200 vs 400 vs 800
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Nebula    posted on 10-06-2008 18:03
Hi all, a couple of questions, i'm torn at the moment between three cd decks:

Budget (?800)

Pioneer CDJ:

The 200s seem a budget buy, but equally there old technology and the build quality looks tacky from what i've read about and seen from digital images. Though due to their age
I haven't been able to see this at first hand as they seem out of stock in any local stores.

The 400 model, a lot of useability, midi functions, usb/external hd etc, though smaller platter and its unable to purchased second hand as their new
to the market, though i'm surprised with its solid build quality.

THe 800 would have to be a second hand purchase i would imagine, again club standard and breaks away into that 'professional' bracket, though is the money
worth the now dated technology as seen in the 1000 series.

Any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated, also anyone who could recommend a seller, looking to personally sell or could offer a discounted price would be great.
Mod edit by W.i.M on 08-01-2011 19:55 (3%)

What do you think about 200 vs 400 vs 800 ??

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Jori    posted on 11-06-2008 08:03
I would recommend the cdj400. You can afford the cdj-400 aswell as the cdj-200, and the cdj 400 has a lot of more functions. Great compatibility with usb, nice extra futures, loop divide and a much nicer look. The cdj-200 has indeed old technology and no reason why u would prefer the cdj-200 over the 400. And about the cdj-800, it hasn't got loop divide, usb and auto 4-beat loop. And the only thing the cdj-800 has better than the 400 is the 1/1 1/2 1/4 an 1/8 beat loop. But i think the cdj-400 is really the best of all, also the price is really nice. Ans as Pioneer makes high quality products, the 400 has a very good building quality.

Maybe someone else can tell you more, you can also watch the djresource demo-videos for more infromartion or read their description. Just look in the Gearbase.

PS: Sorry for my bad English, i'm only 13 years old:p
dasergio    posted on 11-06-2008 08:28

I also have the 400, this is a great cdplayer, i realy recomand it because it has a lot more functions than the 200 and 800, the only downside is indeed the small platter...

ps sorry for my (mayebe) bad english, im belgian  and 14 years old...

Nebula    posted on 11-06-2008 13:03
thanks for the replies, do you think the 400 will hold its value longer as its newer despite it'll never be used in the clubs as industry standard? Also i'm a house/electro dj by trade so scratching isn't of the highest importance, though i hear the 400 would give me the freedom to still scratch should i want to where as on the 200's this isnt an option?
Jori    posted on 11-06-2008 16:02
On the cdj-200 you haven't got vinyl emulation, so no schratching. I'm also a house/electro dj and still wanna buy the cdj-400. The 3 effects are different in vinyl mode then in cdj mode, so actually you have 6 effects. The 200 has only 3. So the vinyl mode certainly is an advantage, if that is what you mean. And i think the cdj-400 will provide enough futures for a long time.
Nebula    posted on 11-06-2008 17:30
Yeah, the vinyl emulation is a definite plus, my only worry is the decks will lose a lot of value as no doubt an 800mk3 and a 1000mk4 will be released soon incorporating the usb and midi functions of the 400 therefore writing it out of the picture.
Nebula    posted on 12-06-2008 17:11
Any further comments welcome!
Lead    posted on 12-06-2008 23:04
As the CDJ-200 has been scratched from the list this makes this easier...

You should ask yourself the question: What do I want to do with my deck ?

If you play out a lot in clubs and on event where you come across CDJ-1000s (any version) you might be better of with a CDJ-800 or a CDJ-800MK2. As the 800 and the 1000s have simular jogwheels you better get used to the one you use the most Winking my eye

If you play mainly at home and want to use the deck in the digital domain the CDJ-400 would be the obvious choice. It has a platter simular to it's bigger brothers but smaller in size. But also you can use it with USB storage devices and as MIDI device to control DJ software on you laptop or computer.

New models for 800 and 1000 will not be released soon, don't worry Winking my eye

ps, watch my video's on the topic at these links to see all features and functions of all the decks (follow the banners)
Let the BASS be louder
Mod edit by Lead on 12-06-2008 23:05 (16%)
Nebula    posted on 16-06-2008 11:29
Thanks Lead, very informative Happy, laughing

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