger, has a outer rim ?? I could understand from a cdj 200 to a 1000 mk3 from the features gap ( cue, loop memo, wav displ )
Any help most welcome
thanks !

Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 15:21 (3%)

What do you think about Need a expert on Pioneer jogs ! ??

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Basrose    posted on 10-02-2009 23:00
well personally i like the jog of the cdj-1000 the most... if you buy a mk3 you can set the jog from light to heavy... the jog on the 1000 is a little bit bigger than the other players... and i got a better feeling on it.
Snoey    posted on 10-02-2009 23:07
My experience with the cdj100 / 200 / 400 jogs is during bending that the smaller whele are less accurate. It's not hard to beatmatch but when you do a mix and you need to correct one of the tracks is less easier. It's like the reaction of bending while pushing the jogs is slower. So when you correct you may push the jog to much and the tracks bend to far and you have to correct your mix again. When I do a mix with the 800 and 1000 the jog directly bends the tracks when I push it. So it's easier to corect my mix. 

As far as the pitch controls I don't notice any differnce.
stalagmite    posted on 10-02-2009 23:17
Thanks Snoey, thats what i was wondering !  So the cdj 200s jog is more responsive, more likely to bend too hard if i understand.
CoenBaas5300    posted on 10-02-2009 23:22
The pitch bending on a 400 is the same as on a 800/1000!!! I Have the 400, and the are really great. These are also the newest one.

Good Luck!!
Prozei    posted on 10-02-2009 23:44
in our download section you can find some good demo video's.
they will tell you in a few minutes of the cdj.
and the feature comparison chart of the cdj800/1000 
maby these things help you decide wich cdj too buy.

personaly i think a cdj400/800MK2 is great for home usage.
iff your going to take your cdj on the road buy a cdj1000
Snoey    posted on 11-02-2009 01:00
Poster: stalagmite
Thanks Snoey, thats what i was wondering !  So the cdj 200s jog is more responsive, more likely to bend too hard if i understand.

No the 800 / 1000 is more accurate with responsing, so yeah I bend too hard with the 200.
User edit by Snoey on 11-02-2009 @ 01:01:37 (4%)
Stefjuuh    posted on 11-02-2009 08:22
I really dont see why you should pay extra for a CDJ that can do less, only it's bigger! Only if you are a real scratch addict, you should get the 800's, but for cueing a la vinyl 400's will do!
Jorrit    posted on 11-02-2009 10:54
Poster: Stefjuuh
I really dont see why you should pay extra for a CDJ that can do less, only it's bigger! Only if you are a real scratch addict, you should get the 800's, but for cueing a la vinyl 400's will do!
I do not agree. The CDJ-800's correction-feeling and workflow is much better the the CDJ-400's.

If you are a real scratch addict, do not take a CDJ at all. Take a turntable. 
RiX    posted on 11-02-2009 11:42
I like the cdj-1000 (MKIII) the best. You can totally set it up the way you like it. The jog really feels steady and you just know that you're working with some serious piece of equipment. That's why they ar so expensive. Winking my eye

I read that you have been dj-ing with cd's for three years now. So my opinion is that you don't really need that big a jog to learn work with tabletops. cdj-200 is perfect, the 400 is too, but has a lot more features.

And about the pitchbend-difference: it's all in the wrist baby! You just have to get used to it and learn to accually hear what your doing with the jog. Also, if you're playing on location on other gear: try it out before your gig starts. Feel how the jog responds and how it is different from your own stuff.
Luxurious    posted on 11-02-2009 11:54
i like the cdj-1000mk3, but maybe for you it is better to buy the newest one (cdj-400)

it is olso cheaper than the cdj-1000 mk3



Snoey    posted on 11-02-2009 15:47
Before I used cd's I only have used vinyl. After trying some cd players (started with a cdj100) it was hard to do some straight mixes. When I first played with the 800 the mixes were great. It was surprisingly a lot easier and more stable to do a mix.
DjVictorF    posted on 11-02-2009 17:13
I choose the cdj 800 or 1000 cause it's easier to correct and to set a cue point. But he, thats my view on itWinking my eye
Weet waar ik vandaan kom, weet niet waar ik heen ga.
Boyd    posted on 11-02-2009 17:39
If you are used to use vinyl, get a cdj800mk2 or cdj1000mk3/2. This are one of the best dj-machines in the world. If you are used a double cd-deck, you better buy a cdj400 which also has a nice feeling(800/1000 are much better).
Mixt-Ape    posted on 11-02-2009 17:40
@Basrose: No, the size of the jog on the 800 is exactly the same as on the 1000 i'm afraid...:p

Ontopic: I have 1 CDJ-800 mk2 and 1 CDJ-1000 mk3. I have also tried the 200 and 400. I must say that the bigger jog is 714864646546544 times nicer to work with (in my opinion)...but it comes at a price. The feel of the 800 vs the 1000 is quite similar. Only difference is that you can set the resistance on the 1000 (only the mk3 though).
mentheman88    posted on 11-02-2009 18:01
Poster: Jorrit
I do not agree. The CDJ-800's correction-feeling and workflow is much better the the CDJ-400's.

If you are a real scratch addict, do not take a CDJ at all. Take a turntable. 

Totaly agree with you as a real scratch addict!

I have 1000's and spinned with 200's last week. I personally don't really like the pitchbending on it but i guess youl get used to that. On the 1000's though (also counts for 800's) Pitchbending works as a dream. You can actually see and feel how "hard" you bend it which after getting used to lets you know exactly how mucht to correct the pitch.

Don't know about the 400's though but defenately go for pioneer gear, you won't regret it!
User edit by mentheman88 on 11-02-2009 @ 18:02:07 (3%)
stalagmite    posted on 12-02-2009 02:27
Thanks everyone for your insights ! I'm shure the 400-800-1000s are better but damn thats big $$, and that means more patience !  Probably half a year... again Cool, I know some of you know what i mean.

But on a other note, i'm also considering Traktor Scratch since I already have an technic SL 1200, the mixing and organisation part seems so great but the reliability ?
But for the price of two used cdj 200 Smile having fun 
stalagmite    posted on 12-02-2009 02:33
Prozei, i have read and watched everything on the web about the cdj line !  thats why i want specific feedback from users that tryed all, since everyone i know only use one of them.
Snoey    posted on 12-02-2009 05:53
Poster: stalagmite
Thanks everyone for your insights ! I'm shure the 400-800-1000s are better but damn thats big $$, and that means more patience !  Probably half a year... again Cool, I know some of you know what i mean.

But on a other note, i'm also considering Traktor Scratch since I already have an technic SL 1200, the mixing and organisation part seems so great but the reliability ?
But for the price of two used cdj 200 Smile having fun 

I also tried those timecode interfaces and my experience is that is doesn't have the same feeling as real vinyl. Could't even beatmatch with those interfaces. The only software that works really good for me is Ableton Live. But I don't Dj live with Ableton.
stalagmite    posted on 12-02-2009 18:13
Snoey, witch software time code did you use ?  cause traktor vinyl time codes don't seam to have any issues !
It's rather the Pc part that makes software mixing weak, carriyng your laptop to gigs, keeping it in top order, etc. etc.
babyc    posted on 08-03-2009 21:14
just purchased a new set of CDJ400's and a DJM600 so can anyone tell me if this is a good setup.Ive always had the technics sl1210mrk3's and a djm500 always used vynal aswell hoping these will be easy to get used to.........
Lead    posted on 09-03-2009 00:26
you've got a nice setup. But for reactions on you set you should add a picture of it to our DJ Booths section Winking my eye
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