Complete Setup!

Added by JayStone Flag on 04-04-2009 02:18

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What do you think : Complete Setup! ??

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There are 23 Comments

Flag timmy90 wrote on 04-04-2009 07:47
nieuwe denons!
zalige spelers,
tevreden van?
Flag DJob wrote on 04-04-2009 08:24
vette denon's!!
Flag justjustin wrote on 04-04-2009 09:00
Het ziet er echt heeeel mooi uit, en toch vindt ik het niet zo lekkere gear...: - Veel te gevoellig, - Veel onzin knopjes, + mooi

Looks are very Nice, But i don't like to work with this gear: - to sensitive - al lot of bullshit buttons , + LOOKS
Flag tom-j wrote on 04-04-2009 09:08
ik denk niet dat hij NL begrijptWinking my eye!
He's italien!
i love your booth! how are the Denons??

New Denons!
Lovely CD-players,
are you happy with them?

awesome Denons!

It Looks Really nice, but still i don't like the gear this much! way too sensitive, lot's of bullshit buttons (that ain't english:p) + the looks
Flag DanielD wrote on 04-04-2009 10:09
the looks are a big plus. I have not yet had the pleasure to play with them.

maybe in the future.
Flag Mixt-Ape wrote on 04-04-2009 11:24
Italian? No, Irish!

Cool booth! Love that mixer...
Flag Tfvs wrote on 04-04-2009 12:48
looks amazing !
Flag JayStone wrote on 04-04-2009 15:18
@ tom-j - Thanks for translating! Smile
@ Timmy90 - Thanks, they are really good! Im not disapointed! I like them better than pioneer cdj 1000ts!
@ Justjustin - Its not sensitive, this deck is built more solid than previous denon decks and there isnt any "bullshit buttons", every button does one thing and they all usefull and easy to use! By the way, this is denons simplest deck!

DeteqBoy wrote on 04-04-2009 16:55
love those players, really nice!
Flag JayStone wrote on 04-04-2009 23:29
By the way, everything is in a "roadready" made flight case!
They are really solid and well built, i recomend them!Smile
Denon DN-S3700 is the same size as Pioneer CDJ1000,  so it fits good in flight case!
Check out - if interested!Cool
Flag timmy90 wrote on 05-04-2009 00:09
@ tom j

excuse me,

doesn't see it
Flag Convert wrote on 05-04-2009 10:27
Looks nice in that case Winking my eye
Flag DjVictorF wrote on 05-04-2009 13:10
Woow man! Love your booth!
Flag LouisCasper wrote on 06-04-2009 23:57
Those Denon's are really nice man!
Winston wrote on 07-04-2009 23:53
Aw pretty new booth
Flag TheHunter wrote on 10-04-2009 20:15
They have a lot of functions, but i don't like the ''apearence''. << (is dit een goede vertaling van uiterlijk:p??)
Flag Bart_ wrote on 10-04-2009 20:25
man, that's looks fucking amazingCool
absolutely my dreambooth...
But 899 euros for one DN-S3700 is to much for me...Cool
Flag Tekhead wrote on 12-04-2009 00:28
what does he cost in Ireland ?
Flag JayStone wrote on 14-04-2009 15:13
Like Bart_ said - 899 euros!Cool
Flag kuituhh wrote on 10-07-2009 11:21
lovely denons!
Flag Roov wrote on 10-07-2009 11:56
I love your denons!
Flag JollyJunkie wrote on 10-07-2009 14:13
I like them, but aren't the EQ knobs on your mixer a little small?
Flag Woudtje wrote on 10-07-2009 23:01
The Denon's rock!!! Only give then a?personal?with some clear vinyl and slipmats from glowtronics. Makes then even more beautifulCool.
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