Stanton STR8-60 scratch cartridge
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Marrabas    posted on 26-08-2008 17:52
I'm trying to play some beat juggle and scratch beats but I have mix cartridge and the turntable jumps or makes an horrible sound...I want some advice about scratch cartridges and I wanna know if the cartridge is the problem... thanx!!

What do you think about Stanton STR8-60 scratch cartridge ??

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Lead    posted on 26-08-2008 20:44
What turntables are you using ?
What brand/type of cartidges are you using now ?
Do you have a stable table on which the turntables stand ?
Let the BASS be louder
Marrabas    posted on 18-10-2008 11:40
Stanton STR8-60 with Stanton cartridges too...but those cartridges are made 4 mix not 4 scratch...&& ye the table is ok... I wantto know if the problem is the track on I make the scratch or it's the cartridge...that's all...the table is ok..

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