screw problem Technics TT
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motionmouse    posted on 13-11-2008 14:03
I recently dusted off my techinc 1200's and found that the cables on one of them are screwed so i tried to open them up and put some new cables on, however one of the screws is causing me grief. Here's a picture:
as you can see the screw is beginning to lose it's head. That stain running down is a bit of oil i sprayed on in a desperate moment. Does anyone have any ideas as to how i can get this out?
Please help, I need to get these fixed!!
Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 15:24 (1%)

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Lead    posted on 13-11-2008 21:02
The screws of the SL12xx are notorious for breaking. I've had it multiple times (I repair those things) over the past few years. Once the head breaks off you can remove the bottom part. If you're lucky there's enough thread sticking out to grab it with a plier and unscrew the remaining part.

When the head is worn down to much so a screwdriver doesn't grab it anymore, use pliers to grab the screw head and try to get it loose.

New screws can be purchased or grabbed from a universal screw set/kit. You can check this topic : Opening a Technics SL12xx when you want to know which screws goes where.
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