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LeighCalvert    posted on 14-06-2008 14:34
Hi everyone.

Just a quick question. Is it a common fault of the CDJ 1000 MK3 where the cue button fails? When i am using it, it works fine playing the music everytime. Its just that it feels as though it isnt 'Popping' back up once it has been pressed. I have had the CDJ's since December, owning them from new, and seeing as they have only been used in the bedroom, i thought i shouldnt be experiencing any problems yet. If it is a common fault, does anyone know if it is covered by manufactures warranty, and what it is like sending it away, how long without them for, price etc? I have also taken out extra warranty but would ideally like not to use it? What is the best thing to doConfused

Many thanks in advance.

Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 19:55 (2%)

What do you think about CDJ 1000 MK3 CUE BUTTON ??

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Boyd    posted on 14-06-2008 16:06

The best you can do is ask lead, the owner of the forum. He work's at pioneer. 
I think you got a broken switch, in the cdj it self. I think makeing it is not very expensive

grlz Boyd
tairip    posted on 14-06-2008 16:18
Poster: LeighCalvert
Hi everyone.

Just a quick question. Is it a common fault of the CDJ 1000 MK3 where the cue button fails? When i am using it, it works fine playing the music everytime. Its just that it feels as though it isnt "Popping" back up once it has been pressed. I have had the CDJ's since December, owning them from new, and seeing as they have only been used in the bedroom, i thought i shouldnt be experiencing any problems yet. If it is a common fault, does anyone know if it is covered by manufactures warranty, and what it is like sending it away, how long without them for, price etc? I have also taken out extra warranty but would ideally like not to use it? What is the best thing to doConfused

Many thanks in advance.


The miniature switch thats beneath the CUE button is broken, you have to replace that one by a new one and your problem is solved!
LeighCalvert    posted on 14-06-2008 16:31
Thanks for your help.
Is that something that i can do myself or does it need to be sent off i suppose?
Where do you get these replacement switches and how much please??

MatthiasDB    posted on 14-06-2008 17:25
Poster: LeighCalvert
Thanks for your help.
Is that something that i can do myself or does it need to be sent off i suppose?
Where do you get these replacement switches and how much please??


if the unit is still under the manufactures warranty, i suggest you send it back to where it came from...
if you try to fix it yourself and it doesn't work afterwards, you will probably still have to send it to Pioneer and if they notice you opened the unit maybe you lose your warranty
LeighCalvert    posted on 15-06-2008 12:05
Lead    posted on 17-06-2008 16:04
In your case I would bring it back to the store, they can repair this for you. Or at least send it back to Pioneer Service for you. Just claim warranty so they research it for free and let you know if there are any cost. If so they should be pretty low as this is not an expensive repair. At least, this is the way this is dealed by in Netherlands. I am NOT aware of the exact policies in UK so you should check at your store.

This is a repair you could do yourself if you have experiences in soldering electronics.

If this would be your first try


If you check out my topic about the CDJ's LED modification you'll see an image of the circuit board that hold the LED's but also the switches.

The section for the CUE buttons is simula to that of the PLAY button. In this image I've marked the location where the LED's are mounted.

At the bottom of the circle you'll see the notification 'S1302'. This is the PLAY swtich and need to be replaced by a new one.
Let the BASS be louder
Mod edit by Lead on 17-06-2008 16:04 (1%)

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