Xone or DJM (2/2)
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steve-wilson    posted on 26-07-2008 23:41
just tryin to find out what people prefer

hopefully i will be buyinn either a DJM or Xone and was wondering peoples veiws and which models from the series are best.

What do you think about Xone or DJM ??

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Didier_Deluxe    posted on 18-12-2008 21:14
Poster: Gagarin12

That's not true.
The djm has more midi options than the xone.
Maybe theoretically, but i'm quite sure that it's way easier using an A&H X:one 4D rather than a djm when it comes to MIDI.
User edit by Didier_Deluxe on 18-12-2008 @ 21:14:58 (2%)
Gagarin12    posted on 19-12-2008 12:13
That's true, but I wanted to stay in the same price range. The 4d cost almost 1000 EUR more as the djm and 92
Marrabas    posted on 19-12-2008 15:06
i heard many times a pioneer (djm1000) playing minimal music... it sounds like a crap... in my crew (we play ONLY techno music) we all use xone42, 62 and 92 and denon x1500... never seen a pioneer...
dodig    posted on 19-12-2008 15:46
xone 62, and 92 are my fav mixers
dacuba    posted on 20-12-2008 00:45
Poster: Marrabas
i heard many times a pioneer (djm1000) playing minimal music... it sounds like a crap... in my crew (we play ONLY techno music) we all use xone42, 62 and 92 and denon x1500... never seen a pioneer...

Can you explain to me the link between a music style & a mixer?

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