Your Headphones (1/5)
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Poll : Pioneer

-American audio

Voting is only possible for our Members
Emaus    posted on 18-06-2005 22:03
What brand are your headphones

PS: Please Moderator edit my poll
sorry my English is bad Unhappy
User edit by Emaus on 18-06-2005 @ 22:18:57 (100%)
Mod edit by Zen on 08-01-2011 18:46 (21%)
[MOD Edit] poll updated

What do you think about Your Headphones ??

Vote :   

Kersten    posted on 19-06-2005 01:04
american audio hp700
Gilles    posted on 19-06-2005 11:42
the one and only pioneer HDJ-1000

and it seems my vote was not registerd
User edit by Gilles on 19-06-2005 @ 11:43:29 (100%)
Ves    posted on 19-06-2005 11:46
The Technics RP-DH1200
Lead    posted on 19-06-2005 11:53
I also voted Pioneer, and the poll should be working fine now Winking my eye
Let the BASS be louder
Mod edit by Lead on 19-06-2005 11:56 (55%)
Jorrit    posted on 19-06-2005 12:22
well the poll question is stil: 'pioneer'.... it does work but the question should be altered...
DjCheng    posted on 19-06-2005 12:57

Best Brand for Headphones
Nvie    posted on 19-06-2005 20:24
a HDJ, that goes without saying
Basrose    posted on 19-06-2005 21:51
pioneer hdj-1000
DaRoyal    posted on 20-06-2005 08:53
Stanton DJ Pro 2000s, working with it for 2 years now and still without problems.
DJ_Aad    posted on 20-06-2005 11:26
Sony MDR-7509! Much stronger than the MDR-V700, very LOUD (5 WATTS for your ears!) and superb sound quality. Only Disadvantage: 279 Euro's!
n-traxx    posted on 20-06-2005 14:17
pioneer HDJ-1000!
TheSupercrab    posted on 20-06-2005 15:58
american audio hp700

However if i have cash left i want to replace this... Its a decent headphone however the sound quality isent great and it isent very durable... only my right side works now.. (doesent rllllyy matter as thats all i use when i dj however if u spend 90 euros on a headphone ud expect it to last more than 6 months).
Technoliq    posted on 20-06-2005 22:36
Pioneer of course!!!
Present: HDJ-1000 + SE-450 (Mint Condition)
ImPaCtDJ    posted on 21-06-2005 01:17
Sony MDRV500DJ at the moment, planing to change to Pioneer Winking my eye

FrankH    posted on 21-06-2005 10:26
Technics RP DJ 1210
olivier    posted on 21-06-2005 20:32
Sony MDRV500DJ is een lekker koppietje

djmamo    posted on 28-06-2005 19:21
hoi heb vandaag de pioneer se-m10r geprobeerd en vond hem niet fijn...

hij zat niet fijn en aan vermogen liet deze zeker tewensen over...

en ben tot de conclusie gekomen dat ik de sony mdr-Z700 en de mdrV700 dan de beste vind.
de hdj-1000 vond ik te duur en verschilt bijna niets met de sony...

en vind het een fabeltje dat de sony sneller kapot gaat want ik heb ook een pioneer gehad 5000 serie en die heb ik nog geen jaar gebruikt en is gebroken door dat het plastic was gescheurd en dat is de zelfde probleem als bij de sony... en ik had begrepen (van feedback) dat er meerdere mensen waren die dat probleem hebben...

dus ik ben voor de sony's omdat het geluids kwaliteit naar mijn mening net iets beter was

groeten mamo

groeten maarten
DJ_Inspiration    posted on 28-06-2005 21:48
Ik gebruik nog steeds de goedkope numark koptelefoontjes en ze gaan al 3 jaar mee zonder een kik te geven. En dit voor maar 25 eurootjes

User edit by DJ_Inspiration on 28-06-2005 @ 21:49:00 (32%)
wilum    posted on 28-06-2005 22:04
die pioneer is egt.....

wie heefd deze al uitgeprobeert...?

Lead    posted on 28-06-2005 22:18
Me... And lovin' it :D
Let the BASS be louder
djmamo    posted on 29-06-2005 00:42
heb hem al geprobeert en vond hem niet fijn lees boven....
HouseBoy    posted on 29-06-2005 09:40

DjBlackMagic    posted on 29-06-2005 10:58
Technics RP DJ 1210
Cyrus    posted on 08-07-2005 17:40
Sony Mdr 700 dj or Pion Hdj 1000/ both great, treid em out both at guitar center for an hour lol BTW lead, thanks for the demo on the cdj 200, you assured me a buy.
User edit by Cyrus on 08-07-2005 @ 17:43:15 (67%)
tairip    posted on 08-07-2005 17:51
Cyrus, cool name :P

I wanted to use that name ass well :P

Cyrus from Con air :D

I have a website namend at that name! CTV :D GRTZ
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