Added by JayStone 
08-11-2009 11:56 
All you ever need!

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What do you think : Full DJ System ??
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Ilja wrote on 08-11-2009 11:59Awesome booth man, ?are you from Latvia ?
JayStone wrote on 08-11-2009 12:03tnx.... yea, im latvian!
Roov wrote on 08-11-2009 12:26Very nice booth!

I really like your 3700's
lek3ct wrote on 08-11-2009 12:44never seen that combinasion... looks prettier than 2cdj1000 i must say

Mixt-Ape wrote on 08-11-2009 13:02Nice setup those decks!
Ilja wrote on 08-11-2009 13:14@
JayStoneFunny I am also from Latvia ( but with Russian background )
Gery wrote on 08-11-2009 13:55you like the denon's? I tried one out a few weeks ago and I must admit I was pretty amazed with the real vinyl feeling. however the rubber play/cue knob's I found not that sensitive (in comparison with pioneer CDJ) and what bothers me most was (I'm used of technics) is that when pitching with the jog during these few minutes I touched the screen like 5 times with my hand. The screen comes to close to the moving platter... but perhaps that just me

main wrote on 08-11-2009 13:55NICE, denon dn-s3700

Estacy wrote on 08-11-2009 13:58you could've waited for the Denon DN-X1700 to come out, but still, awesome booth!
JollyJunkie wrote on 08-11-2009 14:51Estacy, the DN-X1700 is already out.
I like your booth, how do you use the DN-S's, with cd's, with a USB stick or MIDI?
Convert wrote on 08-11-2009 16:24Looks very nice the S3700's with the DJM-800.

JayStone wrote on 08-11-2009 16:30Thanks all!!!!@ GeryI think they are very comfy and its easy to use em! Mby thats just cuz im use to them! But, well......overall im happy wiht em!
dJORD wrote on 08-11-2009 19:19nice booth with the djm!! wat happend to the vestax???
dJORD wrote on 08-11-2009 19:19nice booth with the djm!! wat happend to the vestax???
JayStone wrote on 08-11-2009 21:17@ dJORDLOL i sold it!
T_G wrote on 09-11-2009 17:19Still think it's a weird combo
tom-j wrote on 09-11-2009 17:49nice booth mate! love it!
@ T_G:
why? because it's not full Pioneer?
Dolivieira wrote on 09-11-2009 19:05Awesome Booth, Jaystone Pioneer Mixer with 2 Denon CDplayers nice.
T_G wrote on 10-11-2009 14:34@ Tom-J
No that's not it. But you can't do the awesome tricks in combination with the DJM-800
JayStone wrote on 11-11-2009 14:26@ T_G
?Nope.......u can tho!!!

Yvaroz wrote on 11-11-2009 21:55Hoezo Relaxed:P
Snaad wrote on 30-11-2009 15:39Sweet stuff mate!
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