Added by chimo 
10-03-2010 19:33 Vote :
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What do you think : chimo's DJ-Booth ??
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djchriz wrote on 10-03-2010 19:49amazing

timmy90 wrote on 10-03-2010 19:49woooooooowh

Dolivieira wrote on 10-03-2010 19:52F*cking Nice. I like the way the booth is build.
Vassilli wrote on 10-03-2010 20:02Oh my GOOOD! Amazing!! Nice Cdj stands :D (And the xone is amazing offcourse)
feestbeest wrote on 10-03-2010 20:14Your kidding'?
This is a paradise!
DJNazdrovje wrote on 10-03-2010 20:16Wow,
What a nice stuff.
You have it al: Vinyl, CD, Timecode

Xurion wrote on 10-03-2010 20:22No limits
A amazing booth!
chimo wrote on 10-03-2010 20:43
Kings wrote on 10-03-2010 21:06lampjes

Ilja wrote on 10-03-2010 21:10AMEN?

t-age wrote on 10-03-2010 21:17TO F*CKING AMAZING
lexiboy wrote on 10-03-2010 21:45
Estacy wrote on 10-03-2010 22:23DJM 600 on its side :p really awesome
main wrote on 10-03-2010 22:29amazing
djasper wrote on 10-03-2010 23:26NICEEEEEEEEEEEE
LibertyNL wrote on 11-03-2010 08:10Amazing Booth!
paultjeuh wrote on 11-03-2010 12:37amazing!! all those lights, very nice!!
walteur wrote on 11-03-2010 14:05heaven on earth
T-to-the-J wrote on 11-03-2010 16:57Ohh my god, it\'s so freaking amazing, dude
remixer wrote on 11-03-2010 18:22amazing XXXL booth?
djserge97 wrote on 11-03-2010 18:44nice booth my dream, and you have it! cool!!
what for speakers are you using?
Seca wrote on 11-03-2010 20:34Very nice gear!
Very many 19\\\" Units.. !
Ik zie dat deze spanjaard zijn rodec heeft vervangen door een xone

chimo wrote on 11-03-2010 20:45hello all, if the xone sounds much better than Rodec

Dolivieira wrote on 11-03-2010 21:01Ola, muchacho, Quanto dinero tienes?
Seca wrote on 11-03-2010 21:16Yeah, could be, Rodec has another 'sound' i think Xone sounds 'sharper'
chimo wrote on 12-03-2010 20:03Hola..djdolivieira..dinero

...jejejeje..mas bien poco,son muchisimos a?os de ahorar para tener lo que a mi me gusta,,,saludos.
chimo wrote on 12-03-2010 20:07xone really what you have is far more definition in the acute and severe, that house music is what it takes.
Dolivieira wrote on 12-03-2010 20:16Me gusta come tu construir su DJ booth. Es muy lindo. Saludos.
chimo wrote on 12-03-2010 20:43OK! alegro que te guste...,suena de lujo....chao.
Convert wrote on 15-03-2010 16:58This is just crazy, looks very nice!

Nothing else to say. :P
klock wrote on 18-04-2010 19:58this is just incredible ! Do you ever get out ?
thunderdome wrote on 10-07-2010 23:17ziekelijke plek met die lichten erbij dat is gewoon te gek netjes alles met traanplaat afgewerkt :P
Camino wrote on 11-07-2010 02:15Wow,this booth is downright sick... i'd love to see some more pictures

mp wrote on 11-07-2010 21:39this is paradise!!!
raindance-rob wrote on 05-09-2010 20:23thats some setup you'v got there mate

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