Apple Macbook vs Laptop (2/2)
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steve-wilson    posted on 28-07-2008 18:49
So for computer DJ'ing and producing, Apple Macs are the best. Why?

I'm thinking of buying a laptop and ableton live 7, but being 17 and still in education, an Apple Macbook is a little too expensive. I was wondering what makes apple macs so good when it comes to music softwares and what disadvantage I'd be at buying a normal laptop instead.
Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 15:14 (1%)

What do you think about Apple Macbook vs Laptop ??

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Xtremer    posted on 27-08-2008 22:51
Poster: Tekhead
Even a nerd can.

Haha yes, my 9 year old nephew can handle a MacbookCool

Macbook is a lot easier in use, but it's expensive!
DJ: - Portfolio:
Tekhead    posted on 28-08-2008 00:27
Poster: DJ-Xtremer

Haha yes, my 9 year old nephew can handle a MacbookCool

Macbook is a lot easier in use, but it's expensive!

No,No,No,....... it isn't expensiver than a good make of PC or laptop with plus-minus the same configuration as a Mac.

If you 3 years later check de invoice's of bouth systems, you shall see, the Mac's are much cheaper,no anti virus-spyware-privacy or any other ware are necessary, that alone save's you more than 150,00 euro's/year, so after 3 years that's around 450 a 500,00 euro's. Than one of the most important detail (hum) is the superbe stabilaty of The Mac O.S. No crashes, and full speed ahead on the net with the safari browser. Everything, hard and software works better on a MAC. even Windows OS and also Windows office 4Mac, and the design and plug&play and...the 2nd hand value of a Mac.
I've changed already, long time ago, and i'm so happy with this.
Floated on the waves of Fantasy, see my dream come true
Boyd    posted on 28-08-2008 22:36
I tried a Imac, at the local resseler and i love it. I will sel my pc for an imac, but its too expensive for me.

It works fast, precicious, and smooth. No waiting screens, hmmmmmm!
Xtremer    posted on 29-08-2008 09:23
Poster: Tekhead

No,No,No,....... it isn't expensiver than a good make of PC or laptop with plus-minus the same configuration as a Mac.

If you 3 years later check de invoice's of bouth systems, you shall see, the Mac's are much cheaper,no anti virus-spyware-privacy or any other ware are necessary, that alone save's you more than 150,00 euro's/year, so after 3 years that's around 450 a 500,00 euro's. Than one of the most important detail (hum) is the superbe stabilaty of The Mac O.S. No crashes, and full speed ahead on the net with the safari browser. Everything, hard and software works better on a MAC. even Windows OS and also Windows office 4Mac, and the design and plug&play and...the 2nd hand value of a Mac.
I've changed already, long time ago, and i'm so happy with this.

Yes you're right:D!
DJ: - Portfolio:
steve-wilson    posted on 01-09-2008 22:02
got the macbook had it for about a week or so.. its great.. alot different to mac but got used to it quickly.. just need to get software xD
Bouncy    posted on 02-09-2008 12:28

Now, go out and tell ANYONE that mac is the best!:P

Verry good choice!
steve-wilson    posted on 27-09-2008 21:38
Xtremer    posted on 27-09-2008 21:39
Logic Pro is the program that makes me happy:D! Great sofware!!
DJ: - Portfolio:
Bouncy    posted on 27-09-2008 23:32
I really like that there are now 3 Applefanboys at this forum!

Logic is as the name says: LOGIC!
Even i can use it!
TuningTwentyfive    posted on 12-09-2009 03:00
I think Apple Mac is the best computer in the world. No viruses on Mac :D
Ilja    posted on 12-09-2009 12:21
MAC is the best because of it has very strong and save software en hardware that exactly modified to work perfectly with it. ?I have a MAC now for 1 1/2 year, ? never an error, virus or crash, everything works perfect. ? In 2 weeks I getting MacBook Pro 13 inch?Cool. ? ? ? ? And renember: ?When you go MAC you never go back?Cool
Bouncy    posted on 12-09-2009 13:39
Poster: Ilja
MAC is the best because of it has very strong and save software en hardware that exactly modified to work perfectly with it. ?I have a MAC now for 1 1/2 year, ? never an error, virus or crash, everything works perfect. ? In 2 weeks I getting MacBook Pro 13 inch?Cool. ? ? ? ? And renember: ?When you go MAC you never go back?Cool

Yes, i remember, i still have fights with the windows pc's on my school, i'm using mac for a year now... BUT its not the best! There isn't a best operating system!
Lawrenz    posted on 12-09-2009 17:24
Another Apple Macbook fanatic here! I wouldn't say I'm an Apple fanboy (Windows 7 really isn't that bad!) but I really like the way Logic and Mac OS X work. I still haven't figured it out completely (Logic) but the things I'm already getting out of it are massive!
JayStone    posted on 07-02-2010 03:38
PCs for the same price has twice as better features than mac's! And i personally hate all the iTunes crap!!!
dacuba    posted on 07-02-2010 04:20
Poster: JayStone
PCs for the same price has twice as better features than mac's!

..and twice the problems. Happy, laughing
User edit by dacuba on 07-02-2010 @ 04:21:28 (8%)
Snoey    posted on 07-02-2010 07:36
If I make 1500 a week, I will buy one.
Dolivieira    posted on 07-02-2010 10:30
One day?I will buy one too. PC is good to do music stuff. But I does not disagree with the apple fanboys here. A mac is more stable then a PC. Specialy when you do software for music and grafics a Mac is better than a PC. I don`t have the money to buy one right now. And when?I buy one?I want?one that cost more than 1500 euro because?I want the best. And I will not buy a second hand Mac. ?
CDJ2000Nexus DDJFLX10 DDJ-XP1 RMX1000 SL1200MK2s
Rhinofart    posted on 16-02-2010 16:51
I actually run multiple operating systems in my Day Job (IT Manager), and I have to say that Apple is the way to go. I have been running Windows machines since Windows 2.0. Yes that's right 2.0. I'm old, and have just about every Windows Based IT certification, so I can't be called a Fanboy of either operating system. Apple has a slight learning curve at the start, but once you get some of the basics down, it's a breeze. It's way more secure, stable, and faster than comparable Windows machines. Plus there is this nifty little thing called Bootcamp (Dual booting between Mac OSx and Windows) or Paralells (running windows at the same time as OSx)

Apples are way more secure which is why any of the departments in our company who run anything financial, source code, or anything sensitive all run Mac ONLY.
@ Bouncy
You are absolutely right! There is no such thing as the best OS....... Except for DOS 3.33 LOL There are some things certain OSs will do better than others. I run Windows (XP 32&64, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003, Server 2008), Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop & Server, as well as Solaris 10. Hell I have even run BeOS. It all depends on the task at hand as to what OS gets the nod for the task. But to the poster, for what it sounds like you want to do with your laptop, I personally would go with a MacBook. Get a MacBook Pro if you can.
User edit by Rhinofart on 16-02-2010 @ 16:57:30 (68%)
Vassilli    posted on 16-02-2010 17:00
I never used Windows so i can't say i dislike it.
But Mac OSX really is a very stable platform where you can rely your life on.! :D
Lead    posted on 16-02-2010 20:23
PC : universal system that can be configured with the components that the user wants and can afford. A PC can be a lot cheaper than a comparable mac platform, but also just as expensive. You can decide yourself. I like the free-configureable way a PC works.

: Uses only selected compenents that Apple puts in your system. More stable and user friendly than PC, I recently bought my first mac (macbook pro) and am in love with it. Crashes rearly (allthough I don't use it that heavy). Programs for the mac are a bit harder to find than for PC.

I upgraded my PC last time for half the amount a compareable Mac would cost. I now have an Intel? quadcore Q9550 CPU with 8GB of RAM, a M-Audio soundcard. This costed less than the Macbook Pro and offers better performance (allthough you cannot compare MHZ and GB's from both platforms 1:1).
Let the BASS be louder
Tekhead    posted on 16-02-2010 20:35
offcourse Lead, but you have to upgrade your PC 2x/year to keep it fast enough, a to use the newest software, etc... a mac you can use it for more than 5-6 years, so is the pc than cheaper than a Mac ? I d'ont think so.
Floated on the waves of Fantasy, see my dream come true
Lucalicious    posted on 16-02-2010 20:44
i am using an dell laptop with windows 7 and it works perfect. also the dj programs work just fine. the advantage of a normal windows laptop is that its easier to use for other things, making a presentation or writing a text for instance. on a mac there are a lot of programs that don't work on it.
Tekhead    posted on 16-02-2010 20:50
if you wanna have the stability from Mac, and the wide range of programms, than buy a Mac Intel with the programm windows for mac, and everything possible
Floated on the waves of Fantasy, see my dream come true
Vassilli    posted on 16-02-2010 20:56
Poster: Lucalicious
i am using an dell laptop with windows 7 and it works perfect. also the dj programs work just fine. the advantage of a normal windows laptop is that its easier to use for other things, making a presentation or writing a text for instance. on a mac there are a lot of programs that don't work on it.

On Mac you've got: Keynote (Kind of Powerpoint but much better looking!) And Pages (For writing texts)
So what you are saying is rubbish Winking my eye

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