Walendziak's DJ-Booth

Added by Walendziak Flag on 30-01-2010 23:33

Enlarge : Walendziak's DJ-Booth

- Numark DM 1050
- Citronic CD-1.2

This is not a great set, but you can learn to play on it. I learn at least one hour per day. Happy, laughing

I collect a new CD players. Probably this will be 2x Numark NDX 200 or Axis 4.
Currently I have only 300 PLN. The need 1200 PLN. That is 4 times as much as I have.
I am only 14 years and it is difficult to me to earn the money. If someone wanted to help me: walendowski@gmail.com

I do not know if everything is well written. I write part of an interpreter. Yours Patryk!

PS: Do not attribute importance to the setting equipment DJ. I already have new jobs.
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What do you think : Walendziak's DJ-Booth ??

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There are 8 Comments

Flag Mixt-Ape wrote on 30-01-2010 23:36
Nice speakers!!!
Flag Medi wrote on 31-01-2010 00:34
No i dobrze jest xD
Flag dJORD wrote on 31-01-2010 09:33
lanf? sa a pou ke se yon lang?
Flag LilQuint wrote on 31-01-2010 10:05
Nice gear & Wall.
Flag main wrote on 31-01-2010 11:07
if i were you: buy numark axis 9's
Flag Dolivieira wrote on 31-01-2010 12:50
This is a nice starters booth. You got to be started somewhere, isnt it?
Walendziak wrote on 31-01-2010 15:30
@djdolivieira I would like play in club and on the radio internet.
@main In this price NDX's 400 better.
@dJORD Could English. ;]

On the wall find graffiti with my nickname. Toys belong to my younger brother. Winking my eye

THX everyone for answers!

Flag Convert wrote on 01-02-2010 17:33
Nice beginnersbooth! Winking my eye
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