Your Headphones (2/5)
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Poll : Pioneer

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Emaus    posted on 18-06-2005 22:03
What brand are your headphones

PS: Please Moderator edit my poll
sorry my English is bad Unhappy
User edit by Emaus on 18-06-2005 @ 22:18:57 (100%)
Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 18:46 (21%)
[MOD Edit] poll updated

What do you think about Your Headphones ??

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DJ_SEVEN_7_    posted on 16-09-2005 07:30
2 pair of Technics 1210
and 1 pair of Sony Mdr500    posted on 16-09-2005 07:39
i have a beheringer hpx2000
Lukaz    posted on 16-09-2005 20:33
serieus Winking my eye??  ik ben vlan  plan de stanton djpro3000 te gaan kopen
Gupy    posted on 16-09-2005 21:04
Poster: DJ_Aad
Sony MDR-7509! Much stronger than the MDR-V700, very LOUD (5 WATTS for your ears!) and superb sound quality. Only Disadvantage: 279 Euro's!

5000mW could also be a disadvantage....for your ears.
But your right, I also tried this pair off "earblowers" and they are VERY loud and indeed a perfect sound.
And they are big, you realy look like Mikey Mouse behind those deks...
VanAise    posted on 20-10-2005 10:01
i use the sennheiser hd 280 pro

Wammes    posted on 20-10-2005 10:09
Sennheiser HD25 (closed) & Sennheiser HD570 (open)
PatrickBeuken    posted on 20-10-2005 11:13
Pioneer SE-DJ5000
DJ-Poort    posted on 20-10-2005 18:01
Pioneer HDJ - 1000
robbert    posted on 20-10-2005 19:12
Heeft er iemand ervaring met de stanton dj pro2000s?
Ik wil hem misschien kopen, maar is hij wel lekker soepel? want dit vind ik namelijk erg belangrijk..
djjw    posted on 20-10-2005 19:43
hey robbert,
ik heb de stanton 2000s ook, het is een hoofdtelefoon waar goed geluid uitkomt,
en hij zit ook fijn, het is (voormij) dus een bijna perfecte hoofdtelefoon.
maar de hoofdband is een complete ramp, ik heb hem ongeveer 1 jaar
en heb al een keer een nieuwe hoofdband erop gezet en nu is hij dus weer kapot.

voordeel de hoofdband is los tebestellen,
nadeel , waarschijnlijk kun je hem blijven vervangen
ik zit dus te denken of ik weer een hoofdband zal bestellen of een andere
ga kopen..

Mimoza    posted on 20-10-2005 20:15
First: Stanton 2000s (still ok)
Now: Sennheiser HD25

The Stanton is ok, buth with that, everything is said. Just a nice headphone, and nothing special. I've used it for about 6 months and the headband is cracking buth still ok.
My Sennheider is like heaven, very good isolated from noice outside the headphone, much power and a clean sound. Practicly undestroyable and every single part can be replaced...
I also started to like the on-ear wearing that the HD25 has since the first moment i've tested it. No more over-the-ear headphones for me, i love my Sennie

kiss the future
Pullstar    posted on 20-10-2005 20:29
Sony MDR V700.... Haleluja!
Leon    posted on 20-10-2005 21:22
Sinds vandaag de nieuwe Technics. Moet zeggen klinkt lekker, maar heb 'm pas 1x gebruikt op me bedroom dus kan nog niet zo goed oordelen. Wel moet je uit de weg kunnen met de oorschelpen die alle kanten op kunnen..
DjEternity    posted on 20-10-2005 22:02
Pioneer SE-DJ5000
splendid    posted on 20-10-2005 22:12
Poster: Leon
Sinds vandaag de nieuwe Technics. Moet zeggen klinkt lekker, maar heb 'm pas 1x gebruikt op me bedroom dus kan nog niet zo goed oordelen. Wel moet je uit de weg kunnen met de oorschelpen die alle kanten op kunnen..

dat is een kwestie van wennen dat had ik ook. En als je er eenmaal mee gewendt ben dan is het een super ding!!
Powel    posted on 20-10-2005 23:00
I have also got a Stanton Dj pro 2000S and i think it is very good value for the money you pay for it.
±75 euro's I paid for it 1.5 years ago.
And the problem the guys have above with the headband.......mine is still perfect after 1.5 years (and it hasn't been behind glass all the time Winking my eye )

Personally I like the Stanton better then the Sony MDR-V700 because of the sound and the fit on my head

djjw    posted on 21-10-2005 00:36
Poster: Powel
Personally I like the Stanton better then the Sony MDR-V700 because of the sound and the fit on my head

This i agree with powel, I use them both ,and i think the sound of the stanton
2000s is much better then the sony...

maybe i just have a badluck with the headband....
(i use the stanton about 5 or 6 x a week) incl. practice
User edit by djjw on 21-10-2005 @ 00:38:38 (17%)
DJMichel    posted on 21-10-2005 12:38
Stanton pro 2000!!
Mount    posted on 21-10-2005 15:21
Sennheiser HD-25.. i wonder why it's not in the poll list.

Great sound, durable and lightweighted
strezz    posted on 21-10-2005 16:39
sony mdrv700. gaat wel erg makkelijk kapot
tboombotz    posted on 11-11-2005 19:00
Denon DN-HP1000, if ya don't know, now ya know, SUCKA! Some of the baddest headphones around. Stop screwing around with all the other garbage, and get a pair.

DJ Botz
User edit by tboombotz on 11-11-2005 @ 19:02:02 (6%)
maveg    posted on 11-11-2005 19:17
Stanton 2000S

Lead    posted on 11-11-2005 19:17
I've now also added Denon to the list of brands. I've used them once and they were ok too. It was on an exhabition so to short time to get a proper judgement...
Let the BASS be louder
JonasVerdickt    posted on 11-11-2005 20:07
Pioneer hdj-1000

User edit by JonasVerdickt on 26-11-2005 @ 08:46:46 (91%)
robbert    posted on 11-11-2005 22:37
Stanton dj pro3000
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