Your Headphones (5/5)
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Poll : Pioneer

-American audio

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Emaus    posted on 18-06-2005 22:03
What brand are your headphones

PS: Please Moderator edit my poll
sorry my English is bad Unhappy
User edit by Emaus on 18-06-2005 @ 22:18:57 (100%)
Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 18:46 (21%)
[MOD Edit] poll updated

What do you think about Your Headphones ??

Vote :   

djmamo    posted on 01-06-2006 22:28
sennheiser hd25-1 is de allebeste beter dan de hdj 1000
Cyspoz    posted on 02-06-2006 13:53
Sennheiser HD-25. Beside the good audio quality and natural representation of it, it also closes verry good. If you don't want to get def, this is a verry good one.

Why is Sennheiser by the way not in the poll?

[edit:] U'r right, Sennheiser added in the poll Winking my eye
User edit by Cyspoz on 02-06-2006 @ 13:55:05 (100%)
Mod edit by Jorrit on 02-06-2006 14:06 (27%)
Steev    posted on 02-06-2006 17:06
Stanton DJ PRO 3000, very good sound and nice lights on each side :p
Lea_Phar    posted on 02-06-2006 18:35
Just ordered my HD 25
djlauris    posted on 10-06-2006 19:28
Best dj headphones Sennheiser HD25-1
Miss_keshia    posted on 10-06-2006 19:56
Pioneer HDJ1000
Winston    posted on 10-06-2006 23:24
The Technics RP-DH1200 since June 8, 2006.
Tic Toc
Gery    posted on 11-06-2006 00:18
Well it looks like more and more dj's have discovered the HD25 Happy, laughing

I especially like the way it fits and how it blocks out surrounding sounds!
DJ - Producer
LovelvanOerle    posted on 11-06-2006 00:45
Technics RP-DH 1200 :D
Thomz    posted on 30-08-2006 11:23
My first hp was an AKG and now it's a Sennheiser HD212. Next year there is coming up a Sony MDR-V700
dancedimension    posted on 30-08-2006 13:46
technics RP-DH1200
sonik    posted on 30-08-2006 13:51
Sennheiser HD 25-1 for 6 years now.
Rubenn    posted on 30-08-2006 13:52
Sony Mdr-v500DJ
Mika    posted on 30-08-2006 15:08
Akiyama HDJ-9700, still working after 2 years..
Good alternative for the "home-DJ", considering the price off course..
RenéKuppens    posted on 30-08-2006 16:26

ik heb hem alleen nog niet:D
Twello    posted on 30-08-2006 16:48
Stanton DJ pro 3000

zon mooie hp ik heb de hdj-1000 ook getest bij feedback en ik vond hem heel slap (het kan ook zijn omdat het een flink misbruikte hp was)
soundcollector    posted on 30-08-2006 17:06
rpdj 1200 het nieuwe systeem is echt onmisbaar als je het eens gewent bent, ik zou geen andere meer willen

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