Added by MurphyBrouwn on
18-08-2009 09:55 Vote :
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What do you think : MurphyBrouwn's DJ-Booth ??
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Dolivieira wrote on 18-08-2009 09:58Nice?oemTT booth?with?Traktor, What are you plans in the future?
Ilja wrote on 18-08-2009 10:08Niceeeeeeeeee,?
I also have american audio 4.5?TT, ?soon will add the second one.
DJBas wrote on 18-08-2009 11:34nice booth!
and i like the way you have put your screen on the wall!
DJBas wrote on 18-08-2009 11:34
Estacy wrote on 18-08-2009 12:51American Audio FTW! I agree with DJBas, cool to see a screen on the wall instead of a laptop
JayStone wrote on 18-08-2009 15:30nice booth! Nuo 2.0 is a real small beast!
juless wrote on 18-08-2009 16:50nice setup, real clean.. like it :D
Ziax wrote on 18-08-2009 19:47Nuo 2 is awsome !
You scratch ?
Winston wrote on 18-08-2009 20:16Looks really nice and probably works pretty well.
MurphyBrouwn wrote on 18-08-2009 20:31FOR Ziax:
NUO 2.0 is great two-channel mixer. No I don?t scratch. I wanted quality mixer for little money..... ECLER IS!!
Adrien1989 wrote on 18-08-2009 21:05The Ecler is cute :P.
Mixt-Ape wrote on 18-08-2009 22:14Nice booth! Those Sennheiser headphones are really nice!!!
MurphyBrouwn wrote on 18-08-2009 23:01FOR Mixt-Ape:
Thanks*, sennheiser headphones are really great. Their
sound, construction, appearance... =great.
*Sennheiser forever*
Ziax wrote on 20-08-2009 21:16I know
, I even have one myself :p but not the 2.0 version. That one wasn't on the market yet.
Wouldn't want another brand to mix with. (only A&H I haven't tried yet
dJORD wrote on 22-08-2009 16:23shennheiser = headphone king.
clean setup, nice the way the srean is mounted.
Convert wrote on 23-08-2009 23:43Nice and clean! Mooie setup
Nood wrote on 24-08-2009 13:29I love the mounted screen! nice booth!
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