CDJ 1000 mk1 problem
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paddymaddison    posted on 14-01-2009 16:01
hi, im having a problem with one of the cdjs at work, it will start up fine and then start to skip until the disc eventually stops playing and is ejected. my cds arent scratched. if there is no way that i can fix this myself does anyone know of anywhere in england where this can be repaired cheaply? cheers.

What do you think about CDJ 1000 mk1 problem ??

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Sebasz    posted on 14-01-2009 16:44
Maybe it's time to invest in a CDJ1000 MK3 :P
User edit by Sebasz on 14-01-2009 @ 16:44:44 (11%)
Dubbel_Fristie    posted on 14-01-2009 16:49
Laser problem??
DjVictorF    posted on 14-01-2009 17:04
Poster: Dubbel_Fristie
Laser problem??
I also think it's a laser problem..
Weet waar ik vandaan kom, weet niet waar ik heen ga.
Lead    posted on 14-01-2009 17:29
If I understand it right I also think you're lasers are worn out.

Just find any Pioneer dealer/service centre to get it fixed.
Pioneer parts are expensive and I don't think there are cheap 'n good addresses for it.

It's certainly not something you want to do yourself, it's a pretty precise job
Let the BASS be louder
CELSA    posted on 14-01-2009 22:09
hi  my friend  i would like to buy your cdj 1000 (fail) it is possible?
paddymaddison    posted on 14-01-2009 23:12
cheers for the tips Happy, laughing CELSA-sorry mate its not mine to sell, its one of the one i use at a bar where i work.

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