Your Headphones (3/5)
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Poll : Pioneer

-American audio

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Emaus    posted on 18-06-2005 22:03
What brand are your headphones

PS: Please Moderator edit my poll
sorry my English is bad Unhappy
User edit by Emaus on 18-06-2005 @ 22:18:57 (100%)
Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 18:46 (21%)
[MOD Edit] poll updated

What do you think about Your Headphones ??

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Zuur    posted on 11-11-2005 23:27
First had a Sony MDR-V500. The sound of the V500 was oké.

Now I have a Technics RP-DH1200, much better sound then the sound of the V500!
Lea_Phar    posted on 12-11-2005 17:44
Sony MDR-V700
DJKimme    posted on 12-11-2005 18:23
think you also forgot sennheiser in the list...

HD25 for life!
don't want anything else!
Lukaz    posted on 12-11-2005 22:04
I wanna buy the Sony MDR-Z700 but I also saw the Akiyama HDJ-9700 it's almost the same but he is cheaper
User edit by Lukaz on 14-11-2005 @ 18:44:46 (49%)
MadSteven    posted on 14-11-2005 18:24
Seems I haven't posted here yet. A Sony MDR-V500 DJ ... How unoriginal, huh Happy, laughing
Camino    posted on 25-11-2005 23:01
Pioneer HDJ-1000; despite the juggs being a tad expensive they're definitely one of the best
Laidback    posted on 26-11-2005 21:48
Pioneer HDJ-1000 heb ik nu
en de nieuwe technics RP-DH1200
en nog een oudere MDR-V500dj van sony, maar die is voor @ Home nog cker Perfect!

User edit by Laidback on 26-11-2005 @ 21:48:43 (8%)
Bastian    posted on 26-11-2005 22:03
Poster: Laidback_robert
Pioneer HDJ-1000 heb ik nu
en de nieuwe technics RP-DH1200
en nog een oudere MDR-V500dj van sony, maar die is voor @ Home nog cker Perfect!

waarom 3 headphones?
User edit by Bastian on 26-11-2005 @ 22:03:52 (1%)
Laidback    posted on 26-11-2005 23:20
Poster: Bastian
Poster: Laidback_robert
Pioneer HDJ-1000 heb ik nu
en de nieuwe technics RP-DH1200
en nog een oudere MDR-V500dj van sony, maar die is voor @ Home nog cker Perfect!

waarom 3 headphones?

Very Simpel Happy, laughing

De Mdr-V500  is al redlijk oud.. was mijn eerste HP
daarna heb ik de HDJ gekocht...
en nu heb ik de technics Happy, laughing

maar soms als ik draai neem ik nog wel eens 1 van de andere mee,  in een kleine club is de Mdr-V500 heeel fijntjesz!

Camino    posted on 27-11-2005 18:48
i see there are a lot of people who have the HDJ1000.... what do you use to transport it safely to gigs? any idea where i could get one of those "eggs?"
Laidback    posted on 27-11-2005 20:05
I Use The New UDG Headphone bag Happy, laughing
The Only Problem..  its a Bit Expensive.. But ok. better then Wrecking your headphone Happy, laughing
Camino    posted on 27-11-2005 20:08
hmm does it really help? if it does then its worth spending the few bucks...
Giona    posted on 28-11-2005 03:18
Stanton Dj-3000    posted on 29-11-2005 14:04
Akiyama HDJ-9700 is zelfde als hdj 1000 van pioneer, alleen dan wat goedkoper
robbert    posted on 29-11-2005 15:05
Poster: DJ-DC
Akiyama HDJ-9700 is zelfde als hdj 1000 van pioneer, alleen dan wat goedkoper
  It does look like the hdj-1000, but that doesn't make it the same. It's totally different..
Jorrit    posted on 29-11-2005 15:27
DJ-DC, Please type english if you are in a english part of the forum! And what robbert said is true, i got the American Audio HP700, it looks a lot like the Pioneer, but isn't the same.
Mod edit by Jorrit on 29-11-2005 15:27 (3%)    posted on 29-11-2005 15:54
MrPecho    posted on 03-12-2005 10:20
Pio se-dj5000
is good enough for me, the sound could do better but i need a headphone that is strong enough that it will last very long.
Marz-L    posted on 03-12-2005 16:52
Got three.........

Using right now: Sony MDR-V700
My old one: Pioneer SE-450
Back up: Sony MDR-V300 (don't know why I bought it...........)

User edit by Marz-L on 03-12-2005 @ 16:53:01 (3%)
M-Plex    posted on 03-12-2005 18:44
I now have some cheep Philips headphone,
but I'm thinking of an nice Pioneer one!

Not only for the quality,
But the word Pioneer on the top is very nice too!
Emaus    posted on 04-12-2005 18:32
I see that Pioneer the most popular headphone

it very good
mrtnt    posted on 05-12-2005 00:06
i like mine , it's a sennheiser don't know the model but i think i'm going to buya hdj 1000
DJ-Emotion    posted on 05-12-2005 10:54
Ik gebruik de Sony MDR-V700

Maar volgens mij is de HD-25 nog steeds de beste....
HannuZ    posted on 06-12-2005 10:01
ik ga voor de HDJ-1000
Illusion    posted on 07-12-2005 09:24
Synq HPS-1....

Luisterd uitstekend

22-12-2012: Kratoz @ Shock (Huize Maas Groningen)
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