Stanton SCS.3D DaScratch controller
  Dutch Topics, DO NOT reply in other languages than Dutch !  

Roov    posted on 20-09-2008 19:47
Ik vond dit wel een leuke gadget om erbij te hebben :P
Wat vinden jullie ervan? En hoe kan je gear toevoegen in de gearbase, ik wil ook wel een beetje helpen met het updaten van nieuwe gear :P

DaScratch®, a.k.a. the SCS.3d, is the latest innovation in the Stanton SC System control surface line. Revolutionary and compact, this controller is a necessity for any digital DJ looking for ultimate control over their software of choice. DaScratch’s compact and sleek profile makes it a space-friendly addition to any existing DJ gear set-up or can stand on its own as a complete controller solution. What makes this guy different from your average controller? Stanton’s StanTouch® technology allows you to use traditional DJ-style motions and gestures on a touch-pad style surface to take full control over music and software applications such as Traktor DJ Studio™, Traktor Scratch™, Ableton Live™, Serato Scratch Live™, or any other MIDI compatible software. Minimal moving parts ensure durability from gig to gig.  
See Me, Feel Me - DaScratch's layout and portability provide DJs with an unmatched level of performance and control. The StanTouch™ interface can be used for scratching, scrubbing, and navigating through digital audio. The tactile buttons, triggers, and virtual faders can also control samples, pitch, effects, cue and loop points, and other mappable functions. Multiple finger touches can even prompt quick kills on EQ's or transform effects on volume.
Hook Me Up - Magnect® connection system allows multiple DaScratch units to securely snap together, creating a larger control surface with increased performance options.
Teach Me - DaRouter® software gives DaScratch a little brain of its own, allowing customized support for a variety of applications. DaRouter runs on Mac / PC and will automatically load presets that are tailored towards the application the SCS.3d is controlling. A generic preset is also provided for mapping to any application that supports MIDI learn. To learn more about the router and presets, click here.
Connect Me - USB connection for easy plug and play connection to your software. Class compliant with Windows XP, Vista and Mac OSX to ensure that drivers are never needed. Bus powered by design to ensure that no external power or batteries need to be used.
DaScratch’s center section operates mainly in 3 different modes – Slider, Circle, and Button mode. These 3 different control layouts can be evoked by any of the mode buttons depending on how the DaRouter preset is programmed.
Slider Mode - Slider mode gives the user 3 variable controls (like faders) that can be used by sliding your finger up and down the areas next to the 3 LED meter bars. This mode can be used for controlling many parameters at once, like an EQ. A slider may be changed by dragging a finger across the surface, or you can place your finger in an absolute position on the slider and its position will jump immediately to that point. Two fingers may be used to trigger from one position to the next. For instance, holding one finger on the bottom of the slider and tapping the top with a second finger will make the slider generate the higher value for as long as that finger remains on the surface. Once the second (upper) finger is removed, the slider will generate the value indicated by the first finger position. We refer to this as a “finger jump”.
Circle Mode - In Circle mode, there is one slider at the center of the circle, and circular slider going around the perimeter of the touch surface. Just like in Slider mode, finger jumps are possible can be performed to quickly change the parameter in real time. This is the mode most likely to be used to emulate the platter of a deck. Circle mode is also the default mode of DaScratch. That is to say that if you plug DaScratch into your computer without using the DaRouter software, it will operate in Circle mode. But keep in mind that without DaRouter, the Mode Selector buttons (VINYL, LOOP, etc) will only send note data and will not change the operation of DaScratch.
Button Mode - In Button mode, the zones highlighted in the diagram will act as triggers to control buttons in the target application. For example, these functions could be assigned to alter loop lengths, jump to cue points, or start clips playing. Multiple buttons may be pressed at the same time in Button mode. Also, you will find some presets use a modified version of Button mode that makes the trigger areas bigger by combining 2 or more button zones.
StanTouch® - In every mode of operation, you’ll find that the touch sensitive areas on DaScratch will respond to multiple simultaneous touches. This is part of its core functionality, and indeed many cool behaviors and gestures can be developed around this capability.

What do you think about Stanton SCS.3D DaScratch controller ??

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tairip    posted on 20-09-2008 20:01
Deze is lelijk! :P haha
Roov    posted on 20-09-2008 20:06
Hij is lelijk maar lijkt me toch leuk! :P
Check youtube voor wat demo filmpjes
Dyno    posted on 20-09-2008 20:28
LouisCasper    posted on 21-09-2008 14:06
Best geinig dingetje.
Nandi    posted on 21-09-2008 14:36
Ja die heeft wel leuke functie's!

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