L-Jay dj-booths

Added by L-Jay Flag on 20-05-2010 20:58

Enlarge : L-Jay dj-booths

La mia consol viene?configurata alla scheda audio mixvibes U-MIX44?e in fine al laptop in modo da poterla utilizzare con softwar tipo virtual dj e altri, ma solo per mixare video. Per un utilizzo audio preferisco il caro e vecchio sistema?classico con i CD. spero vi piaccia Cool

PS: ho nell'altra stanza anche 2 CDJ100s e un giradischi stanton collegati ad un behringer DJX700. Cool

Un saluto a tutti gli amici di DJRESOURCE. Cool
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What do you think : L-Jay dj-booths ??

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There are 12 Comments

Flag main wrote on 20-05-2010 21:21
really cool booth! love all your efx.
although i've got no clue of what you're saying above..
Flag tek-zotic wrote on 20-05-2010 21:24
we don't speak italian y know :D so i can't understand anything from what u were saying :D
Nice gear but the organisation is a bit to 'packed' imo
Flag Xurion wrote on 20-05-2010 21:13
Nice modded CDJ's! very cool!
Flag Dolivieira wrote on 21-05-2010 04:28
Flag LilQuint wrote on 21-05-2010 12:21
Nice booth!
Flag Mixt-Ape wrote on 21-05-2010 12:28
Flag L-Jay wrote on 21-05-2010 14:04
sorry for my language... translate all..... sorry for my english.

My console is set to the sound card Mixvibes U-MIX44 and finally to the laptop, so you can use with software VirtualDj?and others, but only to mix video. To use audio and prefer the dear old classical system whit CD. I hope you like Cool

Greetings to all friends of DJRESOURCE. Cool
Flag AdenFarleigh wrote on 22-05-2010 11:36
Very nice set indeed!!! Guess you spend a lot of time in there?!
Flag Helixon wrote on 22-05-2010 23:02
Nice booth, i dont like the DDM... but that's my opinion,

Please keep your laptop away from your speakers, Because of magnetic field generated by your speakers, you'll probably kill your main harddisk
and after a while it will stop working
Flag D3NiX wrote on 26-05-2010 15:30
het lijkt net alsof alles omvalt
Flag ElVrieso wrote on 26-05-2010 20:09
Lots of FX. xD

Nice gear, but I dont like the booth. It's a little bit a mess. :$
Flag Weety wrote on 30-05-2010 18:06
That tweakalizer rulezzz!Cool
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