Full DJ System

Added by JayStone Flag on 08-11-2009 11:56

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All you ever need! Happy, laughing
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What do you think : Full DJ System ??

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There are 22 Comments

Flag Ilja wrote on 08-11-2009 11:59
Awesome booth man, ?are you from Latvia ?
Flag JayStone wrote on 08-11-2009 12:03
tnx.... yea, im latvian!
Flag Roov wrote on 08-11-2009 12:26
Very nice booth! Happy, laughing I really like your 3700's
Flag lek3ct wrote on 08-11-2009 12:44
never seen that combinasion... looks prettier than 2cdj1000 i must say Happy, laughing
Flag Mixt-Ape wrote on 08-11-2009 13:02
Nice setup mate...love those decks!
Flag Ilja wrote on 08-11-2009 13:14

Funny I am also from Latvia ( but with Russian background )
Flag Gery wrote on 08-11-2009 13:55
you like the denon's? I tried one out a few weeks ago and I must admit I was pretty amazed with the real vinyl feeling. however the rubber play/cue knob's I found not that sensitive (in comparison with pioneer CDJ) and what bothers me most was (I'm used of technics) is that when pitching with the jog during these few minutes I touched the screen like 5 times with my hand. The screen comes to close to the moving platter... but perhaps that just me Happy, laughing
Flag main wrote on 08-11-2009 13:55
NICE, denon dn-s3700Cool
Flag Estacy wrote on 08-11-2009 13:58
you could've waited for the Denon DN-X1700 to come out, but still, awesome booth!
Flag JollyJunkie wrote on 08-11-2009 14:51
Estacy, the DN-X1700 is already out.
I like your booth, how do you use the DN-S's, with cd's, with a USB stick or MIDI?
Flag Convert wrote on 08-11-2009 16:24
Looks very nice the S3700's with the DJM-800. Winking my eye
Flag JayStone wrote on 08-11-2009 16:30
Thanks all!!!!@ GeryI think they are very comfy and its easy to use em! Mby thats just cuz im use to them! But, well......overall im happy wiht em!
Flag dJORD wrote on 08-11-2009 19:19
nice booth with the djm!! wat happend to the vestax???
Flag dJORD wrote on 08-11-2009 19:19
nice booth with the djm!! wat happend to the vestax???
Flag JayStone wrote on 08-11-2009 21:17
@ dJORDLOL i sold it!
Flag T_G wrote on 09-11-2009 17:19
Still think it's a weird combo
Flag tom-j wrote on 09-11-2009 17:49
nice booth mate! love it!
@ T_G:
why? because it's not full Pioneer?
Flag Dolivieira wrote on 09-11-2009 19:05
Awesome Booth, Jaystone Pioneer Mixer with 2 Denon CDplayers nice.
Flag T_G wrote on 10-11-2009 14:34
@ Tom-J
No that's not it. But you can't do the awesome tricks in combination with the DJM-800
Flag JayStone wrote on 11-11-2009 14:26
@ T_G
?Nope.......u can tho!!!Smile
Flag Yvaroz wrote on 11-11-2009 21:55
Hoezo Relaxed:P
Flag Snaad wrote on 30-11-2009 15:39
Sweet stuff mate!
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